The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 173 Tang Hao's Ninth Soul Ability

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Tang Hao resolutely walked into the practice room, came to the middle position, cross-legged, took out the sublimation liquid, and looked straight for a while.


Staring at him for a while, Tang Hao closed his eyes and started taking regular deep breaths.

Tang Hao adjusted his state to the extreme, but now he can't care about anything, don't have any distracting thoughts in his heart.

When Tang Hao finally adjusted his mentality, without any hesitation, he directly opened the cap of the sublimation liquid and drank it in one fell swoop.

Tang Hao didn't feel any strange feeling at the entrance of the sublimation liquid, he just felt that everything was normal!But this doesn't mean that Tang Hao will be paralyzed, even if it has always been like this, he will take it seriously.

Feiyu said that the time was a few hours, that is, he had to wait at least a few hours.

After half an hour, Tang Hao gradually felt his body start to get hot, and it seemed that the sublimation liquid had begun to work.

An hour later, Tang Hao's face was no longer as calm as before. Although it wasn't that hideous, it could be seen that Tang Hao was now suffering from the less relaxed Dingxi.

It was another hour, and Tang Hao gritted his teeth. At this moment, his body felt as uncomfortable as if he had been filled with lava, and the high temperature burned his body.

In the last hour, Tang Hao's face gradually eased, his body gradually became normal from the high temperature, and Tang Hao's breathing began to stabilize.

When everything fell silent, Tang Hao slowly opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, he felt a change in all aspects of his body.

Tang Hao clenched his fists and looked at the firm muscles, which were more powerful than before.Tang Hao stood up, set up his driving, punched out, and a violent fist wind swept the entire training room.

"Sure enough!" Tang Hao looked at his hands in surprise.

Not only the physical strength, but also his eyesight was strengthened. Tang Hao realized that as long as he calmed down, he could discover some subtle things, such as the flow of soul power.

After getting used to it for a while, Tang Hao took off his soaked jacket and walked out of the practice room.

A Yin held Xiao Tang San and Feiyu outside waiting for Tang Hao. She had been very worried these few hours. Although she believed that Tang Hao was right, there was nothing wrong with worry.

Now looking at Tang Hao who was pushing the door, A Yin's heart hanging up finally calmed down. It is best to see that Tang Hao is safe.

"Hao!" A Yin hurriedly greeted him, and asked as he looked around, "Are there any injuries?"

Tang Hao smiled confidently, "There is no problem at all, and my body has been more strengthened!"

Looking at Tang Hao, who was alive and well, A Yin was also completely relieved. It seemed that Tang Hao was successful, and then he was himself!

Tang Hao also put away the joy of just succeeding, and now he can only say that he is half of his success. Only when the last and most important step is successful can it be regarded as a real victory.

A Yin called Xiao Tang San to Feiyu, and Feiyu also gave A Yin a positive look.

Next, it's your turn!

A Yin took a deep breath. Like Tang Hao, the preparations for both husband and wife are the same.

A large area of ​​blue silver grass suddenly grew out of Ah Yin's feet, covering a radius of tens of meters.

"I would like to be the ninth spirit ring of my lover Tang Hao!" A Yin whispered.

In the next moment, A Yin's body gradually dissipated, and turned into a blue light into Tang Hao's body, leaving only the blue silver grass all over the floor!

At the moment when Ah Yin became Tang Hao's ninth spirit ring, the bottleneck that had suppressed Tang Hao disappeared, and Tang Hao's level broke directly from 90 to 93!

Tang Hao slowly opened his eyes and looked at the blue silver grass around him. With a movement of his mind, these blue silver grasses grew wildly, becoming thick and powerful in an instant.398 novel

"I can control the blue silver grass!" Although Tang Hao was slightly surprised, there was nothing surprising, his ninth ring was Ah Yin!

Now Tang Hao was most worried about Ah Yin's safety, and immediately Tang Hao released his spirit ring.

When the bright red spirit ring appeared, Tang Hao noticed something strange, "Didn't the companion spirit weapon protect the spirit beast? How could this be?"

Feiyu stuck Tang Hao in a daze, and pointed at Tang Hao's bright red spirit ring and said, "Did Tang Hao see the light blue mark on the spirit ring?"

It was only when Feiyu reminded him that Tang Hao noticed that there was a light blue pattern on the inner circle of Ah Yin's red spirit ring.

"This represents?"

"It means success! So don't worry, now Ah Yin has just finished his sacrifice and needs to rest. When Ah Yin is resting, he will be fine."

Tang Hao is relieved for the time being, as long as A Yin is fine!

"Thank you, Feiyu, and take care of Tang San!" Tang Hao thanked him after taking Tang San from Feiyu.

"No thanks, I should be busy!"

Before getting an accurate answer, Tang Hao didn't dare to leave the Star Sky Secret Realm casually, he had to verify with his own eyes that A Yin was okay.

"There is still some time, let's wait together, I'll make some tea!"

As the planner of this operation, Feiyu also has the obligation to start and end well, it is impossible to leave Tang Hao alone.

Feiyu and Tang Hao were drinking tea and chatting some strange and interesting stories, and time slowly passed...

After drinking a cup of tea, Tang Hao suddenly felt a strange sensation inside his body, and then a ball of blue light sprang from his body. This ball of light stopped beside Tang Hao, beside him. While wondering, a miracle happened!

The ball of light gradually turned into a human form. Looking at this familiar figure, Tang Hao couldn't help but shiver and gently said, "Is A Yin you?"

"It must be me!" A Yin opened his sapphire eyes and looked at Tang Hao.

"You don't feel uncomfortable? I have been worried about you!" Tang Hao was very concerned about A Yin's physical condition. Although he seemed to be chatting with Feiyu, he kept thinking about A Yin's things in his heart.

"Hehe, I know! After the sacrifice, I felt particularly tired, so I wanted to take a good rest, because I can't wake up! However, I can feel the fluctuations in your anxious mood, Hao." A Yin leaned on Tang Hao's Shoulder, grinning.

Since A Yin was not affected, this was a good thing. For Tang Hao, A Yin's safety was above all else.

"It seems that the results this time are ideal and very successful!" Feiyu applauded, congratulating Tang Hao and A Yin on their success.

"No, no, Feiyu, this is your credit, if it weren't for you to tell us such a method, we wouldn't be able to start!" Tang Hao looked at Feiyu gratefully, and he thanked Feiyu from the bottom of his heart.

"I'm serious, I won't bother you anymore, your family will be good!"

It's true that nothing happened to Feiyu now, Feiyu didn't want to stand beside him awkwardly, it was too uncomfortable.It's better to use this time to do research!

After Feiyu left, Tang Hao and A Yin expressed emotion to each other. Both Tang Hao and A Yin felt very dreamy about what happened today.

It was inevitable that soul beast sacrifices would definitely lose its life, but it was unexpected that the companion Horcrux could have such a powerful effect, and Tang Hao has not seen it until today.

"So we can always be together!" The smile on A Yin's face all explained her current mood.

"Speaking of, Hao, what is your ninth spirit ability?" A Yin was a little curious.

"Is the ninth spirit ability? It's called-Lan Yin Tiantian Hammer."

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