You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"If it is divided into questions, because the main contribution is you, 70% of the profit can be given to you, and we brothers only need 30%." Boss Zhang stretched out three fingers to propose to the column.

The pillar room itself is not short of money, so I don't care too much about the division, not to mention that it is easier for him to build a house, and it is over with a clap.

"I don't think there is any problem, it can be settled like this! But do you have any plans for the future?" Zhujian readily agreed to Boss Zhang's proposal.

"You don't need to worry about this. This is my job. I will start planning almost after the task is completed!"

Just leave it to Boss Zhang to arrange this kind of thing, and only a little effort is needed between the columns.

"You can arrange it, don't worry anyway, take your time!" Said between the pillars leisurely.

There is no need to worry too much about this kind of thing. Now we are still focusing on solving the current village reconstruction task.

Although with the help of the pillars, the construction of the house is not a big deal, but there is still a problem that needs to be solved, and that is the man behind the destruction of the village.

"Are you worried about the village being destroyed again?" asked Boss Zhang, who looked at the slightly frowned brows between the pillars.

Boss Zhang nodded, "Yes, what should I do if I encounter the guy who destroys the village again after the village is built? Keeping that guy on the go, it's always frightening!"

Boss Zhang’s worries are unreasonable. The perpetrators of destroying the village have not been subdued, and the villagers who move in will not feel at ease, and there is also the risk of being destroyed again.

Hearing what Boss Zhang said, the pillars became contemplative. The wood he made was comparable to gold and steel. Even if he wanted to destroy it, it was not easy, but the villagers living in it were hard to say.

They can't stay in the house all the time. All in all, it is indeed a problem.

"That's right, it just happens to be free now, let's start investigating!" The column moved his wrists, and said with high spirits.

"But how do you find clues? You leveled the ground just now, and the clues should have disappeared."

He shook his finger between the pillars, "I have checked the clues in the field just now and there is no useful information. Now it is important to find the area around the village!"

What can be determined between the pillars is that this village was indeed destroyed by a certain spirit beast, and now what needs to be found is the whereabouts of the spirit beast.

Since the soul beast came to the village to destroy it, it must have left the village from a certain place, and if you look around the village, you may find it.

Sure enough, some unusual traces were found between the pillars not far from the east of the village, and there was a very obvious hole in the ground with a strong spirit beast aura.

Originally Boss Zhang planned to accompany Zhujian to search for clues, but Zhujian rejected Boss Zhang's proposal.It is very possible to encounter danger on the way, so the pillars do not want to let Boss Zhang get involved.

"This soul beast has a high probability of leaving from here. It looks like it should be a soul beast good at burrowing in the ground."

The entrance of the cave is very wide, and it is not a problem to pass two or three people, which shows that the size of the soul beast is not small.

"Okay, go in and find out!"

The column jumped directly into the entrance of the cave, and the entrance of the cave extended a long distance down. It is estimated that the depth between the columns may exceed 100 meters.

The underground space is not as narrow as the pillars thought, but rather wide, it should be a space built by spirit beasts for movement.

The pillars looked closely at the surrounding environment and found that there were several passages on the surrounding rock walls, because the light was very dim and there was almost nothing else to see.

A wooden stick was made between the pillars and fire escape was used to ignite a simple torch.Although the pillar rooms are more of wood escape, they also have the fire attribute chakra pillar rooms.

"It's really a bit big. If such a large space is not deep enough, it will cause a cave-in, so let's plug it up later!" Beauty Nest Novel

With the lighting of torches, the pillars can also be observed relatively clearly. There are a total of four tunnels around, and it is completely unknown where they lead.

However, such a situation is not difficult for the pillars, and the pillars clapped gently and said: "Mu Dun. The technique of wood avatar!"

The body surface between the pillars split into three wooden clones, so that all four tunnels can be explored clearly.

"Look for a tunnel to investigate in depth, and let you know if you find it!" Zhu Jian told his clone.

"Understand!" The Mu clones agreed together.


Following an order between the pillars, the wooden clone entered the three tunnels.

Zhujian himself then entered the remaining tunnel and began to explore inside.

The tunnel stretches very long, even if it runs at the speed between the pillars for nearly ten minutes, it doesn't mean it will end. It can create such a huge project, this soul beast really cannot be underestimated.

The three wooden avatars did not move, indicating that the situation was the same as their own, so they could only move on.

After more than 10 minutes, the column came to the end of the tunnel. Nothing was found along the way, and now it is at the end. It is estimated that I have found nothing in this tunnel.

Two wooden avatars dissipated at the same time, and the information was also transmitted to the main body of the pillars, but unfortunately, nothing was obtained.

"There is one wooden clone left, it depends on whether it will be with him!" The pillars returned along the same path, which would save a little time.

On the way back between the pillars, the last wooden clone also dissipated, but instead of dissipating actively, it was forcibly dispersed by some creature.

The feedback picture information was also transmitted to the pillars, "Finally found you, but the strength of my clone is not weak!"

Although the pillars did not give too many Chakras to the Mu clone, it was still no problem to deal with some ten thousand year-level spirit beasts, but the result was instantly defeated, which shows that the spirit beasts that attacked the village still had the strength.

"It seems that you have to know this guy seriously!" The eyes between the pillars were full of energy. Now that you have found the position of the opponent, let's rush over!

Another tunnel stretched out, and a tall giant beast wandered back and forth. The dark red scales on its body gave people an invisible oppression, and it was not a character to provoke.

Suddenly, this unknown behemoth became alert, watching the direction of the tunnel entrance, and he noticed a faint crisis.

The giant beast is ready to attack. As long as those who dare to appear, he will launch a fierce attack and return it with thunder.

"Find you!" A steady male voice resounded through the tunnel.

The figure between the pillars slowly appeared in front of the giant beast, and the giant beast also found between the pillars, but surprisingly, the giant beast did not attack immediately.

The giant beast is not a fool, he can feel the huge energy surging between the pillars, and the huge energy contained in the body between the pillars is as thick as the ocean, and it shocked him for a while.

The pillars behaved very peacefully, did not show killing intent to the giant beast, and still had a very friendly attitude.

The character of the column itself is not so aggressive, so if you can communicate first, it is indeed the best.

Since this guy can do this, it means that the opponent's cultivation base is definitely not low, at least he must have thoughts.

Between the pillars, he stretched out his palm to block him, indicating that he was not malicious.

However, the giant beast is still on high alert, and it seems to be between the warning pillars with low roars.

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