The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 230 I Want To Top Ten

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"Sure enough, it's still here!" The pillars came to the notice board in Soto City, saw the recruitment form still posted on it, and tore it down.

What makes the pillars feel a little strange is how no one comes to apply for jobs these days. Although Soto City is not too prosperous, there is no shortage of construction workers!

It doesn't matter if you think about it here, you can see it yourself.

Jianzhu glanced at the address written on the job list, "This is remote enough!"

Zhu Jian didn't care much about this slightly remote location, as it was not bad for him anyway.

Columns rushed along according to the address written on the recruitment slip, and he found a huge workshop. I thought it was the place I was looking for.

Holding the recruitment slip between the pillars, knocked on the door of the workshop, "Is anyone there?"

Soon there was a reply, "Come on, wait a minute!"

Then a young man in a work apron received the post, "Is this gentleman applying for the job?"

"Yes, but I just want to make some money, so I can only be regarded as a deputy." Zhu Jian told the truth.

"That's it, but it's nothing. Anyway, this job is not permanent!"

There was some interest between the pillars, "What's the point?"

"Well, let the boss tell you the details, I'm a construction buddy!"

Yes, Zhujian was a little presumptuous, and smiled slyly to ease his embarrassment.

"Then please come with me!" The young guy led the pillar to a more luxurious room, "Wait a moment, the boss will come right away!"

The pillars nodded with a smile, "Thanks!"

The boss of the construction workshop arrived without waiting for a long time between the columns. Before the boss got up, the boss of the workshop took the lead in holding the hand between the columns, "Fortunately meeting! Fortunately meeting!"

There is some confusion between the pillars, I shouldn't have any contact with this boss, why this boss is so enthusiastic about him.

"What do you call the sir?" The workshop owner enthusiastically entertained the pillar room, and personally filled the pillar room with the tea he had drunk before.

"Just call me the pillar, may I ask where we saw it?" The pillar did not decline the boss's kindness, and then asked his doubts.

The owner of the workshop looked at the column with a puzzled expression on his face and slapped his thigh violently, "Look at my memory! Let me introduce myself first. I am boss Zhang and the owner of this construction workshop."

"I have seen Boss Zhang!"

"You are polite, Mr. Zhujian! Mr. should have seen the recruitment information on the bulletin board of Soto City this time!"

The pillars nodded, "Yes, but I still want to know if we have met?"

"That's it, this time because a temporary task was delivered to our workshop, but the task volume is very large, and some construction workers are needed to help on the site!"

Zhu Jian nodded, but Boss Zhang still didn't get the point, but Zhu Jian didn't worry and listened slowly to what Boss Zhang said.

"The job list has been posted for a few days, and you are the first one to come, so I am very happy."

Hearing this, Zhujian understood why Boss Zhang had such an attitude.

"That's it, but why are there so few people?"

Obviously just doing some construction work, there should be many expert reasons to join it, this is really strange.

"Mr. Zhujian probably didn't read the recruitment list carefully!" Boss Zhang had an expression that he knew a long time ago.

Not to mention, the column really didn't look at the job list carefully, just glanced at the location and rushed over.163 Novel Network

"It doesn't matter if you don't see it, I will tell you the details immediately!"

Boss Zhang drank a sip of tea to moisturize his throat, and began to preach slowly: "Mr. Pillar, a village outside Soto was inexplicably destroyed not long ago and needs to be rebuilt!"

His eyes lit up between the pillars. He had also heard of this rumor. After all, Shrek Lisotho is not far away, and this news is still very easy to inquire.

"Yes, I have heard of this news too!"

"Very well, this time our workshop took over the task of refurbishing the destroyed village. The wages will be paid by the Kingdom of Barak. However, rebuilding a village is not difficult for us, but the Kingdom of Barak has new requirements."

"This new requirement is to expand on the original basis! In order to ensure efficiency, they also set a deadline for us, so we need to recruit some construction talents."

Zhu Jian roughly understood the cause of the matter, "If this is the case, I feel that I am beyond my ability, so I can choose not to accept it?"

Boss Zhang sighed, "It's a pity, the bonus is so generous that I can't refuse it."

The pillars also smiled slightly, as expected, as expected.

"But since there are plenty of bonuses, why is nobody willing to come?"

Boss Zhang folded his hands and said in a low voice, "Hey, this is about the reason why the village was destroyed. Everyone is rumoring that the village was destroyed by a spirit beast. This makes everyone panic!"

Feeling his chin between the pillars, doesn't it make sense?What soul beast is willing to run out of the habitat to attack humans!

Zhujian did not consider Ulqiola, he had attacked Tiandou, Xingluo and Wuhun Temple before, and the timing did not match.

"So, this is what worries me. Because of this rumor, I have never been able to recruit people here. I obviously need 10 more people to start work!"

The corner of his mouth smiled slightly, and he said confidently: "Boss Zhang, what do you think of this? I am confident that one can be worth ten, so can you give me 10 wages."

Boss Zhang raised his head and looked at the pillars, "If you really can get ten for one, ten wages are really no problem. After all, you have done ten jobs!"

"That's it!" Zhujian said with a smile, as if the decision was in his hands.

Boss Zhang almost didn't squirt out the tea, so he just said casually and took it seriously.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Zhujian, I just want to talk about it. Even if I say yes, that's under the assumption that you can be worth ten people."

After the pillar understood, he still had to show his hand to show them, otherwise he wouldn't be able to convince them with his mouth.

There was a fierce fist between the pillars, "Boss Zhang, what do you think of this, you give me 10 people's work, how can I complete it within your prescribed time?"

Boss Zhang did not expect that Zhujian really had this plan. He thought that Zhujian was making fun, so he solemnly asked: "Mr. Zhujian, are you sure?"

He patted his chest between the pillars, "Of course, you can do any job you want, for 10 people, I promise to finish it on time!"

Boss Zhang is also good at observing words and colors, and looking at the expression on the pillars is not teasing him, after thinking about it, he agreed to the pillars.

It doesn't hurt to give it a try. You can start work as soon as possible, but you can continue to recruit people during this period, and time will not be wasted.

"Well, okay! I will promise you!" Boss Zhang decided to give Zhujian a chance to show himself.

"Thanks a lot, then, what is the specific job?"

Boss Zhang took out a drawing from the drawer after a little thought, "Well, if you can build this house in one day, even if you pass!"

I looked at the drawings between the columns and found that the house is not very big, which is about 10 square meters.

"How about? This house can be built almost by 10 construction workers a day. It's not difficult for you, as long as you can achieve 90%."

Boss Zhang looked at the pillar room with a smile. He didn't believe that such a house could be built in a day.

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