You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Huang Yuan was already merciful, and he didn't need spirit rings. It was useless to kill these spirit beasts, so Huang Yuan only left a sigh of relief for them.

After dealing with these annoying soul beasts, Huang Yuan came to the little girl and squatted down and asked, "Little sister, this is a sunset forest. It's dangerous. Why are you here alone?"

The little girl reacted to shock from just now, and quickly replied: "Thank you for your help! I am the lone geese. I live here with my grandfather. My grandfather went to the Heaven Dou Empire to do errands. I just ran out to play Up."

Sure enough, as Huang Yuan guessed, this girl was Dugu Bo's granddaughter, Dugu Goose.

Just now Dugu Goose also said that Dugu Bo went to the Tiandou Empire to work, and Huang Yuan felt that it was 80% likely to be about Ulqiola.

Of course, this was Huang Yuan's guess, and what Dugubo did had nothing to do with him.

"Uncle, what's your name?" Dugu Yan looked at Huang Yuan and asked with her childish voice.

"You can call the old man Huang Yuan~"

"Uncle Huang Yuan? Okay! What's the matter with Uncle Huang Yuan coming to Sunset Forest?" Dugu Yan changed his words quickly.

"Well, the uncle came to see your grandfather Dugubo for something. There is something that needs his help~" Huang Yuan scratched his head.

Dugu Yan said happily: "Don't worry, grandpa will definitely help you. Uncle saved me too!"

This is also a good thing. Saving Dugu Goose by myself is equivalent to saying that Dugu Bo owes him a favor, so that Dugu Bo is very likely to help him.

Thinking of this, Huang Yuan also smiled and said to Dugu Yan: "I thank you here first~"

Dugu Goose waved his hand and motioned to Huang Yuan not to say that, "Uncle Huang Yuan, you just saved me, you should be busy! Having said that, let's go home and wait. When Grandpa comes back, Uncle You can see it directly."

Huang Yuan nodded, staying in this secluded and dangerous forest for a long time is not a good choice.

Dugu Goose took the yellow ape to his home, and soon saw the big purple poisonous fog.This was the poisonous gas released by Poison Douluo, and the spirit beast did not dare to approach it at all, so it was still a very safe area within the scope of the poisonous gas.

"Pass through the poisonous mist under Grandpa's cloth, and you are home!" Dugu Yan excitedly pointed to the purple poisonous mist not far in front.

"This kind of ability is really convenient, but how do you go through this layer of poisonous fog~" Huang Yuan was a little curious about what method the Dugu Goose would use to pass through the poisonous fog.

The corner of Dugu Goose's mouth turned slightly, his eyes narrowed into the shape of a crescent moon, and he said wittyly, "My spirit and grandpa are of the same race as grandpa. This kind of poisonous fog is not effective for me!"

"Well, that's really amazing. Then let's meet behind the poisonous fog~"

Since Dugu Goose is immune to this poisonous fog, Huang Yuan doesn't need to worry about her safety.

"Okay, see you inside!" Dugu Yan happily entered the purple poisonous mist left by Dugu Bo.

For Huang Yuan, it is easy to pass a poisonous mist, and one element can be solved.

Huang Yuan turned into a flash of light and passed through the poisonous mist for an instant, re-transforming into a human form in the poisonous mist.

"Unexpectedly, this poisonous mist is not narrow yet~"

The poisonous fog left by Dugu Bo acts to isolate the soul beast, and the width has already exceeded a hundred meters.

There are also some powerful soul beasts in the sunset forest, which is also the reason why Dugu Bo wants to arrange the poisonous fog array wider.

The purple poisonous mist over a hundred meters wide almost deterred most of the soul beasts.Euyue Book

Because the yellow ape is faster, the Dugu Goose has not emerged from the poisonous fog.After waiting for a while, Dugu Goose also saw the yellow ape through the poisonous fog.

"Uncle Huang Yuan, why are you so fast?" Dugu Yan's small mouth opened slightly. She is very aware of the poisonous mist under Dugu Bobu. There will be a psychedelic feeling in the poisonous mist, which will make people confused. Direction, lost in the poisonous fog ever since.

As an outsider, Huang Yuan was even faster than himself, which really surprised Dugu Goose.

"The old man is good at speed. It is normal to be quicker~"

Dugu Goose didn't doubt this. She had seen the speed of Huang Yuan before, and severely injured 4 soul beasts in an instant. This speed was enough to explain the problem.

Dugu Goose didn't care about Huang Ape's speed problem, and then led Huang Ape to his home.

I have to say that this old guy Dugubo still knows life quite well. Such a quiet place is suitable for elderly care!

Of course, Huang Yuan was also very satisfied with his warm little home, and not many people in Wuhun City would bother him.

In a short while, under the leadership of Dugu Goose, Huang Yuan also arrived at the place where Dugu Bo and Dugu Goose lived.

"Uncle Huang Yuan, this is our home, you sit here for a while, I will make tea." Dugu Bo was not there, the task of entertaining Huang Yuan was placed on her, and Huang Yuan saved her. Life, this matter should be.

The homes of Dugubo and Duguyan are houses built with some bricks and stones. Although they may not look very attractive on the outside, the internal layout is very delicate.

Huang Yuan glanced around the room and found a lot of bookshelves full of books. It seemed that Dugu Bo was also a person who likes to read books.

If Master Yu Xiaogang's theory is the strongest in Douluo, excluding Tang San, it should be Dugubo who knows the most.

From these full bookshelves, it is not difficult to see the profound knowledge of Dugu.

"Uncle Huang Yuan, please use tea." Dugu Yan carefully brought a cup of hot tea.

"Thanks, Dugu Goose~" Huang Yuan also took the hot tea and sniffed slightly after thanking him.

The rich and fragrant tea scent captured Huang Yuan, an old tea fan, and took a sip first regardless of whether the tea was still hot.

"It's not bad, this tea~" There is a saying, this tea is indeed better than the tea in the Wuhun Hall.

In fact, it is not difficult to imagine that the sunset forest has the wonders of heaven and earth, ice and fire, and can grow so many spiritual plants, presumably the tea is also very high-quality.

Seeing Huang Yuan's full praise for the tea, Dugu Yan also covered his mouth and smiled, "If Uncle Huang Yuan doesn't dislike it, you can drink it, and I will send you some to take it with you."

"Really? If this is the case, then I would be so grateful~" Huang Yuan did not decline such kindness, after all, this is his favorite tea.

Dugu Bo didn't know when he would be back, so Huang Yuan and Dugu Yan chatted, wouldn't it be beautiful to wait while chatting.

"Dugu Goose, you..."

Before Huang Yuan finished speaking, Dugu Goose interrupted Huang Yuan's questioning, "Uncle Huang Yuan, don't be so unfamiliar. Just call me Goose Goose just like Grandpa."

"That's right, the old man knows. Speaking of Yan Yan, is your Martial Spirit awakened~" Huang Yuan immediately changed his words after being corrected by the Dugu Goose, and then went on to ask what he hadn't asked before.

"I have awakened, the martial soul is the Bilin Snake, although it is not as good as the grandfather's Bilin Snake Emperor, but it is also a very strong martial soul." Dugu Goose told Huang Ape without hiding anything.

All this made Huang Yuan have an illusion, does he bring his own stranger affinity max?

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