You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!It seems that the sky green bull python has a good self-regulation ability, and soon adjusted his mood.

Looking at the sky blue cow python that had calmed down, Ulchiola said without any emotion: "...Xiao Wu's mother was hunted..."

The sky green bull python closed its huge eyes and raised its head not knowing what it was doing.

Tianqing Niu Python had such a hunch for a long time, but he didn't expect that things were really the same as he thought, and the thing he least wanted had happened.

"Where is Xiao Wu?" Sky Green Bull Python asked eagerly.

"...Don't worry... Xiao Wu is in Xuye Village... This time if it wasn't for Xiao Wu to find me in time... I wouldn't know about it..."

The Azure Bull Python looked at Ulchiola, although he was also sad, but he hadn't reached the level of rudeness, and he didn't mean to blame Ulchiola.

"Ulquiola, thank you... can you tell me who did it?" A faint flame of revenge flashed through the eyes of the Azure Bull Python.Although it was cryptic, it was still noticed by Ulchiola.

"... Wuhun Palace... But I advise you not to think about it..." Ulqiola didn't hide the facts. He told the sky blue cow python, and the sky blue cow python couldn't stand the wind and waves.

"Martial Soul Palace? Sure enough..." The Sky Blue Bull Python also fell into deep thought, if it was someone else, he vowed to avenge Xiao Wu's mother.

But the strength of the Spirit Hall was not something he could defeat at all, and it was very likely that he would also join in, so it would not be worth the gain.

Ulqiola looked at the tangled sky blue cow python, and said in a flat tone: "...I will avenge this enmity...No matter what, they will make my face dull..."

The Azure Bull Python looked at Ulchiola in surprise, "You don't need to do this!"

"...No... not just about you... but also my own purpose... The deterrence of Xuye Village is still not enough..."

Afterwards, there was a little silence for a while, Ulchiola remembered the question Xiao Wu had raised before, and said: "...Xiao Wu hopes you two can come to Xuye Village...think about it..."

The sky green cow python nodded, "We will consider it carefully! Thank you for your kindness!"

Let the two of them digest the rest, and Ulchiola can't help!

After returning to Xuye Village, Ulchiola saw that Seleya had just returned with Xiao Wu. The sad expression on Xiao Wu's face was much brighter than before. It seemed that it made sense to go out and relax.

"Uncle Ulchiola, did you just go to see Daming and Erming?" Xiao Wu hurried over when she saw Ulchiola and asked.


"Then did they agree to come to Xuye Village?" Xiao Wu's eyes were filled with expectation.

Ulchiola shook his head, "...have yet to reply...they said they should think about it..."

"That's it, okay, uncle trouble this time!" Xiao Wu grinned and thanked Ulquiola.

Ulchiola looked at Seleia who followed and asked, "How is it? How do you think Xiao Wu's mood is adjusted?"

Celia sighed, "I can only say so, don't see that the little guy is very happy now, in fact, she just doesn't want us to worry about..."

Ulchiola also knows that this kind of pain can't be dissipated in a day or two, and it can even be said that it will not be gone in a lifetime...

"It still takes time for her to slow down." Seleya looked at Xiao Wu jumping in the distance with a kind face.Jingaishu Novel

"...It are very suitable for taking children...I will leave it to you..."

"By the way, Ulchiola! There is one thing I think you will definitely be interested in!" Seleia's voice was mysterious, as if she had discovered something special.

"...What's the matter... Stop the ink..." Ulchiola has never had a hobby of joking with people and guessing, so she doesn't eat Seraya at all.

Seleia also knew Ulchiola's character, but she just couldn't help but want to tease Ulchiola, otherwise Ulchiola's character would be too cold.

"Thank you for your enthusiasm for your own people, Ulchiola~" Seleia said a little coquettishly, "Otherwise, I won't find anyone in the future!"

Urquiola looked at Celia blankly, and said slowly: "...It doesn't matter...what's the matter...hurry up..."

Now that Ulchiola was impatient, Seleia didn’t intend to sell her off, and said seriously: “When we went out to relax, there were people following us behind me, but I didn’t do anything to them. I guess it might be. Some people want to deal with Xuye Village."

Ulchiola wanted such an opportunity, but it came too timely for him.

"...Huh... just right..." Ulchiola didn't say much.

Celia frowned. She seemed to be aware of what Ulquiola was about to do, "Ulquiola, you wouldn't want to..."

"...That's right... this time... you will guard Xuye Village..."

Seraya looked at Ulchiola so resolutely that she couldn't say anything. She knew that as long as Ulchiola made a decision, no one could control her.

"I really can't help you, let go and do it! I'm guarding Xuye Village, don't worry!" Seleya didn't intend to stop Ulchiola, such behavior didn't make any sense.

"……Okay, thank you……"

"Ulquiola, you really don't understand the girl's thoughts at all, but you can't wait for this kind of thing. When you come back, I will teach you well!" Seleya gave Urchiola an encouragement Eyes.

"... Hmm... OK... Then where are their positions now..."

"Well, when we returned, they came to a certain distance outside Xuye Village and stopped chasing them. Maybe they escaped, or maybe they went to inform the big troops!" Seleya analyzed.

Ulchiola didn't care, the big army was just here to die.If only one or two people are alone, then they are so bold!

"...Okay... leave it to me later... you go take care of Xiao Wu first..." Ulchiola is also planning to act, this time he will preemptively make them feel their own horror thoroughly. .

Some distance away from Xuye Village, a group of spirit masters gathered together and seemed to be discussing something.

"Our spies have found the location of Xuye Village and can attack at any time!"

"Very well, everyone get ready! Clean up a little bit, let's set off!" the leader said to the members.

This group of people had thought of revenge against Xuye Village a long time ago. Their friends or family members never came out after they entered Xuye Village. The Wuhun Temple also tacitly approved the existence of Xuye Village. Can act by himself.

Not long ago, they were still requesting assistance from the Spirit Hall, but the Hall of Spirit did not agree.But a few days later, in the Wuhun Hall, an order was issued not to prohibit soul masters from going to Xuye Village. It was the announcement of this order that they were completely free of concerns.

Previously, Wuhun Hall had forbidden to enter the territory of Xuye Village without permission. If they entered rashly, they might be punished by both Wuhun Hall and Xuye Village.

Now that the ban has been lifted, they no longer have the worries of the Spirit Hall, and besides, they themselves have formed a team of not weak soul masters.

"What Martial Soul Palace? It's really just a group of cowards!" The boss leader said disdainfully.

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