The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 179 Clear Sky School Destruction Plan

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Rota is currently in Tongbao Pavilion and received a call from Huang Yuan, and said to Ryder, "Huang Yuan's call, I will leave first!"

Rota came to a separate room and then replied to Huang Yuan, "I am here. Is there anything wrong with Huang Yuan on your side?"

"Yes, you also know that the old man and Xiao Wu are going to fix Chihiro's disease~"

How could Rota not know that this matter was arranged by himself, "I must know that Qianxunji was solved by you?"

"Yes, that guy has been solved, but now there is a problem~"

Rota probably guessed what it was, and 80% had something to do with the old fellow Qian Daoliu.

"It's probably inseparable from Qian Daoliu, right?" Rota said tentatively.

"As expected to be Lord Ontology, Qian Daoliu intends to deal with Tang Hao, but I didn't tell him about Tang Hao's movements. Qian Daoliu put his hatred on Hao Tianzong, and he plans to leave tomorrow~"

In other words, Qian Daoliu was planning to deal with Clear Sky Sect, and at the same time he should also bring Huang Yuan, so Rota knew Huang Yuan's intention to inform him.

"Huang Yuan, I probably understand, I only need to contain Qian Daoliu!" Rota said confidently.

"Yes, Lord Ontology only needs to contain Qian Daoliu, and let the old man handle the rest of the work~"

After that, Rota and Huang Yuan talked about other things before ending the call.

"No problem, then there is nothing else I will leave now!"

Rota hung up the phone worm. This time it did happen suddenly, but everything was within the expected range.

Rota returned to the hall. Ryder was chatting happily and saw Rota coming over and shouting: "Yo, Rota, what did Huang Yuan boss say?"

"Nothing else, just go to the Clear Sky School!"

"Haotianzong? Does Huang Yuan boss have any tasks? Do you need our help?" Ryder asked.

Rota shook his head, "This matter does not require you to take action, I will be enough to solve the problem. But Ryder, Huang Yuan boss has something to do with you. After returning from Clear Sky School, he will find you!"

Ryder touched his fist, "I can finally move my muscles and bones."

"By the way, Huang Yuan boss mentioned that this mission is related to your idol!" Rota grinned and patted Ryder on the shoulder.

Ryder became excited when he heard of the idol. When Huang Yuan signed Tang Hao to him four years ago, he was not even more excited. Now that he heard it was related to Tang Hao, he couldn't hold back his inner joy.

"Okay, let's not say much, I'll set off first!" Rota also has important matters, and can't delay too long.

After four years of development, the reputation of Tongbao Pavilion can no longer be compared with the past. Compared with the obscurity four years ago, the current Tongbao Pavilion is not only famous in the Star Luo Empire, but also well-known in the Heaven Dou Empire.

It was Feng Yin, Jin Ling and Ryder who led all of this. This is enough to see that their management ability is really not weak, and it also proves that Rota did not misunderstand the wrong person.

Rota itself was in Xingluo Imperial City, not too far away from the Clear Sky School, and it didn't take much time.

It was just that Rota planned to wait for Qian Daoliu to appear before jumping out to block it. If he blocked it in advance, Qian Daoliu was bound to suspect that there was an inner ghost inside the Wuhun Hall, and would definitely suspect Huang Yuan.

Although Huang Yuan doesn't have to worry about Qian Daoliu, it's just that Huang Yuan does not want to be so unhappy with Qian Daoliu for the future development of Wuhun Palace.

After a period of rushing, Rota had already come to the outside of the Haotianzong Mountain Gate, and just waited.59 Book Bank

The next day, Huang Yuan came to the gate of the Elder's Hall to wait early, but Qian Daoliu came earlier than Huang Yuan.

"It seems that you are quite taken care of this time, you are not late!" Qian Daoliu teased Huang Yuan, and the two of them also often quarrel.

"Well~ the seriousness of this incident is self-evident. The news of Chihiro Ji's death must be unstoppable. Anyway, the old man is also an enshrinement of the Spirit Hall. Things that harm the interests of the Spirit Hall should be stopped~"

Qian Daoliu looked at Huang Ape who said these words in front of him, and suddenly realized that Huang Ape was so strange. He didn't expect Huang Ape to be serious.

"Very well, if you usually have this attitude, I think I would be happier!" Qian Daoliu's subjective intentions accounted for a large proportion of this matter, and I never thought that Huang Yuan would be so concerned.

Of course, it is a good thing that Huang Yuan is serious!

It is a pity that Qian Daoliu has always understood the wrong meaning. Anyone who knows Huang Yuan knows that Huang Yuan is going to release the sea seriously this time.

As for why you should be serious?Isn't that, you must release the water and not be discovered by Qian Daoliu, so you can't act seriously!So it's still tiring!

"It's another high-end game~" Huang Yuan said quietly in his heart.

Before anyhow, it was performed under Qianxunji's nose, but this time under Qiandaoliu's eyelids, Huang Yuan had to show off his ability to act as an ape.

"If you're ready, let's leave. It just so happens that Tang Chen isn't in the Clear Sky School. It's a good time for revenge!"

Qian Daoliu seemed to emphasize Tang Chen's name every sentence, and it seemed that Qian Daoliu was also quite jealous of Tang Chen.

Huang Yuan also knows where Tang Chen is sacred, and of course Huang Yuan is not worried that Tang Chen will do something bad.What's more, even if Tang Chen came, with him and Qian Daoliu, Tang Chen wouldn't be able to ride the storm.

"Great worship to Sang, only Tang Chen, it can't be compared with our Wuhun Temple. Just like what you said before, who can stop us from joining hands~" Huang Yuan said in a very affirmative tone. Qiandaoliu great confidence.

Qian Daoliu knew Huang Ape's strength. If Huang Ape wasn't such a foolish look, he would hardly be able to stop him from getting serious.Of course the exception called Ulquiola and Madara!

Qian Daoliu still remembers their strength still fresh, especially Madara.Qian Daoliu always remembered the battle at that time as if he had just experienced it.

Putting aside the distracting thoughts in their heads, Qian Daoliu and Huang Yuan rushed directly in the direction of Clear Sky School.

Huang Yuan tried his best to keep his speed at a level that Qian Daoliu could keep up. After all, Qian Daoliu was the leader this time, and he always felt a little wrong if he took the lead.

After a while...

On a big tree outside the Haotianzong Mountain gate, Rota was holding a toothpick in his mouth. He was already ready, and even just roasted a chicken to eat.

"Oh~ Looks like it's coming!" Rota opened one eye slightly and said to himself.

Rota perceives two powerful auras quickly approaching in the distance through seeing and hearing and domineering, needless to say, it must be Huang Yuan and Qian Daoliu.

Rota took off the toothpick and moved his body a little. In recent years, he has not fought a lot. Since his spirit power has reached level 99, he has been very leisurely. Through this battle, he can recover his body.

The Clear Sky School is still very calm now, and it seems that he hasn't noticed anything abnormal.After all, the range of Rota's knowledge and domineering is very wide, Rota perceives it, it does not mean that the people of Clear Sky School can perceive it.

But I believe it is coming soon. Tang Xiao is a titled Douluo no matter what, and there are a few elders, it should not take long to discover the aura of Huang Yuan and Qian Daoliu.

Maybe this was Qian Daoliu's thoughts, he and Huang Yuan didn't deliberately hide their aura, they just wanted to let the Clear Sky School know that they were here.

For a top powerhouse like Qian Daoliu, there is no need to be afraid of the Clear Sky School without Tang Chen!

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