You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"Walk Soul Palace? No wonder there are three titled Douluo-level powerhouses." Xiao Wu's mother couldn't help sighing.

According to her judgment just now, if only the two Douluos of Ghost Ju were present, she was sure to lead Xiao Wu to break through, but there was also a Pope in the Spirit Hall nearby, which had to distract Xiao Wu's mother.

While breaking through the encirclement, he also had to guard against Bibi Dong's attacks, which really made Xiao Wu's mother a little uneasy.Even if Bibi Dong hasn't taken a shot now, who knows that she will never take a shot?

Bibi Dong stared at Xiao Wu mother and daughter with sharp eyes, twisted her body and walked a few steps forward, "I advise you to give up resistance, you can't win! This way of delaying time is useless."

Xiao Wu's mother was also very helpless. The other party refused to eat her own set, so she could only try to force a breakthrough.

Xiao Wu's mother quickly released a pink shock energy towards Bibi Dong, while Bibi Dong watched the attack unsuspectingly.

Ghost Douluo directly stood in front of Bibi, and broke the blow.It's strange to say that Ghost Douluo always felt that the strength of this attack was a bit too light.

"Could it be!" Ghost Douluo seemed to have discovered something and hurriedly looked at Xiao Wu's mother.

Sure enough, Xiao Wu's mother had already taken Xiao Wu to break through the blockade of Ju Douluo, only to deal with a Ju Douluo, Xiao Wu's mother still had no problem.Even if Ghost Douluo was there, it was just a little troublesome.

In order to ensure the success rate, Xiao Wu's mother chose to pretend to attack Bibi Dong, the purpose is to disperse one of the Title Douluo.

"Is it right that one of us will definitely stop it? It's really cunning!" Ghost Douluo said uncomfortably.This feeling of being teased is really uncomfortable.

"Okay, thank you for the ghost!" Bibi Dong still thanked Ghost Douluo.

She could easily block such an attack, but the ghostly actions undoubtedly proved his loyalty. Even though Xiao Wu mother and daughter broke out, Bibi Dong didn't mean to blame them.

How could Bibi Dong be willing to criticize his two Title Douluos who were loyal to him, not to mention that this was not a big mistake.

"I'm sorry, the Pope! Because of the subordinate's mistake, they escaped!" Ghost Douluo was still a little upset.

Bibi Dong waved his hand to stop Ghost Douluo's self-blaming behavior, "Isn't it just because they flee, just catch up again!"

Seeing that Bibi Dong didn't blame himself, Ghost Douluo was also relieved, and after that, he must perform well and capture those two guys.

"Okay, let's continue chasing!" Bibi Dong took the lead this time and chased him with Gui Ju and two others.

Bibi Dong didn't want to let them escape like this, two hundred thousand year old soul beasts, these are such precious treasures, you can't let them go away.

Xiao Wu's mother tried her best to escape, she only had to inform the Sky Blue Bull Python and Titan Great Ape, when the three soul beasts would resist together, I believe it will definitely solve Bibi Dong and others.

But the problem is also coming. It happened that the Sky Blue Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape were not there today, and Xiao Wu's mother didn't know when they would come back. This was what made her anxious.

Looking at the three Bibidongs who followed closely, the solemn expression on Xiao Wu's mother's face became a bit deeper, and it would be sooner or later that Bibidong would catch up with him.

Xiao Wu's mother looked at Xiao Wu on her back, gritted her teeth and made a decision. Although this is also dangerous for Xiao Wu, at least Xiao Wu has a high chance of survival.

"Xiao Wu! Listen carefully to my next words, I will put you down in front, and you will run directly towards Xuye Village!"

Xiao Wu's face turned pale when she heard her mother's words like this, "Mom, what do you mean by this? Don't leave Xiao Wu!" Before she finished speaking, Xiao Wu was already crying into tears.

Xiao Wu's mother looked at Xiao Wu's sad look, she didn't want to be like this either.But if this weren't the case, neither she nor Xiao Wu could leave.Save the book

"Mom, you can go to Xuye Village with Xiao Wu!"

Xiao Wu's mother shook her head, "No, you see that they are getting closer and closer now, and they will catch up to me soon. If we go to Xuye Village together at this time, the other party will definitely notice it, halfway Will intercept us."

At this point, Xiao Wu also understood the reason, but she didn't want to admit it.

Xiao Wu's mother whispered, "Your body is small, and it is not easy for them to find you. Believe your mother, I will definitely come to Xuye Village to look for you!"

Xiao Wu didn't want to embarrass her mother either, she cried and said, "Then you must come back, don't leave me!"

"Sure, I promise you!" Xiao Wu's mother hugged Xiao Wu in front of her and stroked her head gently.

Xiao Wu's mother looked at the people behind her and interrupted the huge trees around.

The fallen trees just blocked the sight of Bibi Dong and others, and provided precious time for Xiao Wu mother and daughter.

"It's now, Xiao Wu, run!" Xiao Wu's mother applied part of her power to Xiao Wu by the way, so that Xiao Wu could leave here faster.

Xiao Wu looked back at her mother, resisting the tears in her eyes and ran quickly towards Xuye Village.

Just after Xiao Wu was sent away, Xiao Wu's mother's arm was hit by a purple-black light.

Xiao Wu's mother clutched the injured place and hurried forward, unable to let them notice that Xiao Wu had left from this place.

After Xiao Wu's mother left, Bibi Dong and the three also came here, and they didn't find Xiao Wu's mother and daughter.

"This guy can really hide, he can survive our tracking for so long!" Ghost Douluo said uncomfortably.

Bibi Dong didn't mean to be anxious at all. He glanced at the surrounding environment unhurriedly, and the corner of his mouth curled slightly, "It seems that my attack is still effective, she really got caught!"

There was a pool of blood on the ground in front of Bibi Dong, and there were some traces of blood on the ground in front of him.

"It deserves to be under the crown of the Pope, this has been observed! This way, as long as you follow the blood stains, you will definitely be able to catch them." Ghost Douluo couldn't help but admire.

Bibi Dong signaled Ghost Douluo to calm down, "This kind of thing is not commendable, that guy is careless! Keep chasing!"

Xiao Wu's mother continued to run for a while, and stayed on the trunk of a tall tree after completely far away from the previous position.

It's no way to keep running like this, not to mention the weird injuries on my arm, which are constantly corroding my skin.

Because of this weird injury, Xiao Wu's mother had to use her spirit power to contain her wounds. In this state, she couldn't run far at all.

Xiao Wu's mother thought about it for a moment. To solve the injury on her hand, she must find a way to defeat the person who released this attack. This is the reason why the so-called ringer must be tied to the ring.

Xiao Wu's mother also wanted to detour to Xuye Village, but the facts did not allow her to do so.Because the three of Bibi Dong had already chased under the tree where she was.

Now there is not much time for her to think, she must make a decision quickly.

"It seems that I can only give it a try!" Xiao Wu's mother concealed her aura, which is also an innate ability of her.In addition to being extremely fast when avoiding natural enemies, rabbits also have the ability to hide themselves.

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