You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!It didn't take a while for Bibi Dong to find the footprints Xiao Wu had left before.If his reasoning is good, it is very likely that Gui Ju and the other two have followed these footsteps.

"Let's go and take a look!" No matter what, Bibi Dong intends to go and see the situation first.

At the same time, Ulchiola also found the place where Bibi Dong and Xiao Wu's mother fought.In the process of rushing, the strong spirit power fluctuations have gradually stabilized, and this situation also shows that the battle is over.

Ulchiola looked at Xiao Wu's mother lying on the ground, and whispered: "...Are you a step late..."

Ulchiola could still recall how Xiao Wu staggered to ask for help not long ago, and Xiao Wu with tears in her eyes threw herself at her feet and begged for herself, which he couldn't forget now.

However, looking at Xiao Wu's mother who had completely lost her life, Ulchiola was also silently pondering.

As far as the method is concerned, there is indeed one, and that is blur!It's just that Ulchiola is not sure whether the blur can work on creatures that have lost their lives.

Although Seleya was successfully blurred, it was done when she was in good health.

It's useless to think so much now, so let's take the body of Xiao Wu's mother back and make plans!As for Xiao Wu's side, Ulchiola felt it was better to tell the truth.

Ulchiola put Xiao Wu's mother's body against her shoulders, got up and returned to Xuye Village.

Within the jurisdiction of Xuye Village, the two of Gui Ju slowly regained consciousness. As soon as they regained consciousness, they felt the pain from the hot wound on their back.

"Huh... I didn't expect that we would actually survive..." Ghost Douluo said word by word, resisting the pain.

Ju Douluo had the same idea, he originally thought that this time he might stay here forever with Ghost Douluo.

"It seems that our luck hasn't run out yet, but let's join Bibi Dong as soon as possible..." The severe pain made Ju Douluo unable to speak well, and it took a few breaths to ease.

"Yes, let's go back soon..." Ghost Douluo also agreed.

In this way, Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo supported each other and stood up, step by step towards the outskirts of the Xuye Village territory.

I don't know how long it has passed, but an exclamation came from a distance, "How about ghosts and Yueguan?"

Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo were in a trance, and they didn't know how far they had gone.Hearing this familiar voice, the two of them slowly raised their heads: "Master Bibi Dong...We failed. We can't help you bring that little guy back..."

Bibi Dong couldn't get angry looking at the two of Gui Ju being so seriously injured. After all, they were injured for themselves.

"Master Bibidong, retreat quickly...This is the territory of Xuye Village!" Gui Douluo quickly proposed to Bibidong, regardless of the pain on his body.

"No wonder!" Just now, Bibi Dong was still wondering why there has been a dead air around him, there is no forest at all, and now he finally knows the answer.

Bibi Dong used his spirit power to support the two Guiju, "We will retreat!"

Bibi Dong knew what Xuye Village was, better than anyone else, she didn't dare to stay for a long time where she might never get out if she was not careful.

As for who hurt Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo, Bibi Dong didn't need to think too much. Most of them were the master of Xuye Village, the guy named Ulqiola.

Just when Bibi Dong planned to take the ghost and chrysanthemum to retreat, Ulchiola, who had returned to Xuye Village, appeared.He walked towards the Bibi Dong trio at a slow pace.

"Don't recite like this..." Although Bibi Dong had the confidence to deal with the average one-hundred-thousand-year soul beast, Ulchiola was obviously not something she could deal with.

Although Bibi Dong hadn't seen Ulchiola, he had heard the description of Huang Yuan and the others, and the figure approaching in the distance was just like what they described.89 Literature Network

The two Gui Ju naturally saw the figure approaching in the distance, and they couldn't help shivering when they looked at the creepy figure.

It's not that they are timid, but that the fear Ulchiola brought to them is too deep, just let them experience the feeling of dying.

Bibi Dong noticed that Xiao Wu's mother was carrying Ulchiola's shoulders, and an inexplicable sense of unfavorableness surged in his heart.

"...It's you... the guy who killed my friend..." Ulzio Ramen looked at Bibi Dong blankly and said coldly.

"Yes!" After all, Bibi Dong is also the Pope of the Spirit Hall. How could he be stage fright? He also answered Ulquiola's question without hesitation.

Ulquiola stared at Bibi Dong with cold eyes, Bibi Dong didn't dare to show up, it was the first time she felt such a sense of oppression.

For Bibi Dong, Ulchiola would not really do anything to her, but a lesson is definitely inevitable!

"...Do you know who you are provoking..."

"I know, the king of Xuye Village, Ulchiola!" Bibi Dongqiang said loudly and powerfully, tolerating the fear in his heart.

"...As a are braver than many give you a chance..."

The sad look on Bibi Dong's face finally disappeared, since there is still talk, it's easy to say.She was afraid that Ulchiola was the kind of arrogant and unreasonable type who would kill someone.

"...I only have one move... life and death are up to the sky... you are free... as long as you can live regardless of the method... I won't pursue it..."

Bibi Dong still didn't understand the horror of Urquiola, so he readily agreed, "Okay, it's a deal!"

Bibi Dong felt that the odds of winning this way were much greater. If she faced Ulquiola, she knew she had no chance of winning, but if it was a move, she should be able to hold it.

The two of Gui Ju didn't know whether to tell Bibi Dong the facts, they were just beaten by Ulquiola.But after thinking about it, they still haven't beaten Bibi Dong. Maybe Bibi Dong has any other cards.

"...It looks like you are confident... let's start..." No nonsense, Ulzio stretched out his slender fingers and pointed at the three Bibi Dongs.

Bibi Dong had a good perception of danger, and he ran away with Guiju and two quickly without hesitation.

As long as it escapes from the field of vision, even Ulchiola will definitely be fine!


The dark green spirit energy gathered at Ulquiola's fingertips and began to swell gradually.

"Wang Xu's flash!" Ulqiola shot a huge dark green spirit energy pillar with a height comparable to a tree when the three of Bibi Dong fled.

Bibi Dong ran a long distance with Guiju and Guiju in a rush. When Bibidong felt that Ulchiola might have been thrown away, the Guiju two behind him reminded with difficulty: "Bibi Master Dong, behind..."

Bibi Dong looked back, and the scene before her completely shocked her.A dark green spirit energy pillar that tore everything unstoppable rushed towards the three of them.

"Could it be..." Bibi Dong seems to understand the reason, but what good is it now to understand the reason?

Ulchiola retracted his finger and slowly said, "...This is for tracking...It doesn't matter how far you go..."

With the earth-shaking blast, Ulqiola snorted and continued to carry Xiao Wu's mother towards Xuye Village.

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