The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 174 Is This the Power of Love?

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"Lan Yin Tiantian Hammer? It sounds like a feeling of invincibility!" A Yin was also happy for Tang Hao. The stronger Tang Hao, the more at ease she felt.

According to common sense, once the soul beast is sacrificed, it cannot survive. What is achieved by this is that the soul beast and the soul master are 100% compatible, and the strength it exerts will be stronger.

Of course, such a result is only beneficial to the soul master, and to the soul beast is no different from suicide, so almost no soul beast will voluntarily give up its own cultivation base to perfect mankind.

A Yin and Tang Hao are indeed exceptions. They love each other deeply. Even without this companion Horcrux, A Yin would voluntarily sacrifice for Tang Hao at a time of crisis.

This time, Chi Mei was able to achieve both ends because of the companion Horcrux. If it hadn't been for the companion Horcrux to save A Yin, maybe Tang Hao and A Yin would be separated.Although Tang San would be resurrected in the end, Tang Hao was bound to have an unpleasant relationship with Wuhun Hall, and Huang Yuan didn't want to have so much trouble behind.

Sacrifice a Chihiro Ji, hello me hello everyone, it's really beautiful!

Tang Hao looked at Ah Yin with a joyful face and stroked her light blue long hair, "I can't do it alone. They have done the most for Feiyu this time!"

Tang Hao originally thought that the companion Horcrux might only provide bonuses in combat, and he never thought that the companion Horcrux could have such a function.

Regarding the ninth spirit ability he had obtained, Tang Hao wanted to give it a try, after all, this was the spirit ability that Ah Yin's spirit ring brought to him.

It's a pity that this is the secret realm of the Star Sky, Tang Hao wouldn't release his spirit abilities casually, it would be bad if it caused damage.

"Hao, if you want to give it a try, you can ask Feiyu if there is any way!"

"Yeah! I have this idea too. I look forward to the ninth spirit ability you will give me!" Tang Hao looked at A Yin tenderly. At this time, Tang Hao couldn't tell that he was like a macho from the previous battle.

Tang Hao knocked on the door of the laboratory. Just now Feiyu said that he would continue his research. Tang Hao was afraid of disturbing Feiyu, so he knocked on the door politely.

After the door was opened, Feiyu looked at Tang Hao with some doubts. Why did the young couple finish their conversation so quickly, and they haven't started work yet.

"Tang Hao, what can I do for help?"

"That's it. I just obtained the ninth spirit ability. I want to find a place to try it. I don't know where I can..."

Feiyu clapped his hands, "Hey, let me take you there, it just so happens that I haven't started work yet."

"Thank you so much for bothering you so many times!" Tang Hao also felt sorry for Feiyu, who has troubled Feiyu too much during this time.

Feiyu had been alive for a long time, and he was very thorough in some subtle facial expressions, and he was aware of Tang Hao's mind at a glance, and then he said indifferently.

"Tang Hao, it's actually nothing...You also know about me. I have been trapped in the secret realm of the Star Sky for so many years, and no one has spoken to me, do you know that I’m alone? If not for Madara and Bai Juelai four years ago I'm almost suffocated!"

"So, I'm actually very happy if you bother me to help, so that I can understand that my existence is meaningful."

Although Feiyu has the elements to comfort Tang Hao, he still sighs from the bottom of his heart. The Star Sky Secret Realm is very deserted. There are only two people including Bai Jue. Feiyu also wants to find more people to talk about her affairs. .

Over the years, Bai Jue even understood him better than him. Before Feiyu opened his mouth, Bai Jue almost knew what he thought.You can also put it another way, Bai Jue and Feiyu are too familiar.Sometimes that kind of freshness was lost, which is why Feiyu and Tang Hao chatted.

Tang Hao gave a sigh of relief when he saw that Feiyu didn't feel impatient because of his harassment. After that, Tang Hao and Feiyu first called A Yin, and then Feiyu led the way to the Soul Fighting Arena in the Secret Realm of Star Sky.

"This Arena of Souls hasn't been very lively since the battle between you and Master Ban four years ago. It couldn't be more suitable for your stage." Feiyu also felt very heartbroken. What about the two people in the Star Sky Secret Realm? Live it up.Must-Read House

"Big Fighting Soul Arena, yes, four years have passed in a blink of an eye. I don't know if I can beat Madara!" Tang Hao couldn't help but recall the scene when he was fighting Madara four years ago. The words of approval gave Tang Hao great confidence.

If there is a chance, Tang Hao intends to challenge Uchiha Madara again. Of course, it is not only Uchiha Madara, but the yellow ape is also his target, as well as Rota, the guy who claims to be sent by the yellow ape.

Speaking of Rota, Tang Hao didn't have a deep impression of him, and he had only worked with him once.However, Rota's powerful strength was also deeply imprinted in Tang Hao's mind.

"Twenty years old, 98-level Title Douluo, I don't know how strong this kind of evildoer is now!" Tang Hao couldn't help muttering, and then stopped thinking about it.

To be a person is to be down-to-earth, and it is better to live in the present than to worry about the future.Tang Hao has made up his mind to become stronger and challenge them!

Entering the Star Sky Arena, Tang Hao walked directly into the competition arena, and A Yin was sitting in the stands holding Xiao Tang San with his face full of expectation.

"Tang Hao, what level of opponent do you need? There are also a few guards left by the Forging God!"

"What level are there?"

"Let me see, there are 95-level strength, 97-level strength, and 99-level strength here!"

Tang Hao thought for a while, he could deal with level 95 Chihiro disease even without a title. Now he has broken through level 93, so it should be no problem to deal with level 97.

"Feiyu, just pick this 97-level guard!"

Feiyu naturally followed Tang Hao's own wishes, although he suggested that Tang Hao choose level 95, after all, at the Title Douluo level, the gap between the first levels was huge.

Looking at the fighting spirit Tang Hao on the field, Feiyu didn't say much, and activated the guards according to Tang Hao's request!

"Start, get ready!" Feiyu reminded warmly after starting.

Tang Hao was also prepared, he also wanted to try how many catties he had now.

The guard was 6 meters tall and was made of a special material of high-hardness metal. The huge body made Tang Hao even more insignificant.

Tang Hao wouldn't be overwhelmed by the momentum of the mechanical guard, and he summoned the Clear Sky Hammer to prepare for the battle.

After Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer possessed the companion Horcrux and the ninth spirit ring, his appearance changed.The handle of the current Clear Sky Hammer was wrapped with blue silver vines, and the hammer body was also covered with light blue asking for directions.

Tang Hao, as the person involved, could clearly feel the current vigorous power in his body. If he could barely resist Chihiro Ji and Gui Ju at level 90, then Tang Hao felt that he could easily hammer them.

Now that he has obtained the ninth soul ability, there is no reason not to try it. Tang Hao stepped on the ground hard and shouted: "The ninth soul ability-Lan Yin..."

The crimson spirit ring lit up, and numerous blue silver vines appeared around Tang Hao's body, and the strong and powerful vines directly entangled the mechanical guard.

The mechanical guard's reaction was not slow, and at the moment of being restrained, he tried to get rid of the blue silver vine, but the reaction was in place, but the blue silver vine's toughness was surprisingly strong.

The mechanical guard did not break free, which is equivalent to Tang Hao hitting a fixed target!

"Sky shaking hammer!" Tang Hao raised the Clear Sky Hammer above his head, and the clear blue light began to oscillate. Tang Hao's other eight spirit rings could not help but sparkle, creating a resonance with the spirit rings. !

Without any hesitation, Tang Hao instantly swiped the Haotian hammer and hit the mechanical guard's body.

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