The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 245 Parking Lot Anti-kill Tornado

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"Ah...have Mrs. Yu Song encountered any happy things?" asked a black question mark between the pillars.

"Close to the subject, between the pillars, you should hurry up and find the Dean of Flanders, friendly reminder!"

Zhu Jian looked at Li Yusong contemptuously. It turned out that this guy wanted to see his own joke before, but now it seems that his conscience has discovered it!

"I really convinced you between the pillars. This is the first time I have seen you asking for leave. Let's hurry up!" Li Yusong could not forget the fear that all the teachers suffered that day, and was called to the playground by Flender. Still in front of all the students.

However, it is absolutely impossible for the pillars to subdue Flanders today. The pillars of my dignified ninja god would be afraid of an owl, which is really ridiculous.

He bid farewell to Li Yusong between the pillars and walked sonically to Flender's office.

"Duang!" A loud knock on the door sounded, and Flander raised his head lazily, "In!"

The wooden door slowly opened, and the figure between the pillars appeared in front of Flanders. The two watched silently for a while, and no one spoke first.

The pillars always felt that the atmosphere was not right, so he said hello, "Yo, Flanders, how are the two days?"

"Roar, you know how to greet me, why were you so perfunctory before? Me, I am too good!" Flander's slightly playful tone made his scalp tingling between the columns, Flander is something!

I saw Flander picking up a small note and reading it vividly, "Dean Flander, I have a big business to discuss. Please take a few days off, don't disturb!"

"Is this your tone when my Flander is air, between the pillars? Is it usually too good for you?" Flanders sat on the recliner, shaking with pressure.

"This... but there is really a loud voice to talk about, isn't this coming back now!"

Flender shook his head, "Since you can come back and write me a message, why don't you just ask me for leave?"

How can the pillars not know what Flanders think, the old man is so bad, it's weird if you let me go when you ask for leave in person.

"You came back in less than two days. It must have been a mess. This time you missed one day of the teaching course. I took it instead of you. So... you know!" Flender helped. Holding the glasses, his eyes became smooth.

The pillar felt that a big "danger" seemed to rise on his forehead, he had already guessed Flanders' intentions, and the cunning nature was fully expressed.

The pillars are also scheming, today I want to convince Flanders, so he followed Flanders' words before and said: "You guessed it, this is not my business failure, how can I not understand what you mean? ?"

Flender's face turned gloomy for a while, and it seemed that the pillars had admitted, and he could not show mercy.

"Oh, so you are not nagging at all?" The Flemish spirit has become a bit uncomfortable, and it seems a bit of a sign of a storm.

Combined with the performance of Li Yusong directly, the pillars can also guess what will happen next.But you have to continue to pretend, or you can convince Flander.

"Flander, calm down, hurt the liver!" The lifelike performance of the column made Flander believe it. Flander has also known the column for several years and understands the character of the column very well. Usually, the column is like this. Than an unreliable character.

Between the pillars, speaking with such a tone, 80% is true, and it is normal for Flanders not to notice.

"Between the pillars, when I first met you, you were very addicted to gambling. You don't know how much you lost. You really have to know how much you have and mentality!" Flender criticized seriously .Mengsheng Novel

"Let me tell you, if it were not for us to be buddies for many years, I would have treated you if we didn't observe discipline..." Flanders didn't really have such an idea, just ridiculed it and gave it to the column A little education.

The corner of the mouth between the pillars smiled slightly, the time has come!

I saw the pillars took out a bank card from his arms and put one hand on his ear, pretending to ask inaudibly: "Ah? What? Flanders, what do you want to do with me?"

Flanders almost fell off his glasses. If he read it right, the bank card in his hand is between the columns!

In order to confirm the situation, he rubbed his eyes and carefully confirmed it again. After confirmation, he found that it was indeed a bank card.

Flander tremblingly took the bank card. For those who can make money, several bank cards may be common, but the appearance on the pillars is indeed a bit surprising.You must know that Zhu Jian is so addicted to gambling, but the guy with poor gambling skills can save money.

Shrek did not need to use a bank card for the tuition fees, and Zhujian now gave himself a bank card, "Where did you get this?" Flender asked sincerely, holding the hand between the pillars with both hands.

"It's a big deal, only 20,000 gold soul coins!" The pillars said so casually, one of them was pretended to be invisible.

Twenty thousand gold soul coins are indeed a huge amount, and it is definitely more than enough for an academy like Shrek, not to mention the 10,000 gold soul coins previously given by Ning Fengzhi!

"You are not going to sell the soul beast!" This is the only way Flanders can think of to get money faster.

"Selling the soul beasts can be light, so if you hit Ulchiola, it will be cold!" The pillars can finally ridicule Flander upright. Seeing Flanders slumped, the pillars feel great. .

It is absolutely beyond Flanders' imagination to make money between the pillars. According to the understanding of getting along in the previous years, this is a miracle.

There is no way that there are not many abilities shown to them between the pillars, and it is no wonder Flander does not understand.The strength displayed between the pillars was only Contra.

"What else did you hide!" Flender locked the neck between the pillars, "not honestly yet!"

Flander himself planned to be a little bit sarcasm about the pillars, but unexpectedly, the pillars were really capable.

"Well, it's just building construction!" The pillars couldn't bear such a big man like Flander, and asked with her arm around herself, and then told Flander.

"Architecture? Would you still build?" Although Flander was a little unbelieving, the columns and the appearance didn't look like a lie.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about the details. Anyway, the money is also for Shrek. If there is nothing wrong, I will go back!"

After leaving between the pillars, Flander looked at the bank card in his hand and shook his head with satisfaction, "between the pillars, the pillars, I really didn't expect you to be so caring about Shrek!"

Leaving the column of the office, he felt half-hearted when he touched his pocket, "Wash the motor (it's awful), I didn't save money for myself, it's too much!"

Zhu Jian returned to the dormitory and bumped into Zao Wou-ki. Zao Wou-ki looked at Zhu Jian with a smirk on his face and said, "Zhu Jian, do you feel the meticulous care of that old fellow Flander? We were that day. Thanks to you, I have been cared for in every possible way!"

The pillars were a complete victory today. Zao Wou-ki and their expectations were lost. They patted Zao Wou-ki on the shoulder, "Congratulations, I didn't enjoy Flanders' care!"

After speaking between the pillars, he left, leaving only Zao Wou-ki with a dazed expression, yet he didn't react.

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