You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"...Can you notice...I have reminded..." Ulchiola stood in the sky and looked down at the peaceful village below.

Ulchiola didn't start at the beginning, he still gave the innocent people in the village some reaction time, as long as someone noticed something was wrong and left, he would let them go.

But the fact is that no one left, everyone just treated this kind of thing as a rare event and didn't take it to heart.

"Then... the music has started... let you feel... the pressure of the rainstorm..." Ulquiola said coldly, floating in the air.

"What is that?" Ulqiola's figure was caught by a soul master.

When the people around this soul master heard such words, they turned their heads and looked at the place the soul master was pointing at. It was Ulqiola.

This is just right, anyway, Ulchiola didn't intend to hide his intentions, this time he was going to completely make humans feel fear.

"...Everyone...enjoy..." Ulchiola fell silent after speaking.

Mokfu also noticed Ulchiola, whose description was exactly the same as Zhang Yuan's description.

"Monster...Monster!" Mokover pointed to Ulquiola and cried out in panic.

Mokla and Mox looked at Mokover who was extremely emotional, and quickly covered his mouth, afraid of being noticed.

In fact, this is useless work. The entire village is under Ulquiola's perception, and there is no carelessness, all of which is under the control of Ulquiola.

Ulchiola didn't speak either, but silently looked at the crowd below. It was at this time that the atmosphere was the most oppressive.

After a while, Ulquiola finally moved something, his hand stretched out of the culottes pocket, and then snapped his fingers easily.

In an instant, an invisible huge pressure enveloped the entire village, and the space seemed to be distorted for a time, and the whole world turned gray.

"It's painful!"

All the people present were directly crushed on the ground by this huge pressure, and some were even directly crushed into meat sauce, and some people's internal organs had begun to shatter.

The soul master is better, the physical strength is much stronger than ordinary people, even so they still feel a huge pain.

"There are... the hard-supported... step up..." Ulchiola said coldly.

As soon as the voice fell, Ulqiola increased the strength of the spiritual pressure again, and even the soul master could not hold it anymore.

The bodyguards of the Mok brothers appeared in time to protect the three of them. Because of the soul saint, the bodyguard was strong enough, so the damage was not too great.

"What kind of monster is this?!"

Looking at the embarrassed people and the dilapidated village, Ulchiola finally stopped the release of the spiritual pressure.

Then, Ulchiola stepped down from the air step by step in front of everyone, and every step he took made people who were still conscious squeaked in their hearts.

Ulchiola is very sensitive, and he already knew the position of the three Mok brothers just now.The main goal of Urquiola's trip is them.

"That monster seems to be coming towards us, what should we do!" Mokover looked at Ulchiola who was approaching, becoming more and more frightened.

As the bodyguard of the three brothers, he feels a lot of pressure. As a bodyguard, what he wants to protect is the safety of his employer, but facing such a terrifying monster, he has no bottom.

Mox and Mokra didn't panic so much, they made a difference to each other, and quietly took Mokoff away.Only the bodyguard was left in place.First Literature Network

Because the bodyguard focused his attention on Ulchiola, he didn't notice the actions of the three Mork brothers.

The bodyguard's clothes were thoroughly soaked, and it was very cold when blown by the cold wind, but the coldness was far less than the coldness exuded by Ulquiola.

A bead of sweat on the bodyguard's forehead dripped into his eyes, irritating them with soreness, but he dared not close them.

As Ulchiola got closer and closer, the bodyguard wanted to make his body move, but found that he couldn't control his body.

"Why? My body is not under control?" The poor bodyguard still underestimated his fear of Ulchiola, and his whole body could not respond to his thoughts.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" The bodyguard was anxious, but it was a pity that he couldn't change anything no matter how anxious he was.

Ulchiola was already standing in front of the bodyguard, passing by him with a contemptuous glance, as if he did not take him seriously.

Bodyguards are not thinking about the safety of their employers now, so it is better to save their lives first.

The appearance of Ulchiola made his nerves numb, and he hadn't even noticed that his head was flying up at this moment.

"...Poor man..." Ulchiola left a faint sentence.

Ulchiola walked straight in the direction where the three Mork brothers fled. For these three most important guys, he didn't plan to drag it to the end.

In the luxurious house of the Mork brothers, they gathered all the guards they could find around them, planning to resist Ulchiola together.

Mox continued to comfort his younger brother Mokover, "It's okay, our guards are all real masters, and that monster can't get in!"

As he was talking, the door slowly opened, and it was Urquiola who walked in!

Mox was slapped in the face by the speed of light, and his words that originally wanted to comfort his brother Mokover made Mokover even more frightened at this moment.

As the eldest brother, Moxa can only stand up at this time. Although Mokla is not as timid as Mokoff, he obviously can no longer think rationally.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Mocks looked at Ulchiola who was standing at the door and asked loudly, and at the same time gave the guard around him a wink.

For a time, the whole house was filled with dazzling spirit rings, and every guard was ready to fight.

"...Seven spirit rings...Soul saint...Is this your confidence?" Ulquiola's eyes were still plain, as if he didn't put these guards in his eyes.

Mox clapped his hands. If you don't use the hard-trained Contra at this time, they will be ruined here today.

Two sturdy Contras came and stood beside Mox, one on each side.

"If you stop now, it will be too late. These two are our carefully cultivated Contras, and they are both about to enter the title..."

"...Extremely boring...I'm not interested in knowing about your rubbish things..." Ulquiola interrupted Mox's nagging, he didn't want to waste time with these guys here.

"Okay! If that's the case, let this monster go and never return!" Mox looked at Ulquiola who was so faceless, and completely tore his face.

Mokfee squatted in the corner, holding his head in his hands, his eyes blank, and he kept muttering: "It's useless...It will die..."

Mokes didn't care about comforting Mokoff, so he could only hand it over to Mokla. Thinking of this, Mokoff shook his head, his face covered with helplessness.

Mocks didn't know the arrangements of his younger brother Mokoff, only knew that Mokoff hired someone to go to the Star Dou Great Forest, because of his trust in Mokoff, Mox did not bother too much.

Who knew it happened!Looking at Mokover's appearance of six gods without a master, Mokover planned to ask him the reason afterwards.

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