The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 229-Flanders' Thoughts

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"Everyone is a friend, so there is no need..." Shima was about to refuse, and Flander suddenly stepped forward and pulled his arm.

Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo said with a smile on their faces: "Don't mind if I have a chat with Zhujian first!"

Ning Fengzhi made a please gesture, "It's okay, we'll just wait a while."

Ning Fengzhi had no objection, and Sword Douluo would not have any objection. No matter how much he said Zhujian was a person who helped him a lot, it would not hurt to wait a little longer.

But Ning Fengzhi, who knows Flanders, understands Flanders' ideas very well, but he didn't point them out.

"Between the pillars, this is the favor of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. Although you know Ning Fengzhi, this is a good time. Maybe you can get the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect's sponsorship!"

However, the pillars have their own principles. Friends are friends. It doesn't have to be material to do a favor, not to mention that this is just a matter of effort.

"Don't worry about the dean, I will solve the problem of the college's funding." Between the pillars, Flander gave a firm look, but Flander didn't believe it at all.

Regardless of whether Flanders wanted to believe it or not, he said to Ning Fengzhi: "Brother Fengzhi is too far-fetched. Everyone is friends. It's normal for friends to help each other. You don't need those imaginary things!"

Flander on the side heard that his heart was broken. He emphasized love and justice, but he also loved money!It was a bit uncomfortable just to let it go for such a good opportunity, not to mention that Ning Fengzhi took the initiative.

However, the pillars had already put the words out, and Flander had no choice but to swallow the bitterness in his stomach.

However, Zhu Jian has been in friendship with Flander for such a long time, and it will not make Fland too uncomfortable. Zhu Jian also changed his words: "But, brother, if you can help Shrek Academy publicize it, that would be great. of!"

Flender was happy now, and quickly replied: "Yes, yes, if Sect Master Ning can help with the promotion, Shrek should be able to recruit good students."

Ning Fengzhi looked at Zhujian and Flanders with a smile, "This is natural, Shrek Academy has very good faculty in my opinion, but the place is a bit too remote."

Flender also knew the reason. Actually, the place was secondary, but Shrek's enrollment requirements were indeed somewhat high.

"But don't worry, I will help you publicize, and hope that Shrek Academy can develop better and better in the future. But you still need some material funds, after all, this picture is indeed somewhat..."

Ning Fengzhi didn't speak too thoroughly, anyone with a discerning eye knew what he meant.The decoration of Shrek Academy is indeed a problem. First of all, regardless of the quality of teaching, when seeing such an academy, he immediately persuades him to leave.

Combining with the geographical location, the place is too houses and broken, and it is totally different from the serious college.

As soon as he wanted to speak, Flander stopped him, "Thank you Sect Master Ning for your kindness, then I will accept it!"

Ning Fengzhi took out a bag full of Soul Gold Coins and handed it to Flanders, "There are 10,000 Soul Gold Coins in it, do you think that is enough?"

"Enough, sure enough!" Flender was already a little bit from ear to ear, holding so much money for the first time, he was super content in his heart.

The pillars also understood that Flander didn't believe in his earning power at all.Thinking of this, Zhujian really wanted to contact Tongbao Pavilion to take the money and cry Flanders, but this way she felt a little uncomfortable, so she still had to let Flanders see his ability in business.

I met Flander between the pillars and I also met during the journey of the mainland, and I can talk about old friendship with Flander.It's just that Zhujian did not show Flanders his true strength, which is also the main reason why Flanders is not very optimistic about his business ability.

Ning Fengzhi and Jian Douluo talked for a while and then left. It was time to return to the sect after being out for so many days.51 Pen Fun Pavilion

After Ning Fengzhi and Jian Douluo had left, Flander called the pillar to the room alone to give a lecture. The fierce words made the eavesdropping teacher next door shiver.

Zao Wou-ki hugged his body with his hands, and said with emotion: "The pillars are really brave. He even dared to provoke Flanders. I dare not move King Ming."

In the room, Flender looked at the pillar room with a serious face, "The pillar room, you don’t know what Shrek Academy is like now, don’t you know it? It’s fine if Sect Master Ning didn’t mention it. You really have to refuse."

The pillars were not angry, anyway, Flander looked to him to criticize, but it was just a joke.

"Everyone is friends, and I'm not... right, I reacted in time!"

Looking at the cheerfulness between the pillars, Flender couldn't help but squeezed his eyebrows, "In the pillars, as a teacher, you may not know the specific financial expenses of the college. The college itself is now supported by the tuition fees of the students, and these There are still many talented students among the students, and the expenses are not low, and the salaries of the teachers have to be calculated, so it’s really not my deduction..."

The pillars almost understood, Flander didn't intend to train himself, but to wash him off.

Unexpectedly, Flander, the iron cock, also realized that his previous behavior was a little improper, and now he tried his best to explain the behavior that just arrived.

"Really between the pillars, don't look at me with that kind of eyes, I'm thinking about it for Shrek Academy!"

Shijian also understands Flanders, and does not need Flanders to explain too much, "Okay, dean, everyone is his own, and I know your painstaking efforts. Don't worry, I will make money tomorrow!"

Flemish said to the pillars earnestly: "This pillar, this...I am really a bit serious, don't be too stressed, don't worry about making money, and teach your lessons well."

When Flander heard Zhu Jian said that he could make money, he thought he was joking, but he didn't expect Zhu Jian to be serious.If this is to make money between the pillars, the college teachers will not be enough.

The teachers in the college are indeed good, but the ones who really teach the students are Zhu Jian, Zao Wou-ki and him. The other teachers do more logistics work.

"Dean, you have to believe in my strength!" The pillars patted Flender on the shoulder, showing a confident smile.

Before Flander could react, the pillars had slipped away, leaving Flanders sighing in place.

After the pillars left, he also had to carefully consider the use of the money. After all, 10,000 Gold Soul Coins is indeed not a small amount, but it also depends on what it is used for.

The daily expenses of an ordinary family, that one Golden Soul Coin is long enough.But when it comes to the training process, there are still a lot of places to spend money, and the 10,000 gold soul coins related to the funds of the soul beast are all a small amount.

To enter the auction, you need a minimum requirement of at least 10,000 gold soul coins!

For the current Shrek, there are still many things that 10,000 gold soul coins can do.

After coming out of the pillar room, he did not go back to the classroom dormitory, but planned to lie down in Soto City.

Nothing else, just intending to open his eyes to Flanders, how could he not make money as a future real estate developer.

As for the reason for choosing Soto City, it was because when I went to Soto City a few days ago, I saw several job lists for construction workers posted on the bulletin board.

Zhujian intends to start with this construction job recruitment form, first to make a fortune.

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