You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"I think we can communicate first, I believe you will definitely understand me!" Zhu Jian looked at the giant beast with a smile.

Zhu Jian's mentality was very peaceful, without any hostility at all. He wanted to talk to the monster first before making plans.

It seemed that he was aware that there was no hostility in the column apart from the huge energy, and the giant beast also relaxed a little, not as overly nervous as before.

Seeing that the giant beast understood what he was saying, the pillars also showed a kind expression, "Very well, I will ask you a few questions. If it's right, nod your head, and shake your head if it's not!"

Behemoth understood what the pillars said, and nodded his head to look at the pillars. Such performance made the pillars very satisfied.

Zhujian took force as the second choice, and the use of force is certainly not necessary for those who can talk to solve it.The giant beast was a little afraid of the huge energy in the pillars.

Between the pillars came to the giant beast, sat down cross-legged, first smiled gently, and then began to inquire.

"First of all, was it you who destroyed the village?"

The giant beast nodded and admitted, he would deny such obvious evidence.

"Very good, so did you kill a lot of people when you destroyed the village?" When asked this question, Zhu Jian's eyes were more solemn.

The giant beast shook his head, but it was a pity that he could not speak, otherwise he might be able to tell more details between the pillars.However, Zhujian saw the grievance in his eyes, and it must be hidden.

"Then this attack was your voluntary one?"

The giant beast still shook his head in denial, and then sighed deeply humanely, as if he was tired.

Zhujian also got a general understanding of the situation. To sum up, this soul beast shouldn't have taken the initiative to destroy the village, probably for another reason.

At the very least, the reason cannot be to imitate Ulchiola as previously analyzed.

Between the pillars, he took out a booklet from his pocket and flipped it quickly under the behemoth's puzzled eyes.

I have never seen such a soul beast before, so I need to refer to the illustrated book to identify it.

In the end, after going through the illustration book, no such soul beast was found. Although there are many types of spirit beasts recorded in the illustration book, they are as big as the Douluo Continent, and it is definitely impossible to record them completely.

That being the case, simply record it between the pillars, which can be regarded as a small contribution to the research of the soul beast.

"No, I need to record you first, please don't be afraid!" Between the pillars warmly reminded the giant beast.

Because the light is very limited, a wider range of fire escape ninjutsu is needed between the pillars. This is why he informed the giant beast in advance to avoid the beast from being frightened.

Under the shocked gaze of the giant beast, the pillar made a huge torch with wooden escape, and then lit it with fire escape ninjutsu.

"It's much brighter like this!"

With the illumination of the huge torch, the whole picture of the giant beast can be clearly seen between the pillars.

I have to say that it is really big, not to mention the height is nearly 20 meters, which is not much better than the Titan Great Ape.

The body of the giant beast is a bit like a dinosaur, covered with a layer of dark red scales, and the back is covered with fluffy hairs, which is a bit similar to the feather tyrannosaurus in ancient creatures.

"In that case, I'll name you Scarlet Tyrannosaurus!" Zhu Jian added the portrait he had drawn to the illustration book.

"Well, let's go out first and talk outside!" There is still more information between the pillars, and the information that can be obtained by chatting underground is really limited.

The Scarlet Tyrannosaurus nodded in agreement, and slowly stood up straight, his height increased a bit.

"It seems that you have to add a few more meters! Remember to go up there, we just built that village!"

The Scarlet Tyrannosaurus was also very obedient and broke out of the ground in accordance with the instructions between the pillars, and the pillars followed them and marched against the ground.Abeduo Book City

The two or three wide openings on the ground were obviously manipulated by the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus. Otherwise, depending on his height, such narrow openings would not be able to pass through.

The ground around the entrance of the cave began to crack, and a huge dark red figure broke through the ground and jumped out.

After reaching the surface, the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus shook the mud on its body and looked at the pillars immediately behind it.

Looking at the land destroyed by the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus between the pillars, he smoothly filled it with soil.

Boss Zhang in the distance heard the loud noise and rushed over. Just about to see what happened, he noticed the huge body of the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus.

In an instant, Boss Zhang's thighs softened, and he couldn't stand up with all his strength, just like an octopus lying on the ground.

Zhujian came to Boss Zhang and stretched out his hand, explaining, "Boss Zhang, don't be afraid, he has no malice!"

Boss Zhang grabbed the hand between the pillars and got up with difficulty. Although the huge guy in front of him was not malicious, Boss Zhang couldn't help shaking.

"Mr. Zhujian...what's the situation?" Boss Zhang asked tremblingly. If he didn't hold the pillar, he might not even stand steady.

"He, he is the soul beast that destroyed the village. It is a new kind of soul beast. I just made a record!"

Boss Zhang really admires Zhujian from the bottom of his heart, and he can still be so calm in the face of such a huge soul beast. Is this the aura of the strong?

"Then Mr. Zhujian, are you sure he is not malicious?" Boss Zhang still looked at the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus restlessly.

"Don't worry, it's okay! I just did a simple consultation. He should have attacked the village for some reason, but it didn't cause much casualties." The pillars patted Boss Zhang on the back and cheered him up. .

With the help of Zhujian, Boss Zhang finally became less afraid, and said: "Indeed, there is really no loss except for the buildings in the village."

Boss Zhang looked at the pillars in surprise, "Do you have any plans?"

"Unexpectedly, you guessed it! Yes, I plan to help him solve the problem he encountered. I guess he must be in trouble!" After speaking, he looked back at the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus and Scarlet Tyrannosaurus. Also hurriedly lit his head.

Seeing that Scarlet Tyrannosaurus was so smart, Boss Zhang also sighed, "Presumably this guy has a very high cultivation base, he can have such wisdom!"

"That's natural, let alone more than 80,000 years!" The pillar only judged the level of Scarlet Tyrannosaurus based on its breath.

"80,000 years!" Boss Zhang swallowed. He was just an ordinary construction businessman, and he had never seen such a high-level spirit beast.

"That's it. I'm going to help him first. The rest of the finishing work is up to you, right?"

Boss Zhang patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, you have solved so many tasks, and the remaining amount of work is not worth mentioning."

After Boss Zhang left, Zhujian needed to learn more about the situation and asked some questions about Scarlet Tyrannosaurus.

"I'll talk about a few situations next. Nodding if you are right, shaking your head if you make a mistake or not shaking your head!"

"Your behavior this time shouldn't imitate Ulquiola, right?"

The Scarlet Tyrannosaurus shook his head like a rattle, and he didn't expect that the pillars would bring him and the owner of Xuye Village together.

"Isn't that the reason? You are simply to vent your emotions?"

Scarlet Tyrannosaurus still shook his head to deny, it seems that this one is wrong.

Zhujian then asked all the reasons he could think of, but unfortunately all the answers he got were negative. This time, the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus was anxiously broken, and he circulated anxiously!

"Hmm... Could it be that your relatives were intimidated?" The pillar said the last reason he could think of.

Finally, the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus roared loudly and nodded violently.

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