The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 201 Perfectly Avoiding The Correct Answer

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"Boss Lu is right, what Wuhun Hall, I think it is called the Hall of Fear!" A member teased the Hall of Spirituality, making everyone laugh.

"Fear Hall? This name is really good. After we go out, people on the whole continent will know the new name of Wuhun Hall!"

Before they knew it, one of the members had already set a distinctive flag, and they didn't even know it.

"Are you all ready? If you are ready, let's go!" Mr. Lu shouted loudly.

"No problem, boss!"

"Very well, head to Xuye Village!" The spirit masters all started to take action after Mr. Lu gave an order.

Boss Lu is the strongest among these people, and he has become the leader of this team as it should be.The time when strength is respected is strength.

During the march, many people were also very curious about the goal of this time. They were also the first time to come to Xuye Village. They just heard about the rumors of Xuye Village, and didn't feel it personally.

"Boss Lu, do you know the soul beast in Xuye Village? Tell everyone if you understand it!"

"Yeah, yeah!" Some members also followed suit.

Boss Lu saw nothing but to tell them what he knew.To be honest, he didn't know the specific situation about Xuye Village. He just heard that Xuye Village was terrifying, so terrible that Wuhun Palace didn't want to deal with it.

But how could he speak this kind of thing? His brother disappeared in Xuye Village a few years ago. All he did was to avenge his brother.

Boss Lu is not stupid, he dare not tell the truth about Xuye Village.To be honest, it is estimated that no one is willing to enter this Xuye Village with him.

Therefore, in order to achieve his goal, he had to say that the rumors of Xuyecun were fabricated illusions, so as to make more spirit masters who had the same ideas as him but didn't dare to practice them to listen to him.

Boss Lu's random remarks bluffed these members. Many of their friends disappeared in Xuye Village. They wanted revenge but didn't dare.

However, under the coaxing of boss Lu, they gradually gained confidence.

"What? It turns out that Xuye Village is nothing. Wuhun Palace does not have any hidden secrets!"

"It's really possible for you to say that!"

Hearing that his members were brought into the rhythm by himself, the corner of his mouth smiled slightly, he had given them a reassurance, there shouldn't be any moths.Let them be your shield!

"Xuye Village, no matter how terrible you are, I will avenge my brother!" Boss Lu thought silently in his heart.

According to the position Seleya said, they should take this offensive route, so Ulquiola had been waiting here early.

Ulqiola closed his eyes, standing on the only way for the boss of Lu and his party, waiting for their arrival.

After a long time, Ulchiola slowly opened his eyes, and said coldly: "...It's already here..."

The members of the marching boss Lu and his party saw Ulqiola in front of him and said to boss Lu: "Boss, you see someone in front of you!"

Boss Lu, as the leader, naturally noticed Urquiola, and then shouted: "Everyone is ready for battle!"

Being able to stand so upright on the path that he and others must pass, there is a high probability that he knows the purpose of his trip.

"There are really two ways to go. Did you find out so soon? It should be the spies who exposed their whereabouts!" Boss Lu quickly figured out the reason. The only one of them who might be exposed was the spies.

From this perspective, Xuye Village is really not easy!In the grasp of intelligence, one can see the strong strength of the opponent.

But the guy in front of him doesn't seem to be a powerful character, and it will be fine if you solve it as soon as possible.v3 Academy

It's a pity that Boss Lu managed to avoid the correct answer, and being able to treat Ulqiola as a small trash fish was destined to be taken away.

"Boss Lu, what do you do with the guy in front? It looks like they are ready!" A member came to Boss Lu and asked.

Lao Lu waved his hand, "Don't be afraid, the other party must be a little trash fish, look at me and get him out of it!"

When everyone heard that Boss Lu was about to make a move, they were all confident!

"If Boss Lu makes a move, there will be no problem! That guy is done!"

Boss Lu rushed to Ulqiola in the lead, "I am the 79th-level assault soul sage, spirit demon wolf, die!"

"Sixth spirit ability, Demon Spike!" Boss Lu fully planned to kill Ulqiola with a single blow, so he directly used the sixth spirit ability without hesitation.

Ulchiola watched Boss Lu motionlessly, as if he didn't react at all.

"Look, that guy was frightened stupid, it seems that the guys in Xuye Village are not very powerful!" Some members still spit out contemptuously.

The spirit power around Boss Lu's body formed a giant black wolf, and opened his huge red mouth towards Ulqiola. The sharp teeth seemed to want to chew Ulqiola to pieces.

"...Noisy..." Ulqiola faintly spit out two words, and avoided the attack of boss Lu on his side.

"What? Dodged? But it doesn't matter, I am a continuous spirit ability, not just a single blow!" Boss Lu didn't panic, except that Ulqiola had a little skill.

When the boss Lu was planning to launch a follow-up attack, Ulqiola had already slashed boss Lu with a hand knife.

Ulchiola wanted them to feel fear, so this time he didn't have any plans to be merciful.

Ulchiola's sharp hand knife directly cut Lulu boss's shoulder from top to bottom and cut him in half.

"How could it be... so strong..." As soon as Boss Lu's voice fell, his body was already divided in half and scattered on the ground.

The audience was silent, and the members who came with Boss Lu also stared blankly at what was happening before them.

They couldn't believe all of this at all, their boss was beaten by a trash.

"I'm not dreaming, right? You smoke me!" One member didn't believe the facts before him, and tried to get another member to smoke him.

A slap in the face of "pop" sounded, and the scene before him remained unchanged, which means that all this is not a dream!

"Monster, pick up my fifth spirit ability!" A member shouted and released a spirit ability and rushed towards Ulchiola.

Ulchiola didn't wait for this member to come, but took the lead in the past and hit his forehead.

With just such a light flick, the huge force in it caused the member's skull to crack and exploded in an instant.

Such a cruel scene made many members' legs tremble.In this situation, they also realize that they have been cheated.

The monsters in front of them were so terrible, they were not able to fight them at all.At this time they also understood why the Wuhun Palace forbid them to enter Xuye Village!

The Spirit Hall was for their good, but they didn't obey the instructions obediently.It can be said that the reason for this consequence is their arrogance.

Ulchiola is not a great good person, if he offends Xuye Village, stay forever!

Seeing Ulchiola approaching step by step, they wanted to run, but their legs didn't obey the command at all. They trembled with fear and couldn't stop.

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