The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 163 Time Flies By

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Qian Daoliu heard it, and it was Qian Renxue's voice that came from the martial arts field.

When Qian Daoliu came to the martial arts field and saw Qian Renxue who was practicing with Huang Yuan, he couldn't bear to disturb.Looking at the two harmonious people in the martial arts field, although they are training hard, the smiles on their faces are extremely bright.

"Hmph, Huang Yuan teaches well!" Qian Daoliu muttered a few words to himself and then turned and left. He didn't want to bother with such a beautiful scene.

Time flies, and four years of time have passed away in a blink of an eye. In the martial arts field, there are still two familiar figures.

"Uncle Huang Yuan, take the move! The first spirit ability, angel assault. Holy Hua sword energy. Penetrate!"

The 10-year-old Qian Renxue became more exquisite and lovely, but she also became sharper.

"Oh Duo, the strength is so great, I didn't expect to have been so proficient in armed domineering in three years~" Huang Yuan couldn't help sighing.

Three years ago, Huang Yuan gave some basic swordsmanship to Qian Renxue, and then started domineering teaching to Qian Renxue.However, because Qian Renxue was a native of Douluo mainland, he couldn't exert his full domineering power, but Qian Renxue's own improvement was also tremendous by practicing domineering.

"Hey, teacher, don't underestimate me, otherwise I will be surpassed soon!" Qian Renxue smiled and joked. She knew the gap between herself and Huang Yuan that was like a moat.

Huang Yuan also tried his best to let the sea go, Qian Renxue's progress was not trivial, and it only took four years to reach the level of the Soul Sect.Although the level of the soul sect is already very strong in the eyes of ordinary people, Qian Renxue's strength is still not enough in the face of Huang Ape, who is completely abused and titled.

The comparison also needs to be in the same level. As far as Huang Yuan feels, Qian Renxue’s current strength is enough to match the Soul Emperor, and he can also have the power to fight against opponents of the Soul Sage level, of course it can only be That kind of general soul saint.

The soul king-level opponent is no longer Qian Renxue's opponent. All this is attributed to Qian Renxue's own efforts. Although Huang Yuan has taught Qian Renxue many things, the essence is still Qian Renxue's hard work. Of her.

Huang Yuan taught the domineering and six navy styles in three years. For this reason, in the first year, Huang Yuan made Qian Renxue suffer.

In order for her to lay the foundation for the future learning of the six forms and domineering, it can be said that Huang Yuan had no intention of pitying and cherishing jade at all, and Qian Renxue suffered the torment of hell.

But now it seems that all of this is worthwhile, and Qian Renxue, who is only level 45, has obtained the actual combat ability that can rival the Soul Sage.

At first, Qian Renxue couldn't hold on, but she persisted in the end. There was a belief in her heart to support her, that is, she should not let Teacher Huang Yuan down.

It is precisely because of this belief that Qian Renxue has survived Huang Yuan's hellish devil physical fitness training.

Huang Yuan knew the development of the plot. In the future, when Qian Renxue and Tang San were in a decisive battle, Tang San was almost killed with a hidden weapon. It was simply outrageous.

At that time Qian Renxue had become a god, and was directly destroyed by Tang San's hidden weapon.This is why Huang Yuan would train Qian Renxue so much in the first year.

If Qian Renxue's physical strength is comparable to that of the monster in the pirate, and the hidden weapons can be carried casually, the armed color will cover the whole body, and the strong physical fitness, the hidden weapons will not work at all.

As for the iron bars, like Xiao Wu, Rota did not teach Qian Renxue at all.How many navies have been pitted by iron blocks, Huang Yuan will not make the same mistakes. Armed color and domineering are enough. The only people who use iron blocks are Kapu.

Qian Renxue is obviously not a villain like Karp, so it's better to use armed and domineering.

Speaking of Xiao Wu, Huang Yuan has been teaching Xiao Wu in the past four years. Xiao Wu deserves to be transformed into a one-hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast. His talent is also quite high. Although he is no better than Qian Renxue, he is definitely a genius. .

"Teacher, how is my progress?" Qian Renxue used a set of continuous sword skills to Huang Yuan, waiting for Huang Yuan's comment.

"Very good, your current swordsmanship is no better than you except for a few people. Of course, you only talk about swordsmanship and don't talk about others~" Tianping Novel Network

How could Qian Renxue not know the meaning of the sentence after Huang Yuan, "Hehe I know, I won't be proud."

"Well, that's good. Let's practice here today, let's go to dinner together~" Huang Yuan said after leaving Tian Cong Yunjian.

The current Huang Yuan and Qian Renxue no longer use wooden swords anymore, they both use their own abilities and soul skills.

"Okay, okay, but I have to go back after eating today. There will be something important in a few days!" Qian Renxue said happily.

When Qian Renxue was reminded like this, Huang Yuan suddenly remembered a big event that was about to happen.

"Oh Duo, it seems that you have already prepared how much~" Huang Yuan looked at Qian Renxue with relief.

I think Qian Renxue was still very naive back then, without his own opinion. Look now, Qian Renxue has planned a big drama independently.

"The preparations are almost done, and the hunting activities of the Tiandou royal family will be in two days. That is a good time!" Qian Renxue said confidently.

"Okay, the teacher is waiting for your good news~" Qian Renxue is a bit taller these years, because she is a girl, and she is only 1.5 meters tall, Huang Yuan can easily touch it. Qian Renxue's little head.

Qian Renxue's smooth long hair felt very good to the touch, and Huang Yuan couldn't help feeling it for a long time every time.But Qian Renxue didn't mean to object at all, and even she liked the feeling of being touched by Huang Yuan.

"What do you want to eat today, the teacher treats you, all you can eat~" Huang Yuan looked at Qian Renxue lovingly.

Qian Renxue made an um-um-hum sound when thinking, and said: "I think about Ao, I want to eat the teacher's meal!"

Huang Yuan originally planned to bring Qian Renxue to the restaurant, but Qian Renxue wanted to eat her own meal. It seems that she shouldn't make Mapo tofu last time.

However, since Qian Renxue wanted to taste her own craft, Huang Yuan would not refuse it. Sure enough, the food of the Great Heaven Dynasty is very popular everywhere!

"But you have to buy some food first, the food at home is not enough~" Huang Yuan usually cooks some food by himself if he is not lazy, but in most cases he eats at the restaurant, so the vegetables stored in the house are not not much.

"Teacher, why do you have to eat in a restaurant if you have such a good craft?" Qian Renxue has always had a question about this. It is clear that Mr. Huang Yuan’s own cooking is enough to compare to those cooked by so-called chefs, but not Know why I love to eat out.

"No, the teacher is usually too lazy to get used to~"

"Puff, puff, that's what I said!" Qian Renxue chuckled softly while covering her mouth. How could she forget the lazy characteristic of Huang Yuanxue.

After Qian Renxue ate a meal of hometown food made by Huang Yuanxue, Qian Renxue's appetite was nourished. The delicacies of the Tiandou royal family did not taste as good as Huang Yuan's food.

After buying vegetables, Huang Yuan washed his hands and started to cook when he returned home.I bought a lot of vegetables, just to make a sumptuous meal for Qian Renxue to taste, which is also considered as wishing Qian Renxue horse success in advance.

Qian Renxue was lying in front of the stove watching Huang Yuanxue cleaning the vegetables. Qian Renxue was very interested in Huang Yuan's every move.

Looking at the dedicated Qian Renxue, Huang Yuan suddenly had a funny idea, and said: "Oh, our Xiaoxue is also interested in cooking, is it going to capture that handsome boy in the future~"

When Huang Yuan said that, Qian Renxue's face was flushed red like a ripe apple.

"Teacher, hate it, tease me again!"

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