The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 171 Xiao Wu said he didn't want to talk

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Seeing the two of them whose faces gradually eased, Feiyu felt that there was still one thing to say, after all, this was the most important step in realizing this plan.

"Okay, now the most important step is coming! That is the problem of sublimation liquid. Bai Juefan and I have learned the formula of sublimation liquid, and currently we lack an important material!"

It's just a piece of material and it's nothing. For Tang Hao, even if this step is going up to the sword and down to the sea of ​​fire, he will not hesitate.

"I will find any materials!" Tang Hao said confidently.

"It's a good thing to be confident! After listening, the most important material is the blood of a high-level spirit beast, remember that it must be high-level!"

This material didn't sound too difficult, and Ah Yin asked, "Feiyu, don't you know if my blood is OK?"

Feiyu shook his head, "To tell the truth, no! Although this is a bit offensive to you, it is a fact! Although your Blue Silver Grass is different from ordinary Blue Silver Grass, your qualifications are really limited!" Feiyu can only give this way. A Yin explained.

Feiyu looked at Ah Yin a little apologetically, and then said, "What I just said was more straightforward, I'm sorry, Ah Yin!"

A Yin waved her hand to indicate that it was okay. Lan Yincao knew that she was not to be seen on the road. Generally, as long as the spirit awakened from Lan Yincao, she would definitely be judged to be a waste spirit.

Ordinary blue silver grass is on the same level as the weeds on the side of the road, it is really everywhere!

Of course, do you say that Ah Yin's blood is weak?That's certainly not weak, but to make the sublimation fluid, Ah Yin's bloodline will be a little short.

Tang Hao pondered for a moment, and murmured, "In other words, do I need to find a soul beast with a very high bloodline level? Soul beasts with a high bloodline level are even rarer, but it's not easy!"

However, Tang Hao thought that someone could help them, "A Yin, Mr. Ulchiola should know a lot of spirit beasts of higher bloodlines, let's ask him!"

It’s true to say that, but you can’t always receive Ulchiola’s favor for nothing, it would be unfair to Ulchiola.

Tang Hao nodded, as A Yin said, such behavior is indeed bad!

"That's good, if Ulchiola needs our place, we are obliged!" Tang Hao seemed to have made some decision.

Ah Yin also agreed to look at his head, and it seemed that he had reached a consensus.

Feiyu didn't know what Tang Hao and A Yin's plan were. He didn't plan to mix up these details, as long as he got the blood of a higher bloodline spirit beast.

"Feiyu, after we get it, we will come back to find you and say hello to Bai Jue for us!" Tang Hao and A Yin answered the original place from the Star Sky Secret Realm.

The three virtual people stood there and waited for Tang Hao and A Yin to return.

"You guys are really good! But, can you help contact Mr. Ulquiola?" Ah Yin patted one of the virtual arms and asked.

This imaginary nodded, and after a while of silence, he resumed his actions.

Neither A Yin nor Tang Hao understood this behavior. What does this mean?

"You...find me..."

However, Ulchiola’s appeared behind the two of them. Although Tang Hao and A Yin didn’t know what the imaginary did just now, the result was achieved. It may be that they communicated with Ulchiola. The means!

"Mr. Ulchiola, I would like to trouble you if I have a busy. Of course it is not free. We will not accept your kindness in vain!" The communication work with Ulchiola was put on Ah Yin. Xiao Tang San was held by Tang Hao.

It might be because Tang Hao's strength was not right, which caused Xiao Tang San to be very uncomfortable all the time, and kept writhing.

Ulchiola looked at Ah Yin coldly, then didn't make any expressions, but said slowly: "No need... soul beast, I will help... everyone is compatriot..."

A Yin never thought that Ulqiola would be such a heartwarming person. She knew that Ulqiola was only doing this to soul beasts, but most powerful soul beasts would hardly sympathize with the weak, like Urquiola. Kiora has such a strong and weak existence that protects the weak little soul beasts.Good Chinese

"Mr. Ulchiola, thank you for your selfless help! We are looking for soul beasts of higher bloodlines and take some of its blood. I wonder if Mr. Ulquiola knows some soul beasts of higher bloodlines?"

Ulchiola didn't know whether her bloodline would work, so let Seleia have a look at it to be safe, her bloodline should be higher than her own!

"Come with me..." Ulqiola didn't say much, just let Tang Hao and A Yin follow him into Xuye Village.

Speaking of which, this is also the first time they have entered Xuye Village. From the outside, Xuye Village is very unreasonable.

After Ulqiola entered the Xuye Village, A Yin and Tang Hao were stunned by the scene in front of them. Antique architectural styles can be seen everywhere, and it feels like a holy place for vacation, rather than a horrible place as people say.

This is built in the style of the celestial dynasty by Ulchiola, and it can be regarded as a little nostalgia for the past!

The residents of Xuye Village are not humans, they are all virtual or other soul beasts, a real soul beast paradise.

"Welcome... to Xuye Village..." Ulchiola said lightly.

Suddenly, a woman in a white dress walked on her face. Her long blue-purple hair looked particularly conspicuous, and her face was so beautiful that she was not much better than Ah Yin.

"Seleya... came just right... this is my friend, you can meet..." Ulchiola simply made a recommendation.

Ah Yin first stretched out his hand and said politely: "Hello, my name is Ah Yin, I am glad to meet you..."

Compared to Ah Yin's initiative, Seleia appeared cold and even a little hostile, "Huh! Don't think about hooking up with my Ulchiola-sama, you are impossible!"

As soon as Seleya spoke, the atmosphere in the audience suddenly became awkward.

Ah Yin didn't react at all, what happened?What did you do?

Tang Hao is even more inexplicable. Did this person named Seraya misunderstand something?

Ulchiola looked at Seleia a little helpless, he did forget Seleia's little problem, so he quickly said: " misunderstood...she just needs your help...and I'm fine……"

Seleia heard Ulchiola's words, and instantly looked at Ulchiola with tears, "Master Ulchiola, do you despise me... Hey!"

"......" Ulchiola looked at the mentally retarded eyes, really Seleya, didn't you notice Tang Hao at all?

" about business..." Ulchiola's tone couldn't help but became severe, and it was finally Seleya's silence for a while.

Then Seraya looked at Ah Yin coldly, and asked impatiently: "What's the matter?"

Ah Yin didn't know how to speak for a while.

Ulchiola whispered silently: "Attitude...attention..."

How could Seleya not listen to Urquiola's words, so she asked again in a gentle tone.

Only then can Ah Yin continue to ask questions, and Seleia's impatient tone just made her unable to speak.

"Selea, do you know where there is a high-level bloodline soul beast? I need its blood!"

After Seleia heard it, she couldn't help but sigh, "I know, not only do I know, but it's near you!"

"That's great, can you help..." Before A Yin finished speaking, Seleia continued coldly: "But why should I give you my blood? Na, why?"

Ulchiola said that she didn't want to talk, Seleya would do this every time she met a female (female) soul beast, and she was afraid that Ulchiola would be snatched away!

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