You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Xiao Wu also didn't expect to encounter such a sudden trouble today, it really made her feel a little overwhelmed.Although she was confused in her mind, Xiao Wu's speed was not slow at all.

Although Xiao Wu had exposed her whereabouts, Bibi Dong and the others hadn't found Xiao Wu's specific appearance, they just simply sensed her breath.

"Unexpectedly, the speed is not slow!" Bibi Dong couldn't help sighing.

Bibi Dong was not in a hurry. In fact, this is also a better thing. The faster the opponent is, the more afraid he is. In terms of momentum, he has already won.

"Let me see how long you can run!" Bibi Dong kept a constant speed and followed Xiao Wu firmly.

Bibi Dong and Gui Ju's chasing after them invisibly put a lot of pressure on Xiao Wu. She was still sweating profusely. The sweat was not exhausted, but more scared.

"It's troublesome now, I can't get rid of them!" Xiao Wu was a little at a loss, her speed couldn't get rid of these chasing guys.

You can't do things half-heartedly, this sentence is really good!Under the tense psychological pressure, Xiao Wu's feet really went wrong.

Some hidden vines appeared on the ground, and Xiao Wu tripped over without paying attention.Xiao Wu's speed was so fast, she rolled forward a long distance after being tripped over.

If it weren't for Xiao Wu's timely use of domineering to cover most of her body in contact with the ground, she would probably be injured.

"Good opportunity!" After Bibi Dong noticed that Xiao Wu's speed had slowed down, he hurried to catch up.

Although Xiao Wu had tried her best to adjust her state to leave, she realized that it was too late!

Two men and a woman appeared around Xiao Wu. The woman was wearing a lavender noble dress with a crown on her head and a scepter in her hand. She was not far in front of her.

The men in black and orange clothes next to him blocked Xiao Wu's left and right sides, forming a triangle encirclement and suppression formation with the woman in front of him.

"Yo yo yo, why is she still a little girl, in such a dangerous place as Star Dou Great Forest, you can't come as a child!" Yueguan said strangely, as if she had discovered something.

Bibi Dong also felt a little lucky, didn't he expect to encounter a soul beast transformed into a human form.

Generally speaking, the soul beast transformed into a human form is much easier to deal with than before.To put it simply, the soul beast has adapted to the previous body, and it needs to be adapted after being transformed into a human form. Unless it is the kind of soul beast that has fully adapted to the human body, under normal circumstances, the transformed soul beast is relatively easy to deal with.

The Xiao Wu in front of him is just an example. Xiao Wu has adapted to her human body, but lacks the corresponding strength. Generally speaking, Bibi Dong can't deal with Xiao Wu easily.

Xiao Wu looked at the three Bibi Dongs who surrounded her. She still didn't give up hope, but was still trying to find a time to escape.

Bibi Dong's keen observation has already made her aware of this, and she faintly said: "No need to struggle, you can't escape!"

Speaking of Bibi Dong directly exerted tremendous pressure on Xiao Wu with his spirit power, instantly making Xiao Wu unable to move.

Seeing Xiao Wu lying weakly to the ground, Bibi Dong showed a satisfied smile on his face, "This way things will be resolved!"

Bibi Dong is very happy, things are going too smoothly, but who doesn't want to go smoothly?

"Ghost, Yueguan, protect me!"


Bibi Dong went straight to Xiao Wu's side and slowly dragged Xiao Wu's body up with his spirit power. Seeing Xiao Wu's painful expression, Bibi Dong slowly said, "It will make you free soon, without worry, soon of!"

At this very moment, a pink figure flashed past, and the two of Gui Ju also found this pink figure, but they broke through before they could stop it.

This pink figure snatched Xiao Wu back from Bibi Dong's hands. Xiao Wu felt a familiar and warm embrace, and cried out, "Mom!"

"Don't be afraid of Xiao Wu, mom is here!" 180 novel

Xiao Wu's mother looked at Xiao Wu and comforted her softly. Now Xiao Wu was frightened, and it was time for comfort.

The appearance of Xiao Wu's mother didn't make Bibi Dong feel nervous, but happier.

"Very good, very good! Another one hundred thousand-year-old soul beast transformation, today's luck is really good!"

Originally thought that meeting a Transformation Soul Beast in its juvenile stage was already in the best of luck, but another one appeared.

Seeing Xiao Wu's mother appearing, neither Gui Ju nor Guiju knew what to say. This is too good luck. Is this the nest of a 100,000-year soul beast?

Bibi Dong watched Xiao Wu's mother slowly and said, "Since it's here, don't leave. Mother and daughter will become my spirit ring together!"

Xiao Wu's mother snorted coldly, "I want to be beautiful, and I'm not afraid of biting my tongue if I speak big words!"

Bibi Dong didn't intend to talk nonsense with Xiao Wu's mother, but just smashed the ground with the scepter in his hand, "Ghost Ju, two Douluos, go get her!"

The two of Gui Ju were just shown off by Xiao Wu's mother, and they were trying to find their place again. It just so happened that Bibi Dong gave them the opportunity to show themselves again. How could they not seize this opportunity!

"Ghosts and ghosts!" Ghost Douluo didn't say much, and directly used his eighth spirit ability!

Countless ghosts filled the surroundings, surrounding Xiao Wu and her mother, while Ghost Douluo approached Xiao Wu mother and daughter at a rhythmic pace.

Xiao Wu's mother looked at the dense ghosts around her, and said with disdain: "Do you think such an attack can stop me? Xiao Wu hugs her tightly!"

Xiao Wu hugged her mother tighter after hearing this.

Xiao Wu's mother burst into pink soul power, instantly turning into an afterimage ready to break through.

When Ghost Douluo saw Xiao Wu's mother's behavior, he waved his hand calmly, and instantly countless ghost images swept towards Xiao Wu's mother and daughter.

"A mere ghost dare to be my way!" Xiao Wu's mother shouted impatiently.

The strength of Xiao Wu's mother was not weak, and the ghost of Ghost Douluo could not be approached by her spirit power.

Just as Xiao Wu's mother and daughter were about to stand out, the ghost in front suddenly dispersed, and an orange storm formed by petals rolled towards Xiao Wu's mother and daughter.

Xiao Wu's mother and daughter were blown back to the original place by this petal storm because of the inability to leverage in the air.

"Oh, how could you forget my existence!" Ju Douluo said yin and yang weirdly, and by the way, gave Xiao Wu's mother a provocative look.

"Damn it!" Xiao Wu's mother couldn't help but feel a little anxious. She didn't expect that she was actually stopped by these two guys. You must know that there was a woman next to her who didn't know the depth.

Xiao Wu's mother forced herself to calm down, and she absolutely can't mess around at this time!

Xiao Wu's mother carefully observed the surrounding situation, her first wave of tentative breakthroughs was also resolved, and she must find the right time to break through again.

After thinking about it, Xiao Wu's mother decided to drag her time with words.

"Who are you?" Xiao Wu's mother guarded Xiao Wu vigilantly, and asked Bibi Dong.

Before Bibi Dong could speak, Ju Douluo took the lead to speak, "Hey, how did you speak to our Pope? I don't know how to do it!"

"The Pope?" Xiao Wu's mother was surprised when she heard Ju Douluo's name Bibi Dong. These people turned out to be from the Spirit Hall.

In Douluo Continent, there is only one organization called the Pope.

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