The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 178 Bibi Dong's Succession

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Huang Yuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect Qian Daoliu to think so, but he thought about it.Qianxunji is now dead, and there is no way to resurrect him. Qiandaoliu wants revenge, to be precise, if he wants to vent his anger, he can only find someone who attacked Qianxunji.

Qian Daoliu looked at the agreement signed between Chihiro Ji and Mok Group, his face was blue, and he couldn't help but said: "As my son, he even went to do these things. It would be a bad reputation! If you are still alive, I will never spare you lightly..."

Among the agreements that Chihiro Ji signed with the Mork Group over the years, in addition to the previous agreements on spirit beasts, there are also some agreements on abducting beautiful women.

He didn't dare to touch Bibi Dong at all. Let alone Bibi Dong’s rapid growth in strength over the years, Chihiro Ji also discovered that someone was protecting her in the dark. He was knocked out, so powerful that he even broke a rib.

In this case, Chihiro Ji had to get rid of the loneliness first, and could only find some beautiful women to play, so he went to the Mork Group, and then signed these agreements.

The reason why Huang Yuan is so clear about the contents of this is completely because it is also part of the plan to mess up the reputation of Qian Xun Ji.

The Mok Group promised to send some beauties to Chihiro Ji. At this time, the Mok Group had long been infiltrated by Ulquiola, and the beauties who had sent it were all imaginary changes.

Poor Chihiro Ji can fully realize this, and it can be said that he has completely let go of himself. Of course, these crimes have also been recorded by the false record crystal.

These evidences are now in Huang Yuan's hands for emergencies.

The most important issue now is to quickly select a new pope, otherwise the Spirit Hall will be messed up.

"Huang Yuan, do you have any ideas?" Qian Daoliu planned to refer to Huang Yuan's opinion, although there is actually only one person who can be the pope in Wuhun Hall.

"Old man? Bibi Dong is still recommended. Her strength and character are also worthy of the Pope, and she is better than Chihiro Chi~" Huang Yuan expressed his opinion without reservation.

"Okay! That's it! The future Pope of the Spirit Hall is Bibi Dong!" Qian Daoliu also decided. In fact, there is no good decision at all. Except for him, only Bibi Dong can bear it. The task is heavy.

"Great worship to Sang, let's go and talk about it in person, otherwise the people below might be a little unconvinced~"

Qian Daoliu nodded, and now he hastily cleaned up the mess. After cleaning up, he can finish his revenge plan with peace of mind.

In the Palace of the Pope, the members of the Hall of Spirits did not dare to put a big fart under the suppression of the three Title Douluo of Bibi Dong and Gui Ju.

"The big offering is here!" The guard outside the door announced, and the spirit hall members were finally relieved, and the savior finally arrived.

Bibi Dong also looked at the two figures who were slowly entering the hall, and smiles appeared on their faces.

Qian Daoliu ignored the Martial Spirit Hall members who saluted him, and Huang Yuan went straight to the position beside Bibi Dong, looking down at the people below.

Huang Yuan nodded slightly to Bibi Dong, indicating that the matter has been successfully concluded!

The huge boulder in Bibi Dong's heart that was pressing down on him was also considered to have fallen.

"Cough! Everyone in the Hall of Souls, I want to announce a heavy news today! My son, the former Pope Chihiro Chihiro of the Hall of Souls, died! In order to deal with the traitor Tang Hao of the Hall of Souls, my son Qian Xun Ji was buried in the hands of the wicked man, but sooner or later I will repay this grudge!"

Qian Daoliu paused, and then said: "The future Pope of the Spirit Hall will be succeeded by the Saint Bibi Dong of the Spirit Hall!"

At this point, the lower part of the temple members standing on Chihiro Ji's side took a breath, if Bibi Dong became the pope, then they would not be miserable.Therefore, there was a deep fear in his eyes towards Bibi Dong.

Qian Daoliu signaled Bibi Dong to give a few speeches, which is also a necessary step.The whole novel network

Bibi Dong came to the throne with graceful steps, looked at the hall staff in the Hall of Souls below, and said: "I Bibi Dong will live up to the trust of the Great Worship, and will surely manage the Hall of Souls! Maybe among you There will be people who are afraid that I will be against you, but please rest assured, I will never do this, the Spirit Hall should be united..."

After that, Bibi Dong said some heartening words. The members who supported Bibi Dong were naturally more supportive, and those who did not support Bibi Dong were gradually infected by Bibi Dong's speech.

Huang Yuan watched silently from the side. This situation was the best. It seemed that the evidence he prepared might not be used.

Of course, there is no harm in taking everything into consideration, so that we can plan tactics and deal with many things that happen suddenly.

The rest of the work is left to Bibi Dong and Gui Ju, and there is no need for Qian Daoliu and Huang Yuan to blend in place.

After Huang Yuan and Qian Daoliu returned to the Palace of the Elders, Qian Daoliu began to ask Huang Yuan about Tang Hao. The thoughts of coming to Qian Daoliu for revenge were also extremely serious.

"Huang Yuan, do you know where Tang Hao is going?"

"I'm sorry, great worship~ You have to know that there are 100,000-year soul beasts beside Tang Hao. They were protected by Ulqiola, and now I don't know where~" Huang Yuan shook his head helplessly. He is quite familiar with it.

Qian Daoliu frowned, "Damn it, this guy escaped, that goal can only be changed!"

Huang Yuan raised his eyebrows, "Could it be~"

"Yes, Tang Hao is a member of the Clear Sky School! This can also be said to be the lack of strict discipline in the Clear Sky School. Tang Hao's sins will be borne by the Clear Sky School!"

Huang Yuan listened to Qian Daoliu's tone at this time, it didn't seem to be venting at all, it was completely real!

"Do you have any thoughts about the Great Worship Sang? Although the Clear Sky School is not as good as the Spirit Hall, it is not that easy to chew~"

Qian Daoliu’s suggestion of friendship was not heard by Qian Daoliu, and Qian Daoliu did not take the Clear Sky Sect seriously, "Is it worthy to compare with Wuhun Hall? Even Tang Chen is not here. How could the Clear Sky School be my opponent, it can be destroyed easily!"

"What's more, your fellow is stronger than me, and the Clear Sky School has no possibility of surviving!"

Yes, it seems that you have to take part in this action, but if you have Qian Daoliu with you this time, you will not be able to release the water!

In the past four years, Huang Yuan, who was honest, didn't visit the Haotianzong very much, only a few times sporadically, and the phone worm himself did not give it to them. It was indeed inconvenient to disclose the matter directly this time.

However, Huang Yuan has its own solution, just find a helper.

"Great worship to Sang, then when shall we go to Clear Sky School~" Huang Yuan asked.

"I will leave tomorrow, and there is still some work to prepare today!" Qian Daoliu left after speaking.

"Remember not to be late tomorrow!" Qian Daoliu didn't forget to remind Huang Yuan before he left. He didn't want Huang Yuan to be that sluggish tomorrow.

"Hey, hey, the old man understands, this matter is also related to the face of Wuhun Hall, the old man will not underestimate it~" Huang Yuan waved his hand and left the elder hall.

Not only does Qian Daoliu need to make some preparations, Huang Yuan also needs to make some preparations.

Huang Yuan took out the phone worm, "Moses, Moses, this is Huang Yuan~ Is the body free?

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