The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 169: We Found a Place

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Ulqiola, who had been silent, suddenly opened his mouth and sent out an invitation. The purpose of establishing Xuye Village was to protect soul beasts. If A Yin could enter Xuye Village, it would be a great help for Xuye Village.

The name of Xuye Village has been circulating in the past four years, and many spirit masters with the spirit of "adventurous (death)", regardless of the orders issued by the Soul Hall, still enter the Xuye Village by their own way to find out.

The end result is that no one can survive...

Of course, this is a phenomenon that outsiders think, but in fact these guys are nothing more than Ulquiola.These soul masters who had become imaginary were unable to leave Ulquiola's control, so they couldn't go back.

This also made the outside world feel very scared of Xuye Village, and coupled with the establishment of another supply point in the Wuhun Temple, not many people were willing to enter the Star Dou Great Forest from Xuye Village.

Ah Yin also felt very surprised. She never expected that Ulchiola would invite herself to stay in Xuye Village.

"How is this suitable, let alone my lover is not a soul beast..."

Ulqiola looked at Tang Hao, Tang Hao didn't have the habit of killing soul beasts indiscriminately, so there was nothing wrong with letting him live in Xuye Village.

"...It doesn't matter... Your husband can make an exception to live in..." Ulchiola said flatly.

A Yin looked at Tang Hao and still refused Urquiola's invitation, "Mr. Urquiola, thank you very much for your kindness, but we have found a suitable place to live!"

Ulqiola didn't speak but looked at A Yin and Tang Hao silently. He didn't mean to force others. He just gave them a suggestion anyway.

"Um...this way...then as you like..."

"Also...Yellow Ape... I said you don't come again..." Ulchiola immediately pointed the finger at Yellow Ape.

Huang Yuan didn't want to fight anymore, the matter had been resolved, and he should also be annoying.

No, Huang Yuan raised his hands and said without fighting intentions, "Hey hey hey, this old man will be a man~"

Huang Yuan didn’t have much to say. It’s almost the same. Before he left, Huang Yuan turned around and said, “The next day, he will send some condolences to his subordinates. Once you find a good place to live, use the phone bug to inform the old man. ~"

After all, under Ulquiola's cold eyes, the yellow ape turned into a flash and flew away.Of course Huang Yuan took Chihiro Ji's body back with him.

The current Chihiro Ji had no personal appearance, but the spirit power in his body had not completely dissipated. These spirit powers were better than letting him dissipate, as Bibi Dong swallowed.

It can be regarded as the only value of Chihiro Ji, as a stepping stone for Bibi Dong.Although it is not a problem to blatantly kill Chihiro Ji with Huang Yuan's strength, Huang Yuan doesn't care about the rumors, but these rumors will have a great influence on Bi Dong's superiority.

Regarding the background, Chihiro Ji had been away from Bibi Dong for several blocks. If it hadn't dealt with the holy child before, maybe Chihiro Ji would let the dead holy child inherit the position of the pope.

This is also the reason why Huang Yuan worked so hard. He didn't want to be often isolated after Bibi Dong came to power. Such a pope is meaningless, and everyone must be supported and convinced.

Huang Yuan couldn't use force to persecute all the hall members of the Wuhun Hall, it would be too violent and troublesome!

Huang Yuan has now arranged everything in order, and he is left to go back and implement this last step.

After Huang Yuan left, Ah Yin looked at Urquiola and asked with some doubts: "Mr. Urquiola, do you know Huang Yuan? It seems that there is some misunderstanding between you!"

Ah Yin is good at observing and has long seen some unusual places between Ulquiola and Yellow Ape.

"Yellow Ape... Four years ago we had a hand... We agreed not to invade each other... Of course it's just my area..."

Now Ah Yin understood. It turned out that what happened was like this. She also wondered if Ulchiola and Huang Yuan would have any deep misunderstandings. If this is the case, she plans to help Huang Yuan speak nice things. .

"Okay... I'll send my men to escort you..."

A Yin thought for a while and agreed. Tang Hao went through a fierce battle, which was quite expensive, and it was okay to be escorted.

"In that case, we thanked Mr. Ulqiola!" A Yin thanked Ulqiola on behalf of Tang Hao.

Tang Hao knew that he was not a soul beast, so he should try to interrupt as little as possible. Moreover, with his social skills...

Seeing that Ah Yin hadn't rejected his proposal, Ulchiola snapped his fingers, and for an instant, three huge monsters with black bodies and white bone masks suddenly appeared beside him.

"You guys escort Miss A Yin... and her lover... from now on to listen to their orders." After the order, Ulquiola didn't stay long and disappeared.Although he didn't pull Ah Yin into Xuye Village, Ulqiola was not stingy, and still gave them three Xus.

"This gentleman is really cold!" A Yin could also see Ulquiola's character from the brief conversation.In her opinion, Ulchiola is the kind of cold-hearted person who is of course towards her own situation.

"Hao, our child will be called Tang San in the future, not to mention that this name is really meaningful!" A Yin didn't know what was going on, but felt that this name was quite appetizing.

"I hope I won't be a naughty little guy in the future!" Tang Hao finally let go and smiled.The things I experienced on the road finally ended in a relatively satisfactory way.

Tang Hao and A Yin were sitting on a collapsed tree trunk around Xuye Village, surrounded by three huge virtual bodies like bodyguards.

"Mr. Ulchiola is a very caring person. We did not do what he wished. He still gave us such a gift... You can come to see him often in the future, and I feel that he is very lonely alone." His emotions are still relatively delicate, but she feels that she and Tang Hao are being taken care of by Ulquiola, and they can't always receive the kindness of others without knowing the reward.

Tang Hao nodded. On this matter, he agreed with Ah Yin's point of view, "Well, Mr. Ulquiola is a friend worthy of deep friendship. We may have to bear with him in the future!"

A Yin hugged Tang San and leaned on Tang Hao’s shoulders, closing his eyes and saying softly, “Yes, few soul beasts can do this to Ulqiola. It’s better to counterattack humanity. See you for the first time. Of course, you can't do it without strong strength!"

A Yin is a soul beast-transformed person who is very sensitive to the aura of a soul beast. What she feels from Ulqiola is huge pressure and a bottomless pit like an abyss.

"Speaking of, Hao, what is the name of the village you are talking about?"

"Oh, that village is called Shenghun Village, it's very secluded and leisurely, suitable for seclusion!" Tang Hao put his arm around A Yin's fragrant shoulders and gently kneaded.

"It's good to be free, but now there is one important thing!"

"What's the matter?" Tang Hao really couldn't think of anything else. He had only experienced such a big event just now. He didn't know what was more terrifying than such an escape.

A Yin nodded Tang Hao's mind, "You! Your ninth spirit ring is not there yet!"

"Yes! I'm sorry I just forgot!" After reminding Tang Hao, he remembered his original plan with A Yin.He originally planned to go into seclusion after obtaining the ninth spirit ring, but as a result, there was an accident of being pursued and killed by Qianxun.

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