The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 217 Sunset Forest

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!If you say where there are the most treasures of heaven, material and earth, it must be the eyes of ice and fire.

The sunset forest where Dugu Bo is located has a unique area, half as cold as frost, half as flame and half as hot. This is the so-called two eyes of ice and fire.

Huang Yuan planned to go to the Eyes of Ice and Fire to see if there are any treasures that can repair and consolidate the soul.Imagine that the Shrek Seven Devils can have the same achievements in the future, aside from their own talents, these fairy grasses have a great effect.

It's just that Huang Yuan is not interested in becoming a god, and he doesn't bother to ask for these fairy grasses. He only needs to find treasures that can restore his soul.

Huang Yuan is not an expert in this line, so he has to visit Dugu Bo on this trip to the Sunset Forest. Dugu Bo knows a lot about this.

In the Sunset Forest, Huang Yuan did not visit many times. He passed by accidentally once in the past four years. However, Huang Yuan still knew the location of the Sunset Forest.

The yellow ape turned into a golden flash and flew in the direction of the sunset forest.

Although the Sunset Forest is incomparable with the Star Dou Great Forest, it also contains a lot of powerful soul beasts, and there are almost no soul beasts less than a thousand years old.Therefore it is not suitable for novices!

"This is the Sunset Forest. It is really a different scenery from the Star Dou Great Forest~" Huang Yuan has already reached the outskirts of the Sunset Forest, enjoying the surrounding scenery a little bit.

The scenery can be enjoyed at any time, it is better to do business first.

Dugu Bo lives in the sunset forest, but Huang Yuan does not know where Dugu Bo is.Huang Yuan himself hadn't seen Dugu Bo much, let alone knew his residence.

However, Huang Yuan knew that Dugu Bo had encircled a place with poisonous fog, and that should be Dugu Bo's residence inside, which means that he could be found by finding the poisonous fog released by Dugu Bo.

In the blink of an eye, Huang Yuan came to a huge tree and looked into the distance. Although the size of the sunset forest is not comparable to the Star Dou Great Forest, even so, it is too big!

"It will take some time to find it now, trouble~" Huang Yuan's mouth was somewhat reluctant, but his body was still very agile.

Huang Yuan had never been in contact with Dugu Bo, and didn't know his aura very well, but at this time Dugu Bo should have broken through to Title Douluo level.

As long as he perceives the titled Douluo-level aura through seeing, hearing, and color, it should be Dugu Bo, no accident.

The idea is very good. After Huang Yuan used the domineering look, he did not find the titled Douluo-level aura.

"It's weird, so I won't find it, is it going out~"

After several attempts, Huang Yuan confirmed that Dugu Bo should indeed not be in the sunset forest, otherwise it would be impossible to not perceive it so many times.

If you wait for Dugu Bo to come back, that's okay, but it's a bit boring.Since the other party is not there, you can take a stroll on your own first and wander around, which is quite enjoyable.

Huang Yuan jumped from the tree and walked leisurely towards the depths of the sunset forest.

As soon as he entered the sunset forest, Huang Yuan noticed several ill-intentioned auras around him, showing the danger of the sunset forest.

"Within Kuwa, every soul beast is so irritable~"

There are also many powerful soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest, but they are not as combative as these soul beasts in the sunset forest.

Huang Yuan walked forward on his own. Since these spirit beasts did not take the initiative to attack, he didn't want to take the initiative to attack them.

I don't know how long it has been, Huang Yuan couldn't help but want to praise these soul beasts for their willpower, each one was so patient no matter how much.

These spirit beasts have been following the yellow ape without launching an attack, and it really doesn't feel good.315 Chinese Network

Since following me all the way, it shows that these soul beasts have the desire to attack, but just like this, Huang Yuan is a little worried for them.

Why don't these spirit beasts want to launch an attack, it's a pity that Huang Yuan gave them the feeling of an inexplicable danger, obviously an unsuspecting human, but they just felt an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Forget it, Huang Yuan didn't plan to entangle on this issue. They liked how it was, but Huang Yuan didn't want to ruin his good mood because of them.

At this time, a series of calls for help came from the forest in the distance. The voices were very immature, and the tone was somewhat feminine, like a child.

It is a rare thing that there will be children in the sunset forest.Since it made a cry for help, just go and take a look. Huang Yuan couldn't ignore such a cry for help.

Huang Yuan followed the direction where the sound came from. Huang Yuan didn't dare to make ink marks at this time.

A huge black tiger is chasing a little girl wearing a purple cheongsam. The huge black tiger seems to be teasing the little girl. It has not attacked her, only scared her.

The character of cats who love to play with their prey is not wrong!

After playing for so long, the huge black tiger seemed to be a little tired of playing, and didn't want to waste time with the little girl anymore, and then patted the little girl with a palm.

With such a strong palm, let alone a little girl, even the soul sect can be slapped to death.

A huge tiger palm fell from the top of the little girl's head, and the little girl's eyes were tightly closed. At this moment, her heart was just thinking: "Am I going to die? Grandpa, I shouldn't listen to you!"

The huge black tiger was about to succeed, but found his tiger palm was easily blocked by a human!

"Oh, bullying children is not a good habit~" Huang Yuan said in a provocative tone.

Hearing the strange voice, the little girl opened her eyes. Seeing the scene in front of her, the little girl was a little stunned. She didn't expect that she would be rescued by an unknown person.

"Is this true?" The little girl pinched the pinch's face, the pain let her know that the situation in front of her was real.

"Little girl, this tiger is a bit too troublesome, you go to the side and wait, the old man solves him first~" Huang Yuan said to the little girl with a smile.

The little girl also sensibly moved away from Huang Yuan's position and watched.

The soul beasts who had followed the yellow ape before also ran with the yellow ape. Seeing the little girl who was alone and the yellow ape who seemed to be held back, they grinned and left drooling.

"Oh, it's really obsessive~" Huang Yuan didn't notice the few of them, but didn't expect the other party to stick to this point.

But now that there is still a little girl present in this situation, Huang Yuan doesn't plan on ink stains anymore, let's get rid of these spirit beasts.

The huge black tiger looked at the yellow ape so easily blocking his attack, and couldn't help getting angry, and roars came from his throat.

The few soul beasts hiding in the dark saw the black tiger exerting strength, and at the same time rushed to the little girl, the situation suddenly became anxious.

Huang Yuan smiled helplessly, and shook the black tiger away. His hands were folded together, "Eight-foot mirror~"

A dazzling flash of light flickered from Huang Ape's hand and continuously refracted back and forth in the forest, just covering the positions of a few soul beasts.

Immediately afterwards, Huang Yuanhua flickered along the refraction trajectory for a flash.

After a burst of bright light, the little girl didn't react, and the few soul beasts around her fell to the ground with severe injuries, dying.

What just happened?The little girl's eyes opened wide.

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