You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Honglian and Honglian were settled, and the pillars returned to the village that was being rebuilt. The pillars came by coincidence. After a day's time, the finishing work on these houses has been completed.

"Mr. Zhujian, you are back!" Boss Zhang saw Zhujian greet him quickly, "It just so happens that you come to see how our decoration is going. I think this handover will definitely satisfy them."

Why wouldn't the pillar room refuse to agree? I followed Boss Zhang to visit the decorated houses, and every house was very exquisite.

"The decorations are really good. Blessed are the villagers now!" The pillars praised from the heart.

Boss Zhang just shook his head, "Actually, there is still a lot of room for improvement, but let's do it this time!"

The pillars stepped forward and patted Boss Zhang on the shoulder, "I think it's very good. Actually, there is no need to be so strict!"

"That's right, but we rely on this business for food, so naturally we must keep improving!"

Boss Zhang is not unreasonable, and he must do his job better so that he can keep up with the pace of the times.

The general renovation work is over, and it is almost time to return to Soto City.

"Let's go, Mr. Zhujian, I will pay you your salary when I return to Soto City."

The pillars nodded, "Then let's go!"

Normally, such a reconstruction work consumes a huge amount of manpower and material resources, but with the help of the pillars, the speed is so fast that it can be completely completed in less than two days.

Sitting on the carriage, Boss Zhang has been sighing that this reconstruction work can break previous architectural records.

"Mr. Zhuma, how could someone like you who have strong strength and superb skills become a teacher? Wouldn't it be better to go to the Heaven Dou Empire to serve the country?"

Although Boss Zhang doesn't know the true strength of Zhu Jian, he feels that the strength of Zhu Jian is definitely on the top of the ranks. As a boss, he still needs to have this vision.

"If you want to say that, if you work for the Heaven Dou Empire, you can gain wealth and reputation, but you must understand that everyone's pursuit is different, and my pursuit is not there!"

Boss Zhang pursed his mouth and thought for a while, "Yes, everyone has a life they want to live, and there is no definite number. It's just that compared to some powerful soul beasts you've encountered before, you don't seem to be too concerned about your strength. ."

After listening to the pillars, he smiled happily, "As expected of Boss Zhang, my vision is really unique. Indeed, I don't have that desire for strength. It is not safe without strength, and it is not safe to have too much strength!"

"Mr. Zhuma really has a deep understanding. He blindly pursues power but ignores many things in life. However, this world is powerful. With power, you can get a lot of things. This is why everyone is fighting for it!"

Zhu Jian also agrees with Boss Zhang’s point of view. The world is just like what Boss Zhang said. Zhu Jian didn't think about changing anything, so he could live his own way of life honestly.

Unconsciously, the time of the day slowly passed, Zhujian and Boss Zhang returned to the construction workshop. The first thing Boss Zhang did was to settle the wages for Zhujian.

"Mr. Zhujian, this is 20,000 Gold Soul Coins, please keep it!" Boss Zhang handed a bank card to the Zhujian himself.

He smiled between the pillars and turned out the bank card, and thanked him: "Thanks, the cooperation is very pleasant!"

Boss Zhang shook his head indifferently, "Thank you, this time we are all thanks to your blessing, the money is well deserved!"

"I don't know if Mr. Zhujian has time, I want to discuss with you specifically about the future cooperation plan?" Boss Zhang asked with a friendly smile on his face.

The column was not particularly anxious, "Of course there is time, but I didn't expect you to have planned it so soon."

Boss Zhang waved his hand, "What kind of efficiency is this? When the brothers are at work, I can't do nothing, just use the time."

Boss Zhang brought two cups of tea, and the meeting began afterwards.113 novel

"The 70% share I promised you before will not change. After all, you need to complete 90% of the work. Although it may not be a big deal for you, the money is still enough."

Shirek doesn't care much about this aspect. He is relatively indifferent to money. He just wants to experience the joy of making money by himself. Shrek also pays wages, but the wages... make people feel less happy.

"Next is the main thing to talk about. Since you want to start cooperating, the construction workshop must also have a decent name, so I want to see what you think?"

It's really not the strong point of Zhujian to choose a name, or just use your own surname!

"Boss Zhang, what do you think of Qianshou Real Estate?" asked tentatively between the pillars.

"Qianshou Real Estate! Not bad, the name can also highlight our efficiency and fast style!"

"Just like it, haha!" He scratched his head between the columns. He didn't think so much, he just got his surname directly. He didn't expect Boss Zhang to interpret this way.

"Then the name is set, and it will be called Qianshou Real Estate! You will be the largest shareholder of Qianshou Real Estate in the future!"

The column was surprised, "Here, I haven't bought a share yet?"

"No, no, you are a kind of wealth, and your joining is an investment!" Boss Zhang explained.

There was no talk between the pillars that Boss Zhang had such a high evaluation of him, and it was obvious that his demonstrating hand completely conquered Boss Zhang.

Then the two chatted a little bit more. At about the same time, Boss Zhang came up with a contract, "Mr. Zhuma, please sign here!"

Boss Zhang knows that it doesn't really matter whether this contract is true or not. For someone like Ye Zhujian, it is impossible to expect a contract to restrict him.

Signing a contract is just a simple proof. The strong will never be bound by something like a contract unless the other party has stronger power.

In the eyes of the strong, power is the most powerful existence.

Boss Zhang has used his own observations and believes that Zhu Jian is different from the general strong. He does not have that arrogant sense of self-superiority, but is very approachable.

"Signed, promise!" After signing the name between the columns, he handed it to Boss Zhang.

"Well, well, there is nothing to trouble you now. We will notify you after we talk about work."

The rest of the work only needs Boss Zhang to solve, no need to worry about the post.

"Okay, then I'll go back first, and come to Shrek Academy to find me if you have anything!"

The pillars bid farewell to Boss Zhang, and then immediately left to return to Shrek.

It's been almost two days without knowing it. Although I greeted that guy in Flanders, I just wrote a small note. It is very likely that Flanders will be severely taught a lesson when I go back. .

But the pillars came prepared this time, and the way to deal with Flanders was to cry him with money.

The pillars have already made a sure-fire plan. It's just Flanders, not too worried.

Soon after the pillars came to Shrek's gate, Li Yusong, the guardian, saw an inexplicable smirk on the face of the pillars that had been missing for almost two days.

"What's the funny thing about Teacher Yu Song? Let's talk about it, let's have a good time together!" The pillars also played a little bit carefully, and asked pretendingly.

Li Yusong pressed his hands down and seemed to suppress his smile, "I remembered something happy!"

Hearing these familiar words between the pillars, why did Teacher Li Yusong play the scene today?

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