You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Ulchiola thought that Seleia had agreed, but the style of painting changed, she still looked crazy, she still couldn't let Seleia go anymore. It's fair to say that she looks like this in front of her. In this way, Ulchiola's face was a little bit awkward.

"Seleya... don't think about it... hurry up..." Urchiola can only pretend to be serious, and this is the only way to make Seraya normal.

When Seleia heard Ulchiola's tone, she didn't dare to continue to make trouble. With so many people around, she couldn't ignore Ulchiola's face.

"Forget it, don't care about you this time, wait a minute!"

Celeria waited for a while, and when she returned again she held a small bottle in her hand, which contained a bright red liquid, which must have been blood.

"Take it right, I won't give it again if I lose it!" Seleia said grimly.

"Thank you very much, Seleia, what..." A Yin also wanted to say if there is anything she can help, but Seleia continued, "There is nothing to help, just be careful not to hit Ur. Mr. Kiola’s idea will do."

A Yin smiled awkwardly, she didn't mean that at all, it was all Seleya was a little worried.The only person she likes is Tang Hao, and she only thanked Ulquiola, she didn't have any thoughts in that regard.

However, Ulchiola's position in her heart can also be seen from Seleia's performance, which is why Ah Yin can understand Seleia's rude behavior.

Tang Hao coaxed the child on the side. He was a big man who couldn't mix the topic of a woman, let alone the topic.

Ulqiola came to Tang Hao and looked at the little Tang San he was holding, and said, "I'm very curious...what's the use of the blood of the higher bloodline soul beasts..."

Tang Hao was coaxing Xiao Tang San, but he also heard Urquiola’s question, and said while coaxing: "Actually, this is also related to me. A Yin wants to be my ninth spirit ring. We have found a way to get the best of both worlds. , This method requires the blood of a higher bloodline spirit beast!"

Tang Hao had nothing to hide, let alone Ulquiola's kindness to them.

"Well...there shouldn't be a problem with Seraya's bloodline...Her bloodline is higher than mine...If you talk about bloodline only..."

Ulqiola's casual sentence made Tang Hao disbelieve, and the look on his face was a bit solemn for a while, could it be said that Seleja is stronger than Ulqiola!

"It looks like... you seem to have misunderstood something... the level of bloodline does not mean the level of strength..."

Hearing Ulquiola's explanation, Tang Hao thought about his words carefully, and found that it was indeed the case.

Seleya was the Pegasus that was wounded four years ago and was taken in by Ulchiola. The bloodline of Pegasus is quite high and the number is extremely rare.

Ulchiola injected her own blood into Seleia's body, raising her to another level based on her original bloodline.This is also why Ulchiola said that Seleya's blood is higher than her.

Now Seleia is not just the Storm Pegasus, to be precise, it should be the Storm Pegasus!

In fact, the current Seleya did not transform, but was transformed into a human form after being transformed by Ulquiola.Because of her bloodline and her own talent, her cultivation level broke through from 50,000 years to 100,000 years in just four years.

The year of the soul beast does not refer to age, but the level of strength. This does not mean that a soul beast with a 100,000-year level is 100,000 years old.

While Wuerqiola was chatting with Tang Hao, A Yin came over and said as he walked: "Hao, the materials are now complete, we can go to Feiyu!"

"Yeah, get ready to go! Then Mr. Ulchiola, let's leave first!"

Ulchiola didn't say too much, just nodded to signal that he understood.Wonderful book bar

After that, Tang Hao and A Yin returned to the Star Sky Secret Realm again, and Feiyu and Bai Jue were busy together, seeming to be preparing something.

Seeing Tang Hao and A Yin coming, Feiyu said, "We are almost ready, we are short of your final materials, and then we can start!"

A Yin handed the blood he had just received to Feiyu. Feiyu is worthy of being an expert. He sniffed the blood and said, "Yes, the quality of this blood is very high. Where did you find it?"

Feiyu was a little surprised that Tang Hao and A Yin were able to find such a high bloodline soul beast so quickly.

"I got this from a friend. It seems that the quality is enough, right?" A Yin didn't elaborate too much, but probably revealed the reason.

"It's more than enough! With this kind of blood, it's hard to think about it or not!" He really wants to study it carefully if he doesn't want to use the blood to make sublimation liquid.

"I will start refining now. With Bai Jue's help, the speed will be much faster! Two people, wait a moment!"

Feiyu called Bai Jue and came to the laboratory, and then there was silence...

I don't know how long it took before the door to the laboratory finally opened, and Feiyu and Bai Jue walked out with joyful expressions.

Tang Hao and A Yin had already noticed Feiyu's expression, and asked in surprise, "Success?"

"That's a question, for sure! Because of the higher bloodline level, the quality of this sublimation liquid is better than the previous ones!"

Feiyu handed the sublimation liquid to Tang Hao, and said, "When you are ready, you only need to drink the sublimation liquid. In the next few hours, it will improve your body and accompanying Horcruxes. Maybe Some uncomfortable reactions are normal!"

Feiyu told Tang Hao some things to pay attention to. Although with Tang Hao's current strength, those adverse reactions may not have any effect on him, it is better to say it for the sake of insurance.

Feiyu's explanation was easy to understand. After Tang Hao received the sublimation fluid, he asked, "What should I do after that?"

Feiyu knew that after Tang Hao was referring to that part of A Yin, he went on to say: "I originally wanted to wait for you to finish this first step before talking, but since you want to know so, it's okay to say it in advance. After your work is ready, you only need to release the companion Horcrux. At this time, the companion Horcrux is completely integrated into your martial spirit. A Yin only needs to follow the sacrifice process!"

After Feiyu finished speaking, Tang Hao looked at A Yin next to him. A Yin gave Tang Hao a sure look, and Tang Hao completely dispelled his worries.

Ah Yin trusts himself so much, so what hesitation does he have!

"There is a special practice room next to it, go there and start again!" Feiyu pointed to the side and said, it is best to find a special place for such activities.

Tang Hao thought about it, too, a good place can create a better environment.

Feiyu took Tang Hao and A Yin to the practice room next to him. The practice room was not too far away from the laboratory, and it took about a minute or two to arrive.

Tang Hao pushed open the door of the practice room and nodded to Ah Yin, "I'm going!"

"Hao, I believe you!"

Feiyu looked at the two of you and me, and really wanted to make a joke. The two of them are still worried about themselves!It's really hard!

However, Feiyu also understood Tang Hao and A Yin's concerns. There was only one example of this situation a long time ago, and it hasn't happened much since then. It is normal for them to worry.

However, Feiyu dared to guarantee 100% this time. He and Bai Jue had studied these things thoroughly over the years, and there was absolutely no problem.

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