You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Although both Guiju and Guiju are envious, they don't have any other ideas. Maybe this is the arrangement of fate!

Now their job is to help Bibi Dong get the spirit ring.

But to be honest, there are many soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest, and the deeper you go, the easier it is to encounter high-level soul beasts.Especially like the one hundred thousand years level, at least it must be the deepest place.

The Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the Star Dou Great Forest, although the 100,000-year soul beast is already at the overlord level, there are also levels among the 100,000-year soul beast.For example, soul beasts ranked above one hundred thousand years are called fierce beasts.

Bibi Dong also knows a lot about the rumours of fierce beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest.Regardless of whether it is true or not, Bibi Dong intends to be more mindful.

She has no plans for the fierce beast level soul beast for the time being, she only needs to find a one hundred thousand year old soul beast.It's easy to say, but it's really troublesome to do it.

The two Douluos of Ghost Ju inspected the surrounding area and most of them only found a soul beast that was thousands of years old, and they had not seen the shadow of the soul beast for thousands of years.

"Under the Pope's crown, there are no high-level spirit beasts around, there should be no reason to go too deep!" Yue Guan said respectfully to Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong nodded slightly, "Yes, it's not easy to meet a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast. You have to go deep. I remember rumors that there is a huge lake in the Star Dou Forest, where it has lived for one hundred thousand years. Soul beast, just this time you can go to see the truth of the rumors!"

"Subordinates must follow!" Gui Ju and the two consciously expressed their attitude.

Bibi Dong smiled with satisfaction, "But I don't know the location of the lake very much, so let's go and have a look first!"

Seeing is believing, this kind of thing still has to be seen in person.

"Go!" Bibi Dong and Gui Ju kept rushing towards the depths of the Star Dou Forest.

On the shore of Daming Lake, Xiao Wu and her mother are having fun at leisure, very happy.

"Mom, let's play hide-and-seek game! The last time I didn't play with Uncle Huang Yuan, please play with me this time!" Xiao Wu looked at her mother expectantly.

Xiao Wu's mother looked at Xiao Wu's expectant eyes, and she had no choice but to agree. After all, she is her own baby girl, so she still has to be satisfied.

"Well, well, my mother promises you! But remember that you must not exceed the boundaries of Da Ming!"

"Haha, I know! Mom is just long-winded!" Xiao Wu replied with a grin. I don't know if she listened to this look.

Now that she agreed to Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu's mother would naturally not break her promise, and then covered her eyes with her hands: "Xiao Wu go hide first, I will count for a minute!"

"Okay, mother, don't find me then!"

After all, Xiao Wu used her fastest speed to run towards the distance, she must hide a place that her mother could not find.

A minute later, Xiao Wu's mother put down her hand covering her eyes, and she was also ready to start looking for Xiao Wu.

It is not difficult to find Xiao Wu with her strength, but this kind of game will lose the fun if special means are used, and she will not use it under normal circumstances.

Xiao Wu's mother searched the neighborhood around Daming Lake, but she didn't find Xiao Wu at all, she also sighed helplessly, "This Nizi ran away again..."

No way, Xiao Wu's mother had to look further away.

Seeing that her mother hadn't found herself for so long, Xiao Wu was also a little proud. It seemed that it was correct to hide a little further.Although it might be preached if found!

At this moment, Bibi Dong and his party appeared near the boundary set by the sky blue cow python.139 novel

As soon as Bibi Dong approached here, he felt a powerful aura. Obviously, it was impossible for a soul beast of ten thousand years to have such a strong pressure, at least one hundred thousand years.

"Under the Pope's crown, the aura permeating here is very powerful, presumably it should have been left by a one-hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast. It is very likely that the rumors are true!" Ghost Douluo pointed to the depths of the forest ahead.

There was a smile on Bibi Dong's face, "Very well, it seems that the rumors are true. Be prepared!"

Bibi Dong and Gui Ju directly entered the boundary. The purpose of their trip was a hundred thousand-year soul beast, so naturally they would not be afraid.

Xiao Wu's hiding position at this time was not far from the boundary defined by the sky blue cow python, the bunny ears on her head moved, and she heard some movement.

Xiao Wu vaguely heard human conversations, but how could there be human conversations inside the Star Dou Great Forest.If it was Huang Yuan, he would definitely notify himself in advance.

Of course, there is another possibility that the other party is also a soul beast, but Xiao Wu is not sure of which situation.

Xiao Wu also lost the thought of playing, she felt that she had to tell her mother, Daming and Erming of her findings.

Xiao Wu listened to the approaching voice and was ready to return, but it was a pity that things didn't go as smoothly as Xiao Wu thought.

Bibi Dong and the others didn't plan to play hide and seek with Xiao Wu, they immediately noticed Xiao Wu's existence.

"Who is there?" Bibi Dong said softly.

Xiao Wu was shocked, "It's not easy to be discovered, so I have to run away!"

Now Xiao Wu couldn't help thinking about it. She already knew the identity of those who came. They were not soul beasts but soul masters who came to hunt souls.They don't have the aura of a soul beast, even if they are transformed into human form soul beasts, they still have the aura of a soul beast.

And these guys didn't have the breath of spirit beasts, which meant that they were pure human beings.Xiao Wu knew what the humans in the Star Dou Great Forest would do.

Without saying anything, Xiao Wu used her fastest speed to escape, and she was still very confident in terms of speed.In order to make her move faster, Xiao Wu even used the shave taught by Huang Yuan.

With the shaved bonus, Xiao Wu escaped very fast, and she was away from Bibi Dong in an instant!

"I ran away, it seems it should be a soul!" Bibi Dong felt Xiao Wu leaving fast, and analyzed.

"Let's chase it!" Bibi Dong didn't plan to let go of such a good opportunity, maybe there might be any novel discoveries following it.

"Understood!" Gui Ju replied in unison.

The three Bibi Dong followed Xiao Wu closely. Although Xiao Wu discovered the whereabouts of the three Bibi Dong, she had never experienced such a thing, and she didn't know what to do!

Xiao Wu's mother was a little anxious about what she was looking for. She hadn't found Xiao Wu's figure after looking for it for so long.

The most urgent task now is to find Xiao Wu quickly, so Xiao Wu's mother calmed down and felt Xiao Wu.Their blood is connected, so Xiao Wu's mother can easily find Xiao Wu's position.

In the same way, Xiao Wu could also find her mother's location in this way, but Xiao Wu, who was being chased by Bibi Dong, was completely calm.

Xiao Wu's mother carefully sensed Xiao Wu's position, but found that Xiao Wu was moving so fast that she seemed to be chased by something.

"Broken! Xiao Wu should be in danger, I have to hurry over!" Xiao Wu's mother instantly realized that there was a problem, and hurried to Xiao Wu's position.

Hope it's not too late!Xiao Wu's mother only hopes that she can rush to Xiao Wu in time!

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