You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Finally, the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus made a positive response to the suspicion between the pillars, which means that the relatives of the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus were threatened, and no one could ignore the threats.

The chin was groping between the pillars. Now that the reason is known, it is necessary to know the location of the group of people threatening Scarlet Tyrannosaurus.

"What is certain now is that your relative has been threatened. The other party must have sent someone to communicate with you!"

The Scarlet Tyrannosaurus looked very excited, and ran around the pillars a few times excitedly.Seeing the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus behaving like this, Zhu Jian was also more sure of his guess.

Scarlet Tyrannosaurus was extremely happy in his heart, and Zhu Jian could guess everything that happened without any difference, which also gave him hope.

Now the goal is very clear. First, you need to find the person who connects with the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus, and then find the base camp through this connector.

"Yes, I have thought of a way, listen carefully!" The pillars said solemnly to the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus.

The Scarlet Tyrannosaurus also leaned down and brought his head close to the pillars, with a serious look.

"After completing the task this time, your connector will definitely come to you again. You only need to wait for the threatening person to come over, and leave the rest to me!" The pillar looked at the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus kindly and stretched out his hand. Touched his rough scales.

The Scarlet Tyrannosaurus has now safely put down the guard on the pillars, and the relationship with the pillars has become very natural and harmonious.

The Scarlet Tyrannosaurus roared, then stood up and shook his head to indicate that the pillars were on his back.

"Can it be?" He asked again for safety reasons.

Scarlet Tyrannosaurus also responded, and he nodded his head with a higher frequency, which was even more sure of what he meant.

I was very happy to see the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus, and the pillars jumped to the back of the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus.

"It feels good to the touch!" The columns touched the black and red hairs on the back of the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus, very comfortable and soft.

The Scarlet Tyrannosaurus roared again to signal that the pillars were seated firmly, and then quickly ran in the other direction.

The column guessed that the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus would probably take him to the place where he met the connector, so he still had to prepare in advance and not expose himself too much.

The hairs on the back of the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus were thick and long, and there was no problem with hiding the columns inside.The space between the pillars moved a little towards the head of the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus, and then quietly hid in the fluff.

The reason why I chose this position is to facilitate observation of the outside situation. This position can observe the outside world through the fluff and at the same time hide my whereabouts, which is really good.

It is definitely impossible to reveal the identity when contacting the connector. If it is exposed, the accuracy of the information provided by the connector cannot be guaranteed.

After the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus speeds up, there is a feeling of riding a high-speed rail between the pillars, and you can think about how fast the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus runs.

In this way, running from noon to afternoon, the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus gradually slowed down, and then stopped.

The surrounding area is desolate and there are no people, only a tower made of stone stands beside it.

The Scarlet Tyrannosaurus needed a rest after running for so long, got down and closed his eyes and started to close his eyes.

The column was also sitting among the fluff of the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus, waiting quietly, which was actually equivalent to taking a rest.

I don't know how long it took, the sky began to turn yellow, the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus seemed to have noticed something, and slowly opened his eyes.

A man wearing a black cloak suddenly appeared in front of Scarlet Tyrannosaurus' head. He only heard the man in the black cloak say: "This task is well done, and the obedient children are very cute!" To read the novel

The Scarlet Tyrannosaurus was very contemptuous in his heart, and he wouldn't succumb to him if the opponent hadn't grabbed his handle.

Although the scarlet tyrannosaurus knew in his heart that he would not be angry, he still couldn't help shaking.

Feeling the uncontrollable trembling of the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus, he gently stroked his back between the pillars, as if saying, "Big brother, be quiet!"

The Scarlet Tyrannosaurus also stabilized his emotions very obediently, staring at the man in the black cloak silently, with a trace of killing intent in his eyes.

"It's useless for you to look at me so fiercely. Can you change any facts? No! So the attitude is to give me respect, otherwise we can't guarantee the safety of your little girlfriend!"

The Scarlet Tyrannosaurus had to dispel the killing intent from his eyes, facing such a rogue man with a black cloak, he had no choice but to follow his request.

"That's right, the last mission was done well! This time your mission is to destroy the city of Soto, and destroy it to the extent possible!" The black cloak man asked Scarlet Tyrannosaurus It is also unbearable, but I can only agree.

The pillars hidden in the fluff have disappeared at some point. While the black cloak man’s attention was focused on the scarlet tyrannosaurus, the pillars sneaked from the ground to the feet of the black cloak man, and said silently in his heart: "Mu Dun .The art of parasitic flowers!"

A dim little flower grew behind the calf of the man in the black cloak. In order not to attract the attention of others, the small flower was deliberately changed into this color between the columns.

After doing all this, return to the back of the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus.

The Scarlet Tyrannosaurus sensed that the pillars had returned to his back, and was relieved, and should be prepared to come to the pillars.

"Well, as long as you destroy Soto City this time, we will let her go. If it is not done, hey, you know!" The man in the black cloak flung his cloak and left arrogantly.

After the man in the black cloak walked away completely, the pillars also touched the back of the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus, and said confidently: "Don't worry, I have put a parasitic flower on his body, I can sense his position, etc. Let's set off in a while!"

When the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus heard the words between the pillars, he finally roared out comfortably, and he was finally able to relieve his inner pressure.

Between the pillars came the head of the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus and sat down. This waiting time was just right to chat with the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus.

"These guys are real chicken thieves, they played a good hand!" Zhu Jian said with emotion.

The other party simply wanted to reap the benefits of the fisherman, borrowing the power of the Barak Kingdom to destroy the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus, and they didn't need any power.

The scarlet tyrannosaurus uttered a grieved bass, which seemed to express his inner sadness.

Looking at the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus, who was in a depressed mood, he touched his head between the pillars, "Don't worry, I will definitely help you rescue your partner!"

Hearing the assurance between the pillars, the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus roared joyfully. Regardless of whether the pillars could fulfill the promise he promised, the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus would not change their views on the pillars because of the results.

Zhujian is the first person willing to believe in him, and will fight him to the death if he doesn't come up!

Many spirit masters had been here before the pillars. At that time, the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus hadn't hidden underground, and was wandering not far from the village.

After being discovered, these spirit masters attacked the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus without saying a word.

At first, the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus did not resist, until a Contra shot completely angered him, and he counterattacked.

Although the Scarlet Tyrannosaurus was provoked, it still didn't rush to kill them, and only severely wounded those who attacked him. They still saved their lives.

The Scarlet Tyrannosaurus realized the strength of the pillars at the first sight of the pillars. It was stronger than any soul beast or human being he had encountered so far. At the beginning he had no intention of winning, even Be prepared to die on the spot.

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