You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!For Mokover, he knew the cause of all this, so he fell into fear too deeply.Mocks didn't have time to take care of his brother now, there was still an extremely dangerous guy to deal with.

"Take care of this guy and raise you for so long, it's time for you to show your value." Mox pointed to Ulquiola and gave instructions to the two feared Contras.

"Order!" After receiving the order, the two Contras attacked Ulquiola without saying a word.

They have received strict training, and they will not talk too much under any circumstances, and it is the same now. As a thug under the name of the Mork Group, he will not ask too much about the orders of his superiors.

The surrounding soul sages watched Contra take action, and consciously retreated to Mox. They couldn't influence Contra's battle, otherwise they would not be able to bear the blame.

Ulchiola silently watched the two Contras attacking him, doing nothing at all.

Regardless of what Ulquiola thought, the two Contras directly punched Ulquiola’s chest. The blow from the two Contras caused the entire building to shake, sending out There were creaking sounds.


Although the attack by the two of them just now was very fierce, they didn't cause much injury to Ulchiola, which was the reason for their doubts.

Ulchiola looked at the bloody place on his chest, " your attack like this?"

"What kind of monster are you...?" Both Contras were so shocked that they couldn't speak. It was obvious that with such a serious injury, how could this monster not be taken seriously.

Soon, the two Contras knew the reason, and in less than a second, the wound on Ulquiola's chest had completely healed. This was the power of overspeed regeneration!

"...Next... it's my turn..."

Ulchiola planned to use a trick to clear the field directly, so he flashed out of the building and stretched out a slender finger towards the whole building.

Countless dark green spirits gathered at Ulquiola's fingertips, and at the same time they produced huge spiritual pressure.

"This kind of crushing is coming again!" The three Morks felt this terrifying deterrence again.Fortunately, the surrounding soul sages are not vegetarian, and helped them in time to stop the oppression of the spiritual pressure.

But this Reiatsu is just a sign. The real main course is not this Reiatsu. Speaking of it, Reiatsu and Overlord's domineering are really pretending to be more practical than practical. If you are proficient, both will be very powerful weapons.

"Virtual flash!"

A dark green spirit energy beam with a diameter large enough to cover the entire building burst out from Urquiola's fingertips and pointed directly at the building in front of him.

Ulqiola's virtual flash can not be generalized with ordinary virtual flash. In all aspects, Ulqiola's virtual flash is enough to crush ordinary virtual flash.

At the moment when the virtual flash came into contact with the building, the building had no power to resist, and could only quickly collapse under the powerful power of the virtual flash.

Ulchiola's virtual flash was not only directed at this building, but even the large forest behind this building was penetrated.

Fortunately, the Mork Group’s houses occupy a relatively remote area, and there is no need to worry about causing too much damage. This village Ulchiola has a great use.Le Kan Novel

After everything subsided, the entire building disappeared completely, and only a deep gully on the ground could be seen. This blow directly destroyed most of the main force of the Mok Group.

Even if they had some remnants of generals left, Ulchiola didn't plan to hunt down, it was really troublesome.They can't get over any trouble anymore, there is no need to deal with it.

"Um...that's..." Ulqiola noticed that a shiny thing appeared in the gully, so he walked over, he was curious what it was that could resist a false flash.

The shiny things are very unique, like a small box, there should be some important things in it.The box seems to be covered with a layer of special energy, and it should be this special energy that blocked his virtual flash.

Ulchiola flicked the box lightly, and the box shattered unsurprisingly, containing several contracts-like things.

Sure enough, when the virtual flash ran out of energy to protect the box, Ulquiola was gently destroyed.

Ulchiola picked up these contracts and looked at it carefully. The Mork Group is engaged in the soul beast reselling industry, and there must be many people who cooperate with him.

I read about two or three contracts, all of whom were people Ulchiola had never heard of. When I turned to the last contract, I finally saw interesting information.

"... Wuhun Palace... Pope Qian Xun Ji..." Ulchiola muttered the name silently, and a trick came to his mind.

In the contract signed by the Mork Group and Chihiro Ji not only is the agreement on the soul beast, even Chihiro Ji also asked the Mork Group to help him find a beautiful woman. It seems that Chihiro Ji deserves the title of his beast. .

But this is indeed fortunate for Rota, he can just use this to smear Qianxunji's face, so that Qianxunji will completely lose his prestige.Of course, as to how to deal with him, Rota already had a general plan in mind.

After reading it, Ulchiola didn't throw away this contract. You must know that this is a powerful evidence, and it doesn't matter if other contracts are destroyed.

Ulchiola put the contract away, now is not the time to deal with this document, first deal with the mess in front of him.

After solving the main three people, Ulchiola came to the neighborhood of the busiest tavern. During this time, many people had begun to pack their things and prepare to run away, and they must have heard the movement just now.

Ulquiola floated in the air and watched. The busy crowd was shocked by a rein in the audience. After everything was quiet, he slowly said: "Introduce myself... My name is Ulchio. Pull... From now on everything here belongs to me... and above..."

Ulchiola didn't intend to let these people leave. He raised his hand to the sky, and countless dark green spirits fell and directly penetrated into the body of the people present.

"My could it be like this, save..." Before a man could finish his words, his whole body changed drastically, his body began to swell rapidly, his skin became dark, and a large white bone appeared on his face. The whole person seemed to have become a monster.

Such changes didn't just happen to him alone, the people who were hit by the dark green spirit all began to change, one by one turned into strange monsters.

When everyone turned into monsters, Ulziola said faintly: "...from now are all my can now change into the way you were before..."

The only person who survived the audience was the vendor who had sold Rota's dim sum, which was also deliberately spared by Ulquiola.

"There's one more... forget it..." Ulqiola stared at the vendor, and then stopped paying attention to it. It's a benevolence to do this.

Ulchiola transformed everyone in the village into imaginary, which is also an ability optimized by the system. Originally, imaginary is a kind of soul body, but after the system is improved, Urchiola can transform creatures For the sake of the vitality, in a more popular language, it is the virtual soul beast.

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