You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"Yes, the Bilin Snake Spirit is a very powerful control spirit. If you take advantage of the poison, it will have a terrifying effect~"

Dugu Yan nodded when he heard Huang Yuan's suggestion. In this case, her grandfather Dugubo also told her.If you want to become stronger, the first thing is to give full play to the advantages of the martial arts spirit. The Bilin snake martial arts soul is best at control, so taking the control route can maximize the strengths of the bilin snake martial arts soul.

"As expected of Uncle Huang Yuan, my grandfather taught me the same way!" Dugu Yan admires Huang Yuan even more. Not only does he have the same idea as his grandfather, but also his strength is equally strong.

Thinking of strength, Dugu Goose also wanted to know what Huang Ape's strength was, and asked, "Uncle Huang Ape, what is your strength level?"

Huang Yuan thought for a while, this question was not that easy to answer. After all, his strength was not calculated by soul power. After a little thought, Huang Yuan gave an answer.

"Well, the old man's strength is almost at level 97~" Huang Yuan still didn't say that it was too strong, so he compromised and said it was level 97.

"Level 97!" Dugu Yan was shocked, her grandfather Dugu Bo was only level 91, Uncle Huang Yuan was even better than his grandfather by level 6!

Looking at the surprised expression of Dugu Goose, Huang Yuan felt that if he said it a little higher, he should just say it is level 93.

"Uncle Huang Yuan, you are so strong, when will I think you are so strong?" Dugu Yan had deep yearning in his eyes.

However, you can't rush to cultivate this kind of thing, you still have to take it step by step, and can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

"As long as you persevere and work hard to cultivate, you can definitely succeed~" Huang Yuan smiled and told the Dugu Yan method.

Whether it is soul power, domineering, or other various abilities, in addition to talent, relying on hard training.

"Is there a shortcut to practice? So, Yanyan, don't be too impatient. It's best to let the flow go, just work hard to be yourself~"

Dugu Goose felt that Huang Yuan was right, and nodded in agreement.

"Well, let me give you an example. A great man said before that success requires 99% hard work and 1% talent. At first glance, hard work takes a lot of weight. In fact, the most important thing is talent~"

Dugu Goose sounded confused. Why is it that 99% is hard work, but Huang Yuan said that 1% talent is the most important thing.

"Is it puzzled?" Huang Yuan asked Dugu Yan with a smile.

Dugu Goose held his chin with his hands and nodded his head, "Well, but I don't quite understand it, obviously the proportion of hard work is far greater than talent!"

Huang Yuan rubbed Dugu Goose's head, "If you think about it, you are the last step from success, but often this step is the one that determines success or failure. Do you think that is the most important?"

After being mentioned by Huang Yuan, Dugu Goose suddenly realized, "That's what I meant! That 1% talent is the most critical step."

Although Dugu Yan understood the meaning of this sentence, he still couldn't figure out why Huang Yuan had said this to himself.

"But, what does this truth have to do with me?" Dugu Yan looked at Huang Ape with her little puzzled eyes.

"The meaning is very simple. People nowadays pay too much attention to cultivation. They blindly focus on cultivation but neglect some of the beautiful things in life. They are born with a certain talent, and there is no need to force themselves to achieve the same level as a genius. Just live out of yourself~"

Dugu Yan looked at Huang Yuan, and she had no idea that Huang Yuan would say such philosophical words.

"Like an old man. The talent of the old man is also average. He usually does his best to exercise, and there is no problem of strength. Although it is not invincible in the world, at least the old man enjoys life and gains strength~"

Dugu Goose’s eyes flashed with a different look, and Huang Yuan’s words benefited her a lot, "I know Uncle Huang Yuan! I just need to do my best, and let it go wherever I can reach in the future. Naturally? The main thing in life is to be happy."

Huang Yuan clapped his hands and said, "Bingo, that's right! That's what I said, just let the practice take its course, you don't need to find shortcuts~" Okay Chinese

After Huang Yuan instilled some chicken soup, Dugu Yan also understood a lot.

In this way, the two chatted again, but Dugu Yan mentioned that she had met a very handsome boy in Tiandou Royal Academy.

If nothing else, this boy should be Yu Tianheng. In fact, Huang Yuan felt that Dugu Goose and Yu Tianheng were a good match.

When you invest in the chat, you will find that time flies very quickly, and Dugu Bo has finished his work and rushed back to his home.

As soon as he entered the door, Dugu Bo shouted, "Yan Yan, Grandpa is back!"

When Dugu Yan heard grandpa's call, rushed over and gave Dugu Bo a big hug.

"Grandpa, Yan Yan misses you so much!"

"Hahaha, isn't it because Grandpa is back, he rushed back non-stop after finishing the work."

Since Dugu Bo is back, he should take the initiative to say hello as a guest, and Huang Yuan also got up to say hello to Dugu Bo.

"Hello, Lord Dugu Bo~"

Compared to Huang Yuan’s natural nature, Dugu Bo Ke was more on guard. A stranger and Dugu Goose together, how could this make Dugu Bo feel relieved.

However, Huang Yuan's attitude was very good when he reached out his hand and didn't hit the smiley man. Dugu Bo couldn't directly question Huang Yuan and had to say hello.

"Hello, I am Dugu Bo, I don't know if you are~"

"Look at the memory of the old man, you can be called the old man Huang Yuan~"

"Yellow Ape!" Dugubo was shocked, Huang Ape's name is too loud, the most famous in Wuhun Hall besides Qian Daoliu is Huang Ape.

Dugubo stared at Huang Ape vigilantly. If Huang Ape had any thoughts, he really couldn't stop him. His strength was incomparable to Huang Ape.

Huang Yuan also saw Dugubo's nervousness and alertness, and said with a smile: "Well, your Excellency Dugubo don't need to be too cautious. I actually have something to ask you to help me this time~"

"Help?" Dugu Bo didn't know how his strength could help Huang Yuan.

"Yes, how should I say, it should be the old man who needs your help, not the Wuhun Palace~"

Hearing Huang Yuan say this, Dugu Bo was relieved, as long as it was not about the Wuhun Palace, he thought the Wuhun Palace was going to deal with him.

"But having said that, next time you go out, you have to take good care of your geese~" Huang Yuan gave Dugu Bo a suggestion.

"Did something happen?" Dugu Bo understood the meaning in an instant, and wanted to come to be sure to have something to do with Yan Yan.

"Let your Yanyan tell you about this matter~" Huang Yuan didn't plan to join in the fun, let Dugu Yan explain better by himself.

"Yan Yan, tell grandpa what happened?"

Dugu Yan told Dugu Bo about what had happened before.When Dugu Bo heard that Dugu Goose was attacked by a soul beast, his heart jumped out.Fortunately, in the end Dugu Goose was rescued by Huang Yuan, and Dugu Bo stabilized his mind.

Dugu Bo came to Huang Yuan and bowed to Huang Yuan, "Thanks to Your Excellency Huang Yuan for his timely help. I will always remember this kindness in Dugu Expo!"

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