The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 164: The Time Is Almost

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Huang Yuan cooked Qian Renxue a sumptuous meal, and Qian Renxue enjoyed it once and was all right.

Even if Qian Renxue was already eating very hard, there was still a lot left in the end. It was really uncomfortable to look at the delicious food but couldn't eat it.

Even if Qian Renxue wanted to continue eating, her stomach would not allow it.

"Next time you want to eat it, eat it again. Don't eat too much at once, it will hurt you~"

You can’t eat too much good food at once, otherwise you will get tired easily.

"Okay, you know, teacher!"

After digesting for a while, Qian Renxue got up and prepared to return to Heaven Dou Imperial City. Her current identity was the maid by the Prince Xue Qinghe of the Heaven Dou Empire, and she couldn't leave for too long.

"Teacher, I will come back to see you when I have time. I'll go back first!" Qian Renxue happily said goodbye to Huang Yuan. Every time I spent with Huang Yuan was very happy.

"Oh Si, I wish your plan a success, come on~" Huang Yuan also smiled and waved goodbye to Qian Renxue.

After Qian Renxue left Wuhun City, she also started to work. For Qian Xun Ji, he had enough time left.

Huang Yuan immediately contacted Ulchiola with the phone bug, "Little Usang, are you all ready there~"

"...No problem...At any time...The news is also released..."

"Oh Duo, that's good, Chihiro Ji only has so many crimes~"

"Yes... I gave you all..."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Little Wusang~" Huang Yuan hung up the phone with a grin.

It seems that the plan is very complete, and without accident, Huang Yuan speculates that Chihiro Ji will not be able to help but make a move soon.

At this time, the phone worm that just hung up rang, and Huang Yuan picked it up and said as always: "Moses Moses, this is Huang Yuan~"

"Yellow Ape, I am Bibi Dong! Do you already have a plan?" Bibi Dong has been expecting Qianxun Ji to die, but Madara and Yellow Ape kept telling her not to worry and they will deal with it.

But after four years of waiting, she couldn't help but feel a little anxious, so she called Huang Yuan to inquire.

"Bibi Dong, don't worry, the old man and Madara will start to take action in the near future, but you have to be prepared~" Huang Yuan said meaningfully.

As the person involved, Bibi Dong naturally knew what Huang Yuan meant. She had already prepared properly, and she had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

"Reassure, Bibi Dong, believe the old man and Ban, no problem~" Huang Yuan assured Bibi Dong, he knew Bibi Dong's hatred for Chihiro Ji.

"...I definitely believe you, you are the people I trust the most, and never let me down, I was too anxious..." Bibi Dong also realized his gaffe.

"It's nothing, wait patiently, it will be soon, maybe it will be these two days~"

Huang Yuan is ready for a long time, the news has already spread, everything depends on when Qian Xun Ji makes a decision, but it is certain that Qian Xun Ji will not be able to bear it sooner or later. This news is definitely attracted to him. .

There are two important actors, Tang Hao and A Yin, in this "performance". It's a pity that Huang Yuan doesn't plan to tell them the script. Everything depends on their performance.

To be on the safe side and to be able to completely seduce Chihiro Ji, their behavior must be natural. If Huang Yuan tells them the script in advance, it will definitely appear unnatural.

Ghosts and Yueguan don't need to worry, they were fooled away by Huang Yuan a long time ago, and they don't know how to be sick.The good news is that after Huang Yuan's enlightenment, Guiju and Guiju should now become Guiju Douluo. They successfully broke through to level 91 and achieved the title in 4 years.Qishu Novel Network

Everything for Huang Yuan is ready, there is only one thing to do now, and that is to wait patiently.

In the papal hall, Chihiro is sitting on the throne. He has been worrying about something recently.His partner Mox told him a shocking news.

The elder Tang Hao of the Wuhun Hall was surrounded by a one-hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast named A Yin, a very beautiful woman.

Speaking of Tang Hao, Qian Xun Ji was deeply impressed, and Huang Yuan himself recruited him.Over the years, Tang Hao had also completed many tasks arranged by the Spirit Hall.

"Okay, Tang Hao! I didn't expect to conceal a hundred thousand year soul beast under my eyelids, and didn't put me in my eyes at all!" The place where Qianxunji is angry is that every time he comes to the Spirit Hall, Tang Hao was alone, and he had never heard of a woman accompanying him.

"One hundred thousand year spirit beast, that's a baby, let alone a great beauty!" Chihiro Ji was greedy, his ninth spirit ring originally wanted to make a one hundred thousand year spirit ring, but in the end it was only Get a glorious sword-toothed tiger that will be 95,000 years old.

Although Chihiro Ji could no longer absorb the spirit ring, this did not affect his possessive desire for beautiful things in the slightest.

"Tang Hao, if you hide so deeply, then I will take away the things you treasure!" Qianxunji's face became more and more gloomy.

The next day, in the Pope Hall, Qianxunji publicly announced Tang Hao's betrayal of the Wuhun Hall.Although many members of the Hall of Souls do not know the real situation, this is after all an order from the Pope, and they will not question it rashly.

Qian Xun Ji's plan to deal with Tang Hao is not fake, but Tang Hao's strength should not be underestimated. It is said that now he can break through Title Douluo with only one spirit ring.

To be on the safe side, Qianxun Ji brought two Ghost Ju, two 91-level elders, plus his 95-level strength, the problem shouldn't be big!

Ghost Ju Douluo knew the script, so he proposed: "Under the crown of the Pope, you also know that Tang Hao was invited by Huang Yuan to worship. If this happened, it would be better to call Huang Yuan to worship. He compares Know Tang Hao's strength!"

Chihiro nodded unconsciously after hearing the words of the two of Gui Ju. Indeed, what they said made sense.

"Okay, Yueguan, go and notify Huang Yuan!"

With Huang Yuan's help, Tang Hao would not be able to catch them easily.

"Obviously!" Yueguan soon came to the Palace of the Elders.

At the entrance of the Elder Hall, Huang Yuan seemed to have been waiting for a long time. He saw the appearance of Yueguan and said, "Presumably that guy has taken the bait~"

"Yes, Huang Yuan enshrines, Qian Xun Ji has acted according to your idea, now send me to invite you!" Yue Guan also smiled slightly after speaking.

"Then let's go, it's a long time to wait~" Huang Yuan walked towards the Papal Palace with Yueguan.

Chihiro Ji was thinking about Ah Yin's whole mind now, and he didn't notice any abnormality in this matter.

"One hundred thousand year soul beast, it will soon be mine!"

In Qianxun's eyes, Tang Hao would never be his opponent.Not to mention that Tang Hao hasn't reached the title yet, even if he reaches Qian Xun Ji, he doesn't worry.

Not to mention his own helper, it is easy to deal with a Tang Hao on his own. Although he has a hundred thousand year soul beast by his side, he is not enough to see it in front of him.

Chihiro Ji feels very good about him and is full of confidence.

Indeed, according to the general law of spirit master level, Chihiro Ji’s idea is not a problem at all. Level 95 Douluo is already in the ranks of Super Douluo, and it is not too much to pick two new titles. trouble.

What's more, Qian Xun Ji brought Ghost Ju and Two Douluo to help out this time, and the most important thing was that Huang Yuan came, it would be more secure.

It's a pity that Chihiro Chi is still thinking too well~

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