You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Because Huang Yuan's intervention succeeded in preventing Ah Yin from offering sacrifices, there were good and bad things, and Tang San didn't have to start the game without a mother. Of course, it was actually not good.The disadvantage is that Tang Hao's ninth ring is not necessarily one hundred thousand years old.

A Yin looked at Tang Hao, thinking about some complicated things, but if she did that, Tang Hao would definitely be the first to object.

Looking at Tang Hao, who was still thinking about it, A Yin looked at the three voids behind him, and asked, "Do you have any ideas?"

Ah Yin didn’t know if they could understand what she was saying, so she asked casually. She felt that for a talented person like her lover Tang Hao, the ninth spirit ring must not be too ordinary, but where to find the 100,000 year spirit beast , She is the only one who can help Tang Hao...

After hearing Ah Yin’s question, the three virtual people looked at each other. They were specially created by Ulqiola. Their intelligence and strength were much better than ordinary spirit beasts, but there were obviously some problems. Embarrass them.

After thinking about it, A Yin still intends to tell Tang Hao his thoughts. Compared to himself, Tang Hao is more likely to become a god!In this way, they can stay together forever.

"Hao, I have some thoughts about your ninth spirit ring..."

How could Tang Hao not know Ah Yin's thoughts, and directly blocked what she wanted to say next, "Don't even think about such thoughts!"

A Yin knew this was the case. Tang Hao cared very much about himself, and it was impossible for him to do such a thing.But some things still have to be faced.

"Hao, after you listen to me, do you also know what the soul beast is for?"

"These two are not the same, even if you say so..." Tang Hao knew that what A Yin said was the truth, but how could he bear it!

"Compared to me, with your talent, Hao must be able to become a god. Anyway, I will always be with you by my side, don't worry! In the end, I will always be together!" A Yin gently leaned on Tang Hao. He spoke slowly.

Tang Hao clenched his fists tightly, honestly he didn't know what to do!but……

Suddenly, Tang Hao remembered a place that he had neglected. Yeah, how could this place be unexpected!

"A Yin, don't worry about this matter! We'd better go to the Star Sky Secret Realm and ask Feiyu and Bai Jue if there is a better way!" Tang Hao still tried his best not to let A Yin take risks, if he didn't go well. Becoming a god, wouldn't it be worthy of failing Ah Yin forever, so that the gain is not worth the loss, and it is just a spirit ring.

"Alright!" A Yin thought for a while and still planned to follow Tang Hao's intentions. After all, if Tang Hao was unwilling, that would not be right.

Although Tang Hao and A Yin didn't want to enter Madara's territory rashly, this matter really brooks no delay right now!

"You just wait here for a while!" Ah Yin ordered to the three heads.

After that, Tang Hao took Ah Yin into the long-lost Star Sky secret realm!

In the secret realm of the star dome, the magnificent tall buildings give people a visual shock, but in fact there are only two people in such a big secret realm, Feiyu and Bai Jue.

Because Tang Hao and A Yin had administrator rights, they came directly to the door of the laboratory. They would not enter directly, but also to avoid disturbing Feiyu and Bai Jue.

Tang Hao stepped forward and knocked on the door of the laboratory, only to hear a noisy noise inside, it should be Feiyu or Bai Jue who came across something when opening the door!

"Oh, rare guest! Tang Hao, A Yin is gone!" Feiyu opened the door and greeted Tang Hao and A Yin happily.

"Actually, this time..." Tang Hao was interrupted by Feiyu just as he wanted to say something, "Don't worry, come in and sit down and speak slowly!" Huaxiu Chinese

Tang Hao also realized that he was a little too anxious and lost some courtesy, but fortunately they didn't care.

Feiyu introduced Tang Hao and Ah Yin into the seat in the laboratory for people to rest, and made three cups of tea along the way.

"I have to say, your speed is really fast. In an instant, there are children. By the way, they are very cute!" Feiyu held the teacup and looked at Xiao Tang San in A Yin's arms.

A Yin and Tang Hao were also very happy to hear that Feiyu was complimenting their children. What parents hope most is that someone compliments their children, so that they will also have more face.

"Thank you for your compliment, but I still need your help this time!" Tang Hao didn't greet too much, and he couldn't feel relieved if the main problem was not solved.

Feiyu could see a little dignity from the faces of Tang Hao and A Yin, and he guessed something was going on.

"If there is any trouble, we can definitely help as much as we can!" Feiyu did not stingy on his enthusiasm. As a friend, although contact is not too much, he can help as soon as he can. People in the world have to each other. help.

Tang Hao calmed down his mood first, and told Feiyu what had just happened.

"Yeah...that means you want to find a way to solve your ninth spirit ring problem with both sides!" Feiyu said directly that Tang Hao and A Yin are currently the most distressed. Things.

"Yes, so we want to know if there is a better way!"

Feiyu smiled softly, and said to Tang Hao with ease: "This is a favor, I can help! In fact, I also want someone to help us verify the new results we have discovered."

A light burst from Tang Hao's obscure eyes, and said excitedly, "Really?"

The moment Feiyu said it was okay, he became optimistic.Ah Yin was no exception, and looked at Feiyu excitedly.

Feiyu didn’t have the idea of ​​selling Guanzi, and said straight to the point: “This method was researched by Bai Jue and I through ancient documents. It is a sublimation of the companion Horcrux. Once the companion Horcrux finds its host, it will become a host weapon. Part of the soul, can you understand this explanation?"

Tang Hao nodded, he understood Feiyu's meaning, that is to say, Explosive Hammer became a member of the Clear Sky Hammer's martial arts spirit, even though he was a Horcrux.

"Very well, let me go on! We found a way to upgrade the companion Horcrux, that is, through a kind of companion Horcrux sublimation fluid to make the companion Horcrux undergo a qualitative change. After the qualitative change, the companion Horcrux can save the soul beast. All characteristics, including soul, body, spirit ring, etc.!"

At this point, Tang Hao and A Yin already understood. Tang Hao was pleasantly surprised: "In other words, as long as the companion Horcrux is biochemically transformed, if A Yin becomes my spirit ring, he won't be harmed?"

Feiyu looked at the two people who were looking forward to it, and did not disappoint them. "Based on various materials and evidence, I can tell you for sure that there is no danger! In fact, there is another point. The companion Horcrux borrows parts of the soul beast's body. It’s made of materials and fits the soul beasts well, so don’t worry about hurting Ah Yin.”

Feiyu's words undoubtedly gave me Tang Hao and A Yin a reassurance, so they already had an idea.

"In fact, I highly recommend this approach, because the companion Horcrux has chosen you, which proves that you have a fate with it, and it recognizes you! If you choose a soul beast that communicates with you, there may be something better. I also want to know!” Feiyu suggested Tang Hao mainly because the method was safe enough, and secondly, he wanted to see the follow-up results.

Now that Feiyu said so, Tang Hao also made a decision!

Tang Hao looked at his aunt affectionately, and asked gently: "A Yin, are you willing?"

"of course!"

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