The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 193 Invincible Golden Body

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"The blood stains disappeared here!" Bibi Dong whispered.

On the tree trunk, Xiao Wu's mother happened to hear these words. It turned out that the three Bibi Dongs followed their blood, which was really a mistake!

It's a bit too late to say this, so let's consider the current situation first.

The woman of the three is the Pope, and she is definitely the strongest. The remaining two will be weaker. If one is one, Xiao Wu's mother is confident to kill one.

It's just that such a one-to-one situation is very unrealistic, unless one's speed is fast enough to kill a titled Douluo in an instant.

Bibi Dong smiled slightly, his scepter hit the pestle, and in an instant, countless purple stingers attacked the tree trunk above his head.

Bibi Dong's attack caused Gui Ju's eyes to shift away.

The tree trunk was filled with purple smoke, which was obviously the effect of Bibi Dong’s attack.Quietly in the purple smoke, there was no movement at all.

"Don't hide, I have found you!"

Bibi Dong didn't put pressure on Xiao Wu's mother when he said this, but he did discover it.Bibi Dong's powerful mental power made her feel very keen, even if Xiao Wu's mother tried to hide her breath, she still couldn't escape Bibi Dong's eyes.

As soon as the words fell, a pink figure suddenly rushed out from Ju Douluo, and hit Ju Douluo with a swift blow.

"Fifth spirit ability, ghost shadow land hand!" Ghost Douluo promptly used spirit ability to stop Xiao Wu's mother who launched the surprise attack.

"Cut!" Xiao Wu's mother was a little unwilling, her surprise attack was destroyed again.

But this also allowed Xiao Wu's mother to recognize the fact that although the two guys in front of them were not so strong, they were not easy to deal with.

Not to mention killing one of them in a short time, the possibility of this is really too low.

Ju Douluo who was attacked was also annoyed, "Good fellow, dare to attack me, see if I can teach you a lesson!" Ju Douluo was angered by the sneak attack by Xiao Wu's mother just now.

If it wasn't for her close friend Ghost to stop her in time, Yueguan would definitely be injured.

"Sixth spirit ability, Jin Rui is full of clouds!" Ju Douluo didn't intend to suffer in vain, and instantly returned the color with the sixth spirit ability.

Countless sharp chrysanthemum petals surrounded Xiao Wu's mother and launched an attack.

Ju Douluo's attacks were quite intensive, and Xiao Wu's mother also took twelve points of attention to avoid it. She was injured in her own body, but she must not be hit again.

"Hey!" Ju Douluo exclaimed as she looked at Xiao Wu's mother who had escaped her attack.

Chrysanthemum Douluo also felt a little shameless, his own attack was so easily dodged, and his face was a little bit uncontrollable.

Xiao Wu's mother didn't intend to just let Ju Douluo go, she rushed towards Ju Douluo directly, planning to solve it with melee combat.

Ju Douluo is also very experienced. He saw Xiao Wu's mother's intentions, "Want to get close to me? It's not that easy!"

"Fifth spirit ability, the hurricane catches the sky!" Ju Douluo started to bring up the orange storm, and the petals flying around flew towards Xiao Wu's mother like blades.

"At this speed, you want to trap me too? Dreaming!" Xiao Wu's mother lightly glanced at the petals flying to her, without taking it seriously!

"Don't speak big words, it's difficult for me to break through with this trick..." Before Ju Douluo's words fell, she saw a touch of pink suddenly flash in front of her.

"Oh? What did you say?" Xiao Wu's mother had already arrived in front of Ju Douluo, grabbing Ju Douluo's arm and restraining it.

"Oops!" Ju Douluo was careless. He didn't expect Xiao Wu's mother to break through his moves so quickly.

Regarding close combat, he was also a titled Douluo anyway, although not weak, it was still quite prominent.Most of his attacks are mainly remote.

If you get close by a soul master of the same level who is good at melee combat, you will definitely suffer!

Seeing that his old friend was going to suffer, Gui Douluo quickly turned into a ghost and rushed over.

Just when Xiao Wu's mother was about to hit Ju Douluo, a ghost stopped in front of her.Wen Bi Zhai Novel

"Don't forget there is me!" The ghost said angrily.

"Old ghost! Let's work together against her!"

"it is good!"

"The ninth spirit ability, the chrysanthemum is incomplete, the ground is wounded, and the flowers are heartbroken!"

"The ninth spirit ability, devour infinite ghosts!"

Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo used their strongest moves one after another, forming a double-teaming trend against Xiao Wu's mother.

"Do you think I can't do anything like this? Naive!" Xiao Wu's mother didn't panic. She had a life-saving magical skill, and she was not afraid of the attacks of the two ghosts.

"Go to hell!" Gui Ju shouted in unison.

Xiao Wu's mother said silently, "Invincible golden body!"

There was a pink light around Xiao Wu's mother, and a ghost of a rabbit protected her in it.

The attacks of the two ghosts and chrysanthemum ensued, and the orange petal storm and black ghosts completely swallowed Xiao Wu's mother.

"Now, no matter how capable she is, she can't endure it!" Ju Douluo said with a smile, he was very confident of his and Ghost Douluo's combined attack.

Bibi Dong calmly watched what happened before her eyes. She observed that Xiao Wu's mother released a spirit ability before being attacked, but the specific role of that spirit ability still needs to be verified.

As the smoke cleared, Xiao Wu's mother appeared unscathed in front of everyone, and the two of Gui Ju were shocked. Such a thing was beyond their imagination.

However, Bibi Dong was very calm. She discovered the strangeness early in the morning. If nothing else, it should be the effect of the spirit ability released by Xiao Wu's mother just now!

"In this way, the spirit ability she released should have a certain immune damage effect!" Bibi Dong secretly analyzed.

"This...impossible!" Ju Douluo's eyes widened as he looked at Xiao Wu's mother who was not injured at all. He didn't want to understand what was going on. He obviously hit the attack.

Bibi Dong came to the two of Gui Ju at this time, "Ghost Douluo, Ju Douluo, leave it to me next. Thanks for your hard work."

"This, the subordinates are not doing things well, please forgive me for the Pope!"

Naturally, the two Gui Ju would not disobey Bibi Dong's orders, they retreated to the rear and gave up the venue to Bibi Dong.

Seeing Bibi Dong approaching oncoming, Xiao Wu's mother also had beads of sweat on her face. She was not sure about Bibi Dong.

"You are very good, you have such a powerful spirit ability!" Bibi Dong did not stingy with her praise. In her opinion, the stronger Xiao Wu's mother is, the better it would be for her.

"I don't need your evaluation!" Xiao Wu's mother has to be careful of Bibi Dong. This woman feels more terrifying to her than the two of Gui Ju.

Bibi Dong slowly narrowed the distance from Xiao Wu's mother, and said as he walked: "Although I don't know when your daughter disappeared, obviously you are more suitable to be my spirit ring!"

Xiao Wu's mother was not surprised. If it wasn't for a powerful spirit ring, who would be willing to go deep into the Star Dou Great Forest.

"Want to get my spirit ring? Just see if you have the ability!" Xiao Wu's mother was also ready for the challenge.

Bibi Dong still had the calm expression on his face, and glanced at the wound on Xiao Wu's mother's arm, "How is it, do you still like the meeting ceremony I gave you?"

Xiao Wu's mother looked at the wound on her arm with a complicated expression on her face.The attack of the woman in front of me could have such a huge impact on me, I must not be careless.

"Hmph, don't be pretending! Let's go to war!"

Now that Xiao Wu is not here, Xiao Wu's mother can also put her skills to good use, so she won't be worried anymore.

Because she didn't know Bibi Dong's specific strength, Xiao Wu's mother planned to take the initiative to test Bibi Dong.

"Accept the move!" Xiao Wu's mother gathered her strength and sent a ball of pink soul power energy to Bibi Dong.

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