You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Accompanied by these horrifying words, the world seemed to lose its color, leaving only a pale, a little bit of aquamarine spirit falling from the sky.

"No... he is here!" Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo didn't dare to breathe, they were as small as ants in front of this kind of spiritual pressure.

Ulchiola walked down from the air step by step and came to the front of the two Gui Ju, with a dead silence in his cold eyes.

They hadn't felt such horror when they faced Ulchiola with Huang Yuan before, but now, only with the two of them, they can truly feel the pressure Ulchiola put on them.

"It's so uncomfortable! It feels like suffocating..." Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo had the same thoughts at the moment.

The infinite spiritual pressure made them unable to control their bodies at all. They couldn't even move their fingers a little, so they could only watch Ulqiola approach step by step.

"...So courage... You Huang Yuan and Qian Daoliu in the Martial Soul Palace don't dare to provoke me... You are not good..." Ulqiola's tone did not have any emotional fluctuations, it was just such a plain tone. In such an atmosphere, it is even more terrifying.

"Is this the strength of the top grade on the mainland?" Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo couldn't stop with cold sweat on their faces.

Although they had been psychologically prepared, when they really met Ulchiola, they realized how naive they were before.

If it was a duel with Qian Daoliu, both Ghost Ju and Gui Ju could resist, although the result would definitely be defeated.

However, facing Ulchiola, the shock of the opponent alone was enough to make the two of them unable to move.From this, it is enough to see how big a gap still exists between Qian Daoliu and Ulchiola.

Both Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo were not sure whether they could go back alive today, after all, they had indeed violated the rules set by Ulqiola.

Looking at the two who were speechless, Ulchiola also relieved the shock of Reiatsu. If this continues, they will probably never be able to speak.

Just after Ulquiola released the Reiatsu, the two of Gui Ju gasped for breath, trying to get over as soon as possible.

"...Give you a chance to explain..." Ulqiola already knew the reason for the two ghosts and chrysanthemums here, and just wanted to see if they were going to tell the truth.

Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo looked at each other, intending to tell the truth, there is no use playing these virtual things in front of Ulquiola!

In this way, Ghost Douluo opened his mouth to tell the story of the matter again, without any false elements.

After listening to Ghost Douluo's narration, Ulqiola's expression did not change, as always, it was the expression of death.

The hearts of Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo were raised in their throats, and they were afraid that Ulqiola would be unhappy to solve them.

Finally, Ulchiola slowly said: "...very good, no concealment...but...if you want to get out alive...a lesson is inevitable..."

The expressions of Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo changed in an instant, unavoidably a lesson, which meant that Ulqiola still had to clean them up personally?

"This is too embarrassing!" Ghost Douluo shouted helplessly.

However, Ulchiola doesn't care about these things. For him, anyone who offends him must accept his lesson.

"... can live... I won't pursue... otherwise... die..." Ulquiola had already given Gui Ju two people a chance very kindly.

It seems that the battle with Ulchiola is inevitable.Ghost Douluo looked at Ju Douluo, with a trace of sorry expression in his eyes, "Sorry, Old are also involved."

Ju Douluo smiled, "It doesn't matter, it's just another life-and-death encounter!"

Ghost Douluo didn't know what to say, but said lightly: "Okay, let's come to him for a while!"

For some reason, Ghost Douluo felt that with Ju Douluo's encouragement, he was not so scared!

Ghost Douluo didn't care whether it was an illusion or not, even if it was an illusion, he would be wrong at this time.Watch the Chinese website

"Fifth spirit ability, the hurricane catches the sky!"

"Fifth Soul Ability, Ghost Shadow Land Hand!"

Without any hesitation, Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo directly attacked Ulqiola first.Facing Ulchiola, they did not dare to hesitate.

Looking at the attack on him, Ulchiola didn't bother to dodge, and directly dispelled the attack of the two Ghost Ju with a hand knife.

This result was already in their expectation, and they had a clear understanding of Ulquiola's strength very early.

"Old ghost, it seems that ordinary attacks don't work very well, do you want to try that trick!"

Ghost Douluo instantly understood what Chrysanthemum Douluo meant, "Are you talking about using Martial Soul Fusion Skill?"

"Hmm!" Ju Douluo looked at Ghost Douluo firmly, without any joking at all.

"Although I'm not sure whether it will succeed, give it a try!" Ghost Douluo didn't know what to do now, so he could only give it a go.

If you want to successfully develop the Martial Soul Fusion Technique, you must have the two people have a heart-to-heart relationship. If this is not satisfied, then you cannot develop the Martial Soul Fusion Technique.

The two ghosts and chrysanthemums have already reached the realm of knowing oneself and the enemy, and communicating with each other, so the basic requirements for the development of martial soul fusion skills have long been met.

It is far from enough to be connected with each other. It requires long and arduous practice. These two factors are indispensable.

The two of Gui Ju had plans to develop the martial arts fusion skills long ago, so they have been practicing hard these years, and after continuous practice, the martial arts fusion skills have finally been developed.

In recent years, they have never used it except once during the practice session with Huang Yuan.Except for those monster-level opponents, no one on the mainland needs them to use martial arts fusion skills.

"This is the first time I have used it on a spirit beast. I don't know how it will work. Try it first!" Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo are not sure whether it will have an effect on Ulqiola, but if you don't try it yourself , And never know the result.

Ulqiola didn't intend to stop them. For him, the spirit fusion skills of the two ghosts and chrysanthemums only made him a little bit interested.It's okay to wait a bit!

Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo stood together, bursting out of their own martial arts, and then the spirit ring flickered, shouting: "Martial soul fusion skills-two poles static domain!"

"...It seems...something..." Ulchiola felt as if his body was restricted.

"Have you succeeded?" Ju Douluo was a little unsure, after all, it was the first time he had used Ulqiola.

Ghost Douluo also looked straight at Ulqiola, and he couldn't answer Ju Douluo's question either.

Ulqiola looked at the two ghosts and said faintly: "...The time of imprisonment... a good martial arts fusion skill..."

Hearing Ulqiola's words like this, there was a glimmer of joy on the faces of the two ghosts and Ju, could it be said that their martial arts fusion skills are useful!

"Opportunity!" Ju Douluo quickly reminded Ghost Douluo.

Ghost Douluo nodded and exploded extremely fast with Chrysanthemum Douluo, seeming to want to quickly skip Ulchiola and leave.

Ulchiola looked at the two ghosts indifferently, " can this kind of"

As soon as the voice fell, Ulchiola broke free from the imprisonment, as if it were as simple as taking a random step.

Feeling the coolness behind them, the two of Gui Ju's heart stunned, "No!"

"...Okay... Next time... Be careful..." The cold and heavy voice resounded in the ears of the two Gui Ju, and Ulquiola's figure instantly came behind them.

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