The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 165-Tang Hao Besieged

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"The Pope's crown!" Yueguan said "respectfully" toward Chihiro Ji. Now that she hasn't turned her face, Yueguan naturally has to use her honorific name.

Chihiro Chinji didn't care much about Yueguan's words, so he was tired of hearing such words every day.Chihiro Ji cared about the familiar figure behind Yue Guan.

"Yellow Ape enshrinement, it's been a long time, how good is your body?" Chihiro Ji greeted Huang Ape.

"Well~ it's that way, so-so~" Huang Yuan also replied politely.

"It seems that you are still the same, but you know what happened today, about Tang Hao!" Qianxun Ji didn't want to be too long, so he should start the topic as soon as possible.

How could Huang Yuan not know what happened, but now is the time to test his acting skills.

"When I heard this news, the old man still didn't quite believe it, after all, Tang Hao is not bad~"

"Yes, that's all things from the past, just relying on him to deceive the Spirit Hall is enough to convict him."

Huang Yuan knows what Qianxun Ji is really thinking, and can tell the bad things extremely justice, Huang Yuan really can't find anyone else, Qian Xun Ji is still very powerful.

Huang Yuan couldn't help but mourn for Qian Xun Ji in silence for a few minutes. This silly critic is still kept in the dark.A group of four people, three people paddling the water, if this lineup Chihirouji can succeed, it is really strange!

However, you still have to do a full set of acting, at least after Chihiro Chi is on the stage before the truth can be revealed.

It was during this period of time that I had to be wronged by Brother Tang Hao, who can play more realistically without a script!

"If there is no problem, let's go!" Chihiro gave out instructions with high spirits.

Mocks had already told Qian Xun Ji about Tang Hao's intelligence, otherwise how could Qian Xun Ji lead the way with such confidence.

"Pope Sang, do you already know where Tang Hao is~" Huang Yuan asked when he came to Qianxunji's side.

Qianxunji smiled triumphantly, "This time the intelligence is very accurate. I have a secret partner who has already told me Tang Hao's intelligence! This time Tang Hao must not escape!"

Although Huang Yuan looked expressionless, he was already holding a smile in his heart. Chihiro Ji’s secret partner was Mox, and Mox...not much to say, Huang Yuan is afraid that he will break the power if he continues to think about it.

"The Hundred Thousand Years Soul Beast didn't get it last time, this time I must take it away!" Qian Xun Ji still fantasizes about the future, it seems that everything will be as he wants.

"Pope Sang, will you do it directly or..."

"Huang Yuan, what do you think?" Qianxun Ji felt that Huang Yuan must have something to say.

"Well, what the old man wants is to have a chat with Tang Hao. If you can talk about it, it's best. It's not too late if you can't say it. After all, it's too troublesome to do it~" Huang Yuan said lazily.

Qian Xun Ji is not surprised, this is Huang Yuan's nature, not lazy, it is not called Huang Yuan.

"Okay, it's okay!" Chihiro Ji felt that it was nothing, anyway, he was bound to win.

"This direction is to Notting City, maybe Tang Hao is there~" Huang Yuan asked very casually.

It doesn’t matter if you’re still on your way anyway, “According to intelligence, Tang Hao and the one-hundred-thousand-year soul beast named Ah Yin will pass through Notting City, so we only need to block them outside Notting City!”

"Well, your secret partner's intelligence is quite accurate~" Huang Yuan couldn't help but praised, anyway he praised himself.

It's a pity that Chihiro Chi will be wrong and raised his head, "That's right, my vision is not bad! Okay, hurry up!" Lazy listen to books

At the same time, Tang Hao and A Yin walked slowly on a secluded road outside Notting City, but this time it was not two but three.

A Yin still holds a child in his arms, and it seems that the two have already formed the crystallization of love.

"Hao, what would you say to give the child a name?" A Yin asked Tang Hao with joy.

"I'm not very good at this, you should come and get it!" Tang Hao scratched his head, he was good at fighting hammers, and naming things was still a bit difficult for him.

"Why don't you go to the Star Sky Secret Realm and ask Feiyu He Jue, they know a lot!" Tang Hao said weakly. To be honest, he didn't know if Ah Yin would look at himself with strange eyes.

"Go to the Secret Realm of the Star Sky? But there is Madara's place. Although we also have the control, it's okay to go in without saying hello!" A Yin thought for a while, still felt that he shouldn't bother rashly.

If the owner of the Star Sky Secret Realm was the Yellow Ape, they wouldn't be so taboo, the spots really felt too cold.

"Or maybe it's Tang...well...think about it..." Tang Hao planned to consider it again.

Suddenly, Tang Hao shielded Ah Yin behind him, "Be careful, there are several powerful guys quickly approaching us!"

A Yin also looked around guardingly, her strength was not weak.

In an instant, four figures appeared on top of Tang Hao's head, and Qian Xun Ji, led by him, spoke first: "Long time no see, Tang Hao!"

Tang Hao took a careful look at the remaining three people at this time, "Yueguan, Guimei and Huang...ape..."

Tang Hao stammered when he saw Huang Yuan. Why would Huang Yuan also appear? Things became uncontrollable in an instant.

A Yin hides behind Tang Hao. She is a hundred thousand year soul beast and must not be exposed. Obviously Qian Xun Ji did not come with kindness, and she didn't want to cause Tang Hao trouble because of herself.

"No need to hide, I already know your identity! I didn't expect that a soul beast would still fall in love with humans. The soul beast has only one role-to become the nourishment for our progress!" Chihiro Ji was shocked! Speaking to Tang Hao and A Yin.

A Yin couldn't think that his identity was discovered so quickly. Tang Hao looked at A Yin behind him, gritted his teeth, and made up his mind.

"I don't know what happened to the Pope who came here in person?" Tang Hao is ready to tear his face with Qian Xun Ji. If Chi Xun Ji is really going to have trouble today, for A Yin and the child, he Fight desperately!

Qian Xun Ji looked at Tang Hao with a decisive look below, and couldn't help but laugh. The laughter contained contempt for Tang Hao, "Tang Hao, Tang Hao, everyone says you are a genius, but you seem to be an IQ. Not enough!"

Tang Hao gritted his teeth, if it weren't for Huang Yuan to be beside him, he would want to give Qian Xun Ji a hammer.

The two Title Douluo of Ghost Ju were both at level 91. Although he was only at level 90 and had fewer spirit rings, he had no problem dealing with them.Even Qianxun Ji, he Tang Hao is not empty.

"You don't know what a hundred thousand year soul beast means, do you?" Qianxunji asked playfully.

"Hmph, the ways are different, don't seek each other! I only know that I love her!"

Huang Yuan knew that Qianxunji had broken up with Tang Hao by looking at the situation, and that it was time for him to play.

"Well~ Brother Tang Hao can’t say that either. The spirit beast’s role is indeed the same as the pope’s said, but you have misinterpreted it. Listen to the old man’s words and hand in Ah Yin~" Huang Yuan said to me. You kindly persuade Tang Hao with a good appearance.

"Is this your attitude? Brother Huang Yuan..." Tang Hao asked dullly looking at Huang Yuan in the distance.

Especially A Yin behind Tang Hao was also a little unwilling. Why did Huang Yuan be like this? Did he pretend to look like this before?

"Brother Tang Hao, you have to understand the old man. After all, human beings and soul beasts are a big joke in the world~" Although Huang Yuan said that, he already thought that after the matter was over, he would cook a meal and make up for it. Take a look at their injured heart!

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