You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"This... are you serious?" Boss Zhang asked very cautiously.

After finally encountering a volunteer who applied for the job, Boss Zhang still hoped that the posts would be a little more normal.

"Of course it's true, I don't have the habit of being cute!" said Zhujian in a very serious tone.

"Okay, then come with me!" Boss Zhang has no choice but to give it a try. He is also quite honest in looking at the pillars, and should not be the kind of big talker.At least from the aspect of appearance, it is the kind of loyal and honest type.

Boss Zhang led the pillars to a clearing, and pointed to the forest behind, "The trees in the forest behind can be felled, no matter what method you use, as long as the standard is met within the specified time!" Boss Zhang left after speaking. Now, he doesn't have so much free time.

Boss Zhang walked well and moved his hands and feet between the columns, "Let's start working!"

The pillars carefully looked at the drawings, keeping the structure of the house in mind.

Afterwards, his hands folded and clasped together, "Mu Dun. The Art of the Four Pillars Family!"

In an instant, countless pieces of wood gush out from the ground, and within a few seconds, it becomes the same house as in the drawings, and even the internal structure is exactly the same.

Anyway, there is still a lot of time, and the pillars have slightly repaired the surface of the room, and some rough areas have been trimmed neatly.As the saying goes, it takes 5 seconds to build the house, two hours of intensive repair, and it took two hours to decorate the house in a luxurious way.

To put it bluntly, it means carving some patterns on the wooden walls.

Seeing the results of his refinement, Zhu Jian nodded in satisfaction, "It's time to notify Boss Zhang!"

The post came to Boss Zhang's office and knocked on the door, "Boss Zhang, can I come in?"

Boss Zhang, who was working on the copy in the house, stopped his work when he heard the voice between the pillars, and looked at his pocket watch a little, "Is it only two hours?"

It only took two hours to find myself between the pillars. I think it must be too difficult to find. Sure enough, there is still a bragging element to be worth ten people alone!

Boss Zhang doesn't really believe that Zhujian can achieve his goals, but he can't tease Zhujian too much. After all, people also come to apply for a job.

"Come in!"

With Boss Zhang’s permission, he opened the door between the pillars and looked at Boss Zhang, who was piled on the table with many copywriters. It seems that Boss Zhang is also a busy man!

"How come you came after only two hours? Is the job too difficult? It doesn't matter, as the first employee to apply for a job, I'm still willing to pay you more!" Boss Zhang said to himself.

He waved his hand between the pillars, "I was completely wrong, I have already built the house, and now I let you go and check it!"

"That's it, it's okay to think that it's impossible to finish..." Boss Zhang suddenly reacted. Just now, the pillar said that the house has been completed, "What! You have built the house?!"

Boss Zhang stood up and looked at the calm column in front of him, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, just let you go and have a look with me!" The tone between the pillars was extremely relaxed and casual, as if doing a trivial thing.

Even if it is completed in two hours, it is impossible to breathe a breath.

Even the best construction worker asks him to build a smaller house in two hours. The time is too fast. Even if it is completed on time, it will be tired like a dead dog, how can it be like a pillar It's nothing like everyone else.

"Oh...oh, then go and see!"

The pillar room didn't look like someone who could deceive, so Boss Zhang got up and followed the pillar room and left the office.Look at the novel

At the same time, a circle of admiring employees gathered around the room made by the pillars of surprise, and they also expressed their praise and shock for the room.

"Who do you think built this house? Wasn't it still a clearing before? Why was there such a building suddenly?"

"I don't know, everyone thinks it's weird!"

Just as many construction workers continued to feel emotions, Boss Zhang also came with him, and Boss Zhang saw the exquisite house made by Boss far away.

For a moment, Boss Zhang's chin fell off in shock, and his eyes stared at the house without blinking.

"This...Is this built by you?" Boss Zhang mechanically twisted his head a little bit to the side of the pillars and stammered.

A thumbs up between the pillars, "That's for sure, I never speak big words, how can I be satisfied?"

Boss Zhang was shocked and speechless, his mouth was closed and he couldn't make a sound. The things in front of him were too shocking.

The behavior between the pillars can be said to have subverted Boss Zhang’s three views. He started as a builder as a boss. Even so, he had never seen someone who built a house so quickly.

"Mr. Zhujian, have you studied construction before?" Boss Zhang looked at the Zhujian in surprise.

Between the columns, he shook his head, "I only understand a little bit, after all, the drawings are drawn in such a detailed look at it!"

To talk about how to describe Zhu Jian, you can only use the word genius. Even Zhu Jian’s performance is stronger than genius this time, it can be described as a wizard.

Boss Zhang paused for a while and calmed down his excitement. It's no longer one worth ten between the pillars. This efficiency is worth one hundred.

"Mr. Zhujian, I apologize to you for the previous distrust!" Boss Zhang also apologized to Zhujian very sincerely. Although this is nothing, it can be seen that Boss Zhang is indeed a good person.

Scratching his head between the pillars, he laughed and said: "It's nothing, I'm still very confident in my talent."

"Is Mr. Zhujian a spirit master?" Boss Zhang felt that it was at least a good spirit master with such strength, otherwise it would be difficult for ordinary people to do so easily.Even if it was built by a soul master, it would not be possible to build it, after all, there was a specialization in the art industry.

The pillars naturally admitted his identity, "Of course!"

Boss Zhang hurriedly saluted Zhujian, "Mr. Zhujian is a soul master, and he is so grateful that he would condescend to come here."

Most of the construction workshops are ordinary people with a little soul power, and some people don't even have soul power, so Boss Zhang still dare not neglect the addition of Zhu Jian.

"Don't be so restrained, do you have a specialization in the art industry! In your profession, the soul master has to call your teacher too!" said the pillars cheerfully, without any spirit master's shelf.

Boss Zhang has seen too many arrogant soul masters, and he often yells at them because of his strength.But between the pillars gave Boss Zhang a different feeling.

Mr. Zhuma is much more approachable than other soul masters. He doesn't have the pride of thinking that he is superior, but he still has a common heart.

"Mr. Zhujian, I am very satisfied with your work. I will pay you 10 times the salary these days! Of course, if you have a long-term cooperation plan, you can also discuss with me!" Boss Zhang told Zhu his thoughts. There is no circumstance, just plain and straightforward.

After thinking about it, I found it feasible. Boss Zhang is observing Boss Zhang at the same time.It was discovered between the pillars that Boss Zhang is still a good person, and that he is a partner who can cooperate in the future.

Don't talk about anything else, just rush to the sincerity of the boss, so you have to talk.

"Well, I think it's okay, but let's wait for the completion of this mission!"

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