The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 162 Transition

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!The more Huang Yuan acted nonchalantly, the more worried Qian Daoliu was. He calmed down the turbulent aura in his heart a little bit and asked, "So, Huang Yuan, did you fight that guy? What was the result?"

"Hey duo, this, let's be considered a tie for the time being, but the old man suggested that he should try not to go to Xuye Village again. Such a guy should try not to provoke him~" Huang Yuan waved his hand and said helplessly.

"The old man finally reached an agreement with him. Let's not disturb them too much for the time being. If that guy is really irritated, the old man can't stop it~"

Huang Yuan's goal is to create the strength of Xuye Village, to make Qian Daoliu realize this, and to prevent Qian Daoliu from continuing to think about the problem of Xu Ye Village.Sometimes I am afraid that these guys will suddenly find something suspicious and cause bad things.

Qian Daoliu wouldn't doubt Huang Yuan's words, but he couldn't believe it, and with a glimmer of hope, he asked, "Are you serious about Huang Yuan?"

Huang Yuan nodded, with a tired expression on his face: "The old man has never been so serious. The soul beast is really not easy to mess with. The old man suggests to re-establish a new supply village~"

Qian Daoliu didn't say much, he just said something that he knew, and then asked Huang Yuan to go back to rest, and by the way, he paid Huang Yuan's salary.

Although Qian Daoliu believed Huang Yuan’s words very much, he still wanted to verify it himself, but from Huang Yuan’s words, the Xuye Village was really dangerous, and now the Wuhun Temple really can’t lose too much. .

Even Huang Yuan returned with injuries, and his strength was a little lower than Huang Yuan. Wouldn't it be that he would suffer more severe injuries in the past? This seems absolutely undesirable.

After thinking about so much, Qian Daoliu could only sigh, he really couldn't think of any other way, let's do as Huang Yuan said!

"Come here, order to go down and build a new supply base in the name of the Spirit Hall. Xuye Village is listed as a high-risk area, and Soul Masters are forbidden to pass!" Qian Daoliu ordered to proceed, and his subordinates would help him convey it on his behalf.

After Huang Yuan left the palace of the elders, he ran into Qian Renxue who was walking in the garden. Qian Renxue saw Huang Yuan hurriedly come up and greet him.

"Uncle Huang Yuan!"

"Oh, it's Xueer, are you taking a walk~" Huang Yuan asked with a grin.

"Yes, I just finished my training, come and relax! Hey! Uncle Huang Yuan, why is there a small blood stain on your face...!"

Huang Yuan thought that the wound was almost healed, but Qian Renxue discovered it.

"Well~ this was made when the uncle went to fight with a powerful soul~" Huang Yuan said with a smile.

"No, what kind of soul beast is so strong? Even you have been injured." Although Qian Renxue has never seen Huang Ape's real ability to shoot, she is definitely not weak to be a friend of Uncle Ban.

"It's really a strong and terrifying guy. I guess that guy Ban will have to recover some injuries if he goes, but don't worry, Uncle Huang Yuan is still slightly better~"

Huang Yuan's purpose in saying this is to make Qian Renxue feel relieved that he doesn't have to worry about him.

"Okay, I'll apply some medicine for you!" Qian Renxue was still very stubborn to apply medicine to Huang Yuan, which was obviously a minor injury.

Huang Yuan couldn't continue to refute Qian Renxue, so she waited obediently for Qian Renxue to get the medicine, "Hehe, Uncle Huang Yuanxue, lower your head!"

The sound was Qian Renxue, Huang Yuan also sighed helplessly, come on, Qian Renxue is happy, come on!

Huang Yuan sat on the stool and bent his body as much as possible. Even so, Qian Renxue stood on tiptoe before reluctantly applying medicine to Huang Yuan.

"Hehe, so there won't be any scars!"

With Huang Ape's physical fitness, even if it doesn't apply medicine, it will not leave scars. The reason why this wound did not disappear for a long time is entirely because the person who caused the wound was Ulchiola.

Ulquiola's offensive power was not covered, but Huang Yuan deliberately did not use any protection to take Ulquiola's blow.Starting point Chinese

However, this wound can be fully healed in one day at most, so there is no need to worry too much.

Afterwards Huang Yuan and Qian Renxue sat on the stools in the garden and chatted, and Qian Renxue told Huang Yuan what Maan had told her.

"Uncle Ban said he asked you to call me swordsmanship, hehe, now Uncle Huang Yuan can't be leisurely anymore!" Qian Renxue smiled happily.

Huang Yuan had already prepared. Jin Crocodile had already greeted himself before. During his retreat, Huang Yuan asked Huang Yuan to take care of Qian Renxue.

"Oh Duo, that guy Ban is really good at calling people, but you will be very hard in this way~" Huang Yuan said in a questioning tone, seeming to doubt Qian Renxue's perseverance.

Qian Renxue really took the bait. She clasped her hands and said seriously to Huang Yuan, "Uncle Huang Yuan, don't underestimate me, I will definitely not let you down!"

Huang Yuan looked at the confident Qian Renxue and didn't say anything. Since she has this confidence, that's a good thing, let's see if she can really persist as she said.

"Just now I have some time, so let's practice, but first find two wooden swords~"

Qian Renxue had just finished cultivating and originally wanted to take a good rest, but after hearing Huang Yuan's invitation, she put the rest aside and said with joy: "Okay, okay! Let's go find the wooden sword!"

After a while, Huang Yuan and Qian Renxue appeared in the martial arts field. This is the first time Huang Yuan has brought children to practice swordsmanship!

What's more abrupt is the height difference between the two people. The yellow ape who is three meters high and Qian Renxue who is less than 1.3 meters high form a great contrast.

Looking at the tall Huang Ape in front of him, Qian Renxue did not show timidity, but rather excited.

"Uncle Huang Yuan, I want to attack!"

"Come on~"

"Hey!" Qian Renxue whispered and rushed towards Huang Yuan.

Although she used a wooden sword, it didn't affect Qian Renxue's performance at all. In her opinion, all swords used were the same.

Huang Yuan saw the doorway of this attack. It was Qian Renxue's first spirit ability, and the angel assault was nothing but a wooden sword.

Although Qian Renxue's speed was not too slow at the same level, Huang Yuan did catch Qian Renxue's attack effortlessly.

"The speed is enough, but the strength is still slightly lacking~" Huang Yuan commented. Since it is teaching, it is natural to point out the deficiencies in the battle so that Qian Renxue can know what she lacks in time.

Seriously, Qian Renxue's sweet and lovely appearance is completely different. Now Qian Renxue is like a sharp sword, exuding courage.

"Very powerful, that's it~"

During the period of Huang Yuanxue, Qian Renxue took a few tricks, "Oh, oh, the force of this sword is wrong, pay attention to the posture of the arm~"

In this way, Huang Yuan pointed out Qian Renxue's mistakes while training.

Every time after Huang Yuan reminded him, Qian Renxue would never make the same mistake again, and had to admit that Qian Renxue's talent was really terrifying.

At this time Qian Daoliu just came out of the elder hall. Qian Daoliu didn't find Qian Renxue in Qian Renxue's room. She planned to take a look in the garden. She usually likes to stroll in it.

However, Qian Renxue was not in the garden, and when Qian Daoliu was still wondering where Qian Renxue was going, he suddenly heard a voice coming from the martial arts field.

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