The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 175 Don't Call Haotian, Call Ritian!

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Tang Hao was still very confident in his own power, especially after he released his spirit ability, he suddenly felt that his whole body's power had been used to the maximum.

This is also the main reason why he is so confident in his move!Tang Hao didn't underestimate the mechanical guard because of this. After all, Feiyu greeted him. This was a guard with level 97 strength.

When Tang Hao's sky-shaking hammer hit the mechanical guard, huge waves of air were set off around it, and it seemed that the air was scattered by the hammer.

Finally, after a loud bang, although the mechanical guard blocked Tang Hao's sky-shaking hammer, his body also cracked a few cracks, and it fell apart after a while.

"Awesome!" Tang Hao sighed involuntarily, he himself was shocked by his blow!

Feiyu's eyes widened too. This... is too unimaginable. How could there be such an unreasonable person?To say that at low levels, cross-level battles are still normal, but Tang Hao has crossed the fourth-level battle at the Title Douluo level!

Level 95 is the watershed of Titled Douluo, level 95 and above can be called a super Douluo that surpasses ordinary Titled Douluo, and it can almost be used against Titled Douluo below level 95.

On the other hand, Tang Hao, the level 93 spirit power dropped the level 97 mechanical guard in a second.The mechanical guard is still a mechanical body, and the hardness is stronger than that of the ordinary Title Douluo. In this way, it has been hammered into this embarrassment, and Tang Hao's combat effectiveness has really reached an extremely terrifying point.

The ground within ten meters of the mechanical guard’s feet was cracked by Tang Hao’s blow. This is the residual power after being resisted by the mechanical guard. Just imagine how powerful the blue silver shock hammer is. Strong!

Tang Hao looked at Feiyu apologetically, this did not ruin the venue of the Great Fighting Soul Arena again.

Feiyu looked at Tang Hao returning to the auditorium, and joked, "I didn’t expect your strength to be so strong. It really broke my cognition. It is estimated that when you reach level 95, there will only be Several people are your opponents."

Tang Hao also touched his head in embarrassment. He is a macho, but he couldn't help but praise him. It was a bit embarrassing to be praised by Feiyu just now.

"Speaking of which, after you are promoted to the title, what title will you choose?" Feiyu couldn't think of any title worthy of Tang Hao.

Tang Hao didn't worry about this. The Clear Sky School itself had a proprietary title, but the conditions for obtaining this title were relatively harsh!

"Is my title? If nothing else, it should be Haotian Douluo!" When talking about Haotian, Tang Hao couldn't help but look a little gloomy, which involved some unhappy things.

Feiyu didn't care much, and said with emotion: "Tang Hao, to be honest, the Haotian Douluo feels that it will be enough to describe your evildoer, and your words should be Daily Douluo!"

"Ritian Douluo? What do you say?" Tang Hao really didn't understand that Ritian was more worthy of him than Haotian.

Feiyu shrugged his shoulders, touched his chin, and said afterwardly: "Speaking of which, Master Ban told me before, saying that this day means very powerful, and the air can be measured every second. In short, it means nothing. It means that people can be enemies!"

Tang Hao smiled heartily after hearing this. He was safe and never expected that Ban would say such a thing, but it also fits Ban's domineering personality.

"Although this Ritian Douluo sounds really interesting, it's better to call it Haotian, otherwise our Haotian Sect will not have a successor to Haotian Douluo!"

"You are really amazing. The level 97 mechanical guard was scrapped by you with such a trick. It seems that you have lost another guard!" Feiyu couldn't help feeling a little distressed, but this was one of the few left by the Forge God. One of the things.

Tang Hao wiped his forehead embarrassedly, "I really didn't pay attention to this. After all, the level is four different, so I don't have any background!"

After Tang Hao had said this, Feiyu really didn't believe it at all, she had no bottom?Even if it's a lie!Although Feiyu was far away, he still had eyesight. When Tang Hao slammed the ground, his face was smiling and he was so confident!Follow the book to see

Feiyu doesn't care about anything, just regrets it a little bit. After all, he also lost a very capable assistant. Normally, Feiyu would let these guards do some experiments and the like, but it's a pity that now he has lost one!

After this test, Tang Hao was still very satisfied with his strength overall, it was indeed a powerful spirit ability that Ah Yin brought to him.

Things have come to an end here, the next thing is to find a place to settle down, toss for so long, and have a good rest.

As for why he didn't return to the Clear Sky School, it was because in addition to his brother Tang and sister Yuehua, some of the elders of the Clear Sky School still didn't treat Ah Yin very much.

What's more, he had hammered the Pope in the Spirit Hall. Although Huang Yuan was helping him, Tang Hao didn't plan to act rashly. It wouldn't be good if it was implicated in Clear Sky Sect.

Tang Hao intends to take Ah Yin to avoid the limelight for now!

Tang Hao made some explanations with Feiyu before leaving, "Then, Ah Yin and I will set off first. I'll trouble you this time, Feiyu!"

Feiyu sighed, "I have said that I shouldn't be so inconsistent. I wish you could trouble me, or I would feel rusty in my body!"

Hearing Feiyu's ridicule, Tang Hao still solemnly followed a standard spirit master etiquette.

Feiyu looked at Tang Hao who was so serious, and smashed his lips. It seemed that Tang Hao would have to fight against himself today, he had to be with you.

Feiyu also bowed to Tang Hao, jokingly saying, "It's really troublesome!"

In this way, Tang Hao and A Yin left the Star Sky Secret Realm and returned to the outskirts of Xuye Village.

Tang Hao stretched his arms, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled. After so many things, it was finally time to take a good rest.

"Hao, we should also set off to the Holy Soul Village you were looking for, I still want to take a good rest!" A Yin was really tired. Although he had rested in the companion Horcrux for a long time before, he really didn't fully recover.

At that time, Ah Yin had only regained his energy a little, but he forced it out in order not to worry Tang Hao.

Tang Hao was also very considerate and took over Xiao Tang San from A Yin.When Ah Yin finished his sacrifice, he consumed a lot of soul power, and it was indeed very laborious to look after the child all the way.

"You have to be lighter when you take care of your children, your hand strength is too heavy!" Ah Yin even deliberately warned before entering the companion Horcrux.

Tang Hao was also a little helpless, he also wanted to hold Xiao Tang San gently, but unfortunately he couldn't control this strength every time he was used to fighting, which made Xiao Tang San feel very uncomfortable.

Tang Hao didn't know women very well before, but now he understands, it's so tired to take a baby!

Ah Yin had already entered the companion Horcrux to rest, so he must pay attention to it, and remember not to make Tang San feel pain.

Tang Hao had already put his strength to the softest level. Fortunately, this strength was still more suitable for Xiao Tang San, but it was indeed not easy to maintain this strength all the time.

Tang Hao adjusted his posture a little, and found a relatively less strenuous rush, try not to wake up Xiao Tang San in the process of rushing.

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