You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Ulchiola did not expect to kill Bibi Dong with just one blow, and the intensity used was nothing more than a level that could teach Bibi Dong a lesson.

Of course, the situation of the two ghosts and chrysanthemums will be discussed separately, and it is impossible to say whether they can eat or not.According to the original idea, things should develop like this.

Ulchiola could be sure that the loud noise that had just occurred was not caused by her own moves, but someone else should have stopped her.

For Ulchiola, it doesn't matter, it just works.

Just as Wang Xushan of Ulchiola was about to swallow the three of Bibi Dong, a domineering voice sounded.

"Uchiha rebounds!"

The spot wearing the battle armor appeared in time, and he used the group fan to bounce Wang Xushan back, which caused a violent sound that just shook the earth.

After the smoke dissipated, both Bibi Dong and Gui Ju could see clearly who else came, except Uchiha Madara.

Bibi Dong was very happy, this time thanks to Madara's timely appearance, otherwise she and Gui Ju might be completely annihilated.

Seeing Madara, Bibi Dong just wanted to say a word of gratitude, but unexpectedly Madara spoke first.

"You guys are really good at it. They tried to provoke Xuye Village, don't you want to live?"

Madara's severe accusation left the three of them speechless for a while. After all, no matter how to explain it, the truth is that if they didn't have Madara's help, they would definitely be cold.

In that case, keep silent, arguing with Madara is not a wise choice.Bibi Dong knew this too well, and she had never won the argument with Madara over the years.

"Bibi Dong, do you think you can do whatever you want in the Star Dou Forest after learning some physical skills?" Madara stared at Bibi Dong with domineering eyes and asked seriously.

"Maara, I know I was rash this time..."

Bibi Dong knows Madara's kindness. She has understood Madara's character for so many years. She is indifferent on the outside but gentle on the inside. Of course, the premise is to treat her.

"Fortunately, I followed in time this time, otherwise, hum!"

Bibi Dong also knew that Madara said this for her own good, and quickly stepped forward and said, "Alright, Madara, I promise you that I won't put myself in danger next time."

Madara looked at Bibi Dong who was holding him, and said coldly: "Your strength is no problem dealing with the average 100,000-year soul beast, but some fierce beasts still try not to provoke them. Furthermore, the danger of Xuye Village is Above the fierce beast!"

How could Bibi Dong didn't understand the meaning of Madara's words, and leaned on Madara's shoulder, "Okay, OK, I know what you said, this time is really an accident."

Bibi Dong is also the Pope, and he still saves Bibi Dong a little bit of face in front of the two Gui Ju.Now that Bibi Dong knew about it, Madara didn't intend to continue nagging, and he was not very good at preaching himself.

"Since it's successful, let's go back! I'll bring the kid and Xiaoju!"

Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo had no objection to what Madara called them. One was because of Madara's strength, and the other was the relationship between Madara and Bibi Dong.

"You two are really embarrassed this time!" Madara took the Guiju and the two couldn't help but tease.

The two of Gui Ju could only smile, and there was no way that Madara could tell the truth. It was the two of them who were injured in this operation.

"Your fate is really big, it's a miracle to be alive after being hit by Ulchiola!"

Madara and Ulchiola also fought each other a few years ago. He knows how terrifying Ulchiola's strength is, and it is impossible to miss the two of Guiju.

Since the two of Gui Ju are still alive, it shows that Ulqiola did not kill the two of Gui Ju at the time, otherwise the two of Gui Ju would have already returned to the west.

Ban brought Guiju and Bibi Dong back to Wuhun City. The injuries on both Guiju and Guiju were still serious and needed timely treatment.

On the way back, Bibi Dong came to Madara’s side and said softly, "Maara, thank you. Thanks to you by my side this time." 7Q Novel

Madara didn't care much about it, and directly replied: "You are still the same, it's not worrying at all!"

Bibi Dong spit out his tongue playfully, but Madara didn't eat this set, as he still had that cold face.

Bibi Dong's behavior is almost invisible to ordinary people. Only in front of Madara can Bibi Dong show her true side.

Although she is the pope, it does not mean that she needs to be that cold all the time.It just means that her liveliness and playfulness are only shown in front of Madara.

The two of Gui Ju were seriously injured, so they began to close their eyes and look at them, hoping to reduce the pain by sleeping.I haven't seen Bibi Dong just now.

"Hurry up, the two guys behind you are too much trouble!" Ban didn't want to run around with two big men on his back.

"Hehe, okay, let's speed up a bit!" Bibi Dong also had this idea.

In Xuye Village, Seleya is the only woman in the village and the only person who can comfort Xiao Wu.

Seleia sat on the side of the steps with Xiao Wu, patted Xiao Wu's back gently with her hands to make her feel better.

Celia also saw the poor appearance of Xiao Wu just now. As a female, she sympathized for a while and offered to take care of Xiao Wu.

"Xiao Wu, don't be sad, believe Ulchiola, he will definitely bring your mother back!"

Xiao Wu sobbed and gave a soft hmm.

Celia didn't know how to comfort Xiao Wu, so she hugged her tightly.

At this moment, Ulchiola suddenly appeared in Xuye Village.

Celia said excitedly to Xiao Wu: "Look, Ulchiola is back with your mother!"

Xiao Wu quickly raised her head when she heard it, her eyes full of joy.

Xiao Wu ran to Urquiola excitedly, and Seraya did the same.

Xiao Wu came to Ulchiola and gently touched her mother's arm, but there was no reaction at all.

"Uncle Ulchiola, what's wrong with my mother..." Xiao Wu suddenly had an unknown premonition in her heart. When she just touched her mother, her mother's body was very cold and there was no warmth.

Seleya also noticed that something was wrong, and looked at Ulchiola nervously.

Ulchiola gently stroked Xiao Wu's head with his hand, "...I'm sorry...I couldn't save your mother in time...I'm sorry..."

Ulchiola put Xiao Wu's mother's body on the bed in the room, and Xiao Wu threw herself on the bed, crying heartbreakingly.

"... Seleya... take good care of Xiao Wu..."

Ulchiola didn't say much, just said a little, and got up and left.

How could Seleya not know Ulqiola's mood, although Ulqiola usually looks cold, but he is still very enthusiastic about the spirit beasts who need help.What happened this time should also make Ulchiola feel a little sorry.

Ulchiola had known that Xiao Wu's mother would have such a encounter, so he had invited Xiao Wu's mother to live in Xuye Village as early as the beginning.

It's just that he still underestimated the correction power of the world, some things can't be avoided!

Although Ulchiola can try the blurring method, the success rate of Ulchiola is not guaranteed!Therefore, Ulchiola couldn't make any guarantee to Xiao Wu, he had already broken his promise once.

"...It seems that the deterrence of Xuye Village... is still not big enough..."

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