You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"When?!" The two of Gui Ju didn't dare to turn their heads to look directly at Urquiola, their backs had long felt a bone-to-soul coolness.

"...You are done with the's my time..." Ulchiola said flatly.

The two of Gui Ju couldn't help but swallowed, Ulchiola's attack was not a joke.

"...Alive after taking my attack...I won't pursue it..."

It sounds simple, but it's hard to do.Catching Ulchiola's attack was as difficult as the sky for both Guiju and Guiju.

However, at this point, there is no other way but to do my best to pick it up.Whether you can answer it or not, you will know after trying.

Ulqiola slashed with a knife towards the back of the two ghosts and Ju, and a huge dark green spirit energy slashed on the two of them.

Both Gui Ju fainted before they screamed, so it can be seen how powerful this move is.

The two of Gui Ju, who had lost consciousness, fell feebly from the air to the ground. The two of them lay motionless with their faces facing the ground, not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

Ulquiola glanced at them coldly, and the lesson had been given. As for whether they can live, it depends on their luck.

After dealing with the two ghosts, Ulquiola's work is not over yet, and he has to rescue Xiao Wu's mother.

"...Over there... there are spirit power fluctuations..." Ulqiola looked in one direction, and he faintly felt a strong spirit power fluctuation.

"...It should be right..." Ulqiola then rushed towards the direction of the spirit power.

During the time when the two Gui Ju set out to pursue Xiao Wu, Bibi Dong and Xiao Wu's mother were not idle, and a fierce conflict broke out between the two girls.

Without the influence of Ghost Ju and the two on Xiao Wu's mother, Xiao Wu's mother also used all of her abilities.

It's a pity that Bibi Dong's strength is better than Xiao Wu's mother, even if Xiao Wu's mother did her best, she didn't cause too much damage to Bibi Dong.

"Don't fight fearlessly, become my spirit ring obediently!" Bibi Dong couldn't help but slowly said as he looked at Xiao Wu's mother in front of him.

Although Xiao Wu's mother didn't want to admit it, what Bibi Dong said was the truth, and her strength was indeed a lot worse than Bibi Dong's.

Bibi Dong looked at the determined look on Xiao Wu's mother's face, and knew that she hadn't given up completely, and Bibi Dong had already given Xiao Wu's mother a lot of face.But it was a bit boring after such a long time, so Bibi Dong didn't plan to keep his hands.

Bibi Dong walked enchantingly towards Xiao Wu's mother, "Your strength is very good, but I don't have so much time to play with you, and then I will be real!"

Bibi Dong said that he must do it, and the subsequent attacks were indeed a notch stronger than the previous jokes. Xiao Wu's mother was completely suppressed.

Before Bibi Dong's attack, Xiao Wu's mother could still catch it, but now, Bibi Dong's random attack requires Xiao Wu's mother to spend a lot of soul power to resolve it.

After a few tricks, Xiao Wu's mother couldn't hold it anymore, and the injuries on her arm were also affecting her body. It was a miracle to be able to support it for so long.

Xiao Wu's mother spit out a mouthful of blood, clutching her heart, staring at Bibi Dong fiercely, facing Bibi Dong, she used all the moves, but it still didn't work.

"This is... the strength of the Pope of Wuhun Temple? I still think too simple!" Xiao Wu's mother muttered in a low voice.

At this time, Xiao Wu appeared in her mind. Looking at Xiao Wu's lovely face, Xiao Wu's mother said helplessly: "Xiao Wu, I'm sorry, maybe I can't accompany you!"

Xiao Wu's mother didn't think she could escape anymore. Bibi Dong's strength was above her, and she couldn't have any way to escape.Jiujiu Book Pavilion

Since she couldn't escape, Xiao Wu's mother didn't plan to just catch it!

"Do you want my spirit ring? Stop wishing! Invincible golden body!" Xiao Wu's mother had already made up her mind. Since the other party's goal is her own spirit ring, they will not be able to succeed.

"Oh, that's the case!" Bibidong is so smart, he can see Xiao Wu's mother's intention at a glance, "Do you want to commit suicide? Humph!"

If you want to obtain the spirit ring, you must hunt down the spirit beast yourself, so that the obtained spirit ring can be absorbed.But it is also possible that the spirit beast will commit suicide, which is also a way for the spirit beast to avoid its spirit ring being absorbed.

Obviously, Xiao Wu's mother intends to end herself, so Bibi Dong won't get any benefits!

The invincible golden body can give her a few seconds of invincibility time, which is enough for her to end herself.

Bibi Dong didn't want his efforts to be wasted in vain, and instantly came to Xiao Wu's mother, staring at her, "Do you think I can't help it? The sixth spirit ability, the creation of eternity!"

"It's useless, you can't break my defense!"

With the sound of piercing flesh and blood, Xiao Wu's mother's face turned pale, "How come?"

Obviously she has already used the invincible golden body, why is she still broken? Is it the trick just now!

Looking at Xiao Wu's mother who was dying, Bibi Dong kindly explained, "I'm sorry, my sixth spirit ability can ignore all defenses!"

"What? Xiao Wu's mother looked at Bibi Dong feebly. Now she has nothing to do. She didn't expect Bibi Dong's spirit ability to have such an effect.

"Your spirit ring is mine!" Bibi Dong retracted the spider's legs that pierced Xiao Wu's mother. Because of the characteristics of martial spirits, the Soul Eater Spider King can directly absorb the spirit power of others, and of course the spirit beast's spirit ring does not Exceptionally, this greatly saved Bibi Dong's time to absorb the spirit ring.

Before long, Bibi Dong stared at the lifeless Xiao Wu mother on the ground for a while, then turned and left.

No way, this is the law of survival in this world. Humans and soul beasts have been living together in accordance with this law of survival for a long time.

Bibi Dong plans to leave here after finding Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo. Sometimes he can't be too greedy!

"Isn't it near here? Where can I go." Bibi Dong patrolled the surrounding area and found no trace of Ghost Ju and Guiju.

With the strength of the two ghosts and chrysanthemums, as long as they don't encounter any special monster-level soul beasts, in general, they definitely don't have to worry about it.

However, there are dangers in the Star Dou Great Forest, and it is uncertain whether there will be any accidents, especially the existence of Xuye Village in the Star Dou Great Forest, which directly increases the danger level of the Star Dou Great Forest by another level.

According to Bibi Dong's judgment, Gui Ju and the two shouldn't run around just because of some trivial things. It must be something more important.

Suddenly, Bibi Dong had an idea in his mind, "They are not going to catch that little guy!" Thinking like this, the possibility is very high.

When Bibi Dong found out that Xiao Wu had disappeared, he didn't put his mind on her, but focused on dealing with Xiao Wu's mother.

Bibi Dong intends to find the whereabouts of the two ghosts and chrysanthemums along the way first. Their spirit power fluctuations are relatively familiar to Bibi Dong, and see if he can find anything.

Bibi Dong found the place where the big tree had broken off all the time along the road. This is where everything happened.After passing this place, Bibi Dong found that Xiao Wu had disappeared, but at that time she didn't think much about chasing Xiao Wu's mother.

If the two of Gui Ju were really going to catch Xiao Wu, they might find clues from this place.In this way, looking around here may find some useful information.

Bibi Dong did not hesitate and immediately launched an investigation.

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