The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 246 Ordinary Genius

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Zao Wou-ki stared at the back of the pillars leaving, really didn't want to understand that all of their teachers and students were reprimanded by Flanders, how could this guy between the pillars be spared?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, Zao Wou-ki planned to ask Flender for some understanding.Originally, Zao Wou-ki wanted to see the embarrassment between the pillars, but in the end, he made such a scene, which directly caused Zao Wou-ki to lose his interest.

Zao Wou-ki hurriedly came to Flender's office and pushed the door directly in, "Flander, the pillar has just returned, do you know?"

Flender pushed his glasses, "I know this. I just finished talking with the pillars. Wouldn't you just remind me that the pillars are back?"

Zao Wou-ki was speechless for a while, he couldn't always say that he wanted to eat melon next to the pillars to be trained, he could only scratch his head: "Uh, this is not to remind you!"

How can Flander not know that Zao Wou-ki is thinking carefully, "Come on, Lao Zhao, I don't know if you are thinking about it, this time I want to train and I can't help it!"

"Why is this?" Zao Wou-ki didn't mean anything else, he simply felt that he didn't see the embarrassment between the pillars.

Flander took out his bank card and threw it to Zao Wou-ki. "The guy between the pillars has kept it from us for a long time, so I can stand it!"

Zao Wou-ki's eyes condensed, "It won't be..."

Flender nodded, "Yes, I got it back between the pillars, and 20,000 Gold Soul Coins. Since I can get the card back, it shouldn't be a lie! What's more, the pillars themselves aren't the kind of people who are making trouble. Block it a bit."

"Oh, this guy between the pillars is okay. If he got such a large sum of money, my old Zhao is convinced! Shrek finally doesn't have to be so tight!"

Flender did not deny Zao Wou-ki's words, but said indifferently: "That said, but the money still needs to be spent on a knife, and it cannot be wasted!"

Zao Wou-ki nodded in agreement, "Yes, that's right! I propose to renovate your office building in Flanders first, then the teaching building and dormitory building!"

Flender laughed and said, "Old Zhao, I didn't see you wrong as expected, and put me first!"

"Flander, what do you mean by listening to you? My old Zhao is very loyal!" Zao Wou-ki also grinned back.

"Okay, I won't talk to you! But I have no plans to decorate my office building for the time being. I am not suitable for allocating these funds. There are more suitable candidates!"

Zao Wou-ki seems to know who it is, "Well, then I will listen to you!"

"Speaking of which, one of the students in this issue named Qin Ming has reached level 30, shouldn't it be time to take him to obtain a spirit ring?"

"Oh?" Flender's eyes lit up, "Is it level 30 already? It really is a little monster. I reached level 30 at the age of 13, so I really need to help him find a spirit ring!"

"Then I will lead the team this time?" Zao Wou-ki asked tentatively.

Flander rubbed the beard on his chin, "No, let's go between the columns this time, because the Star Dou Great Forest has not been very peaceful recently!"

This is where Zao Wou-ki is concerned. There is Ulchiola in the Star Dou Great Forest. He is afraid that he will accidentally offend the other party. In this way, not only Qin Ming but also Zao Wou-ki will be ugly.

"I'm just about to say that, and the strength between the pillars is the strongest among us, and it can also help Qin Ming get a better spirit ring!"

"Alright, go talk to the pillars!"

When dealing with business matters, Zao Wou-ki was still very concerned, and went to the pillar room after leaving the office.

Not long after he returned to the dormitory, he heard a rapid knock on the door. Only Zao Wuji was the only one who could knock on the door like this.

"What's wrong, Lao Zhao, I still want to sleep!" He rubbed his dim eyes between the columns and yawned.

"Go in and say, go in and say!" Zao Wou-ki directly entered the dormitory between the pillars, and the pillars shook his head and closed the door.

Sitting on the chair between the pillars, rubbing his face with his hands to make himself a little more awake, "Lao Zhao, what's the matter, so anxious?" ok composition network

Zao Wou-ki also said with a little joy: "Qin Ming broke through to level 30 this morning. The 13-year-old is really good at level 30!"

The sleepiness between the pillars disappeared instantly, "That's a good thing, but I have to help him find a good spirit ring!"

Zao Wou-ki patted the table, "I'm going to tell you about this. Both Flanders and I think you take Qin Ming to be safer!"

He took a bite between the pillars, "I thought what was going on, don't worry, it's on me!"

Shijian himself takes things very seriously, not to mention his own students, how can he not care.

"That's good, just to tell you that this kid Qin Ming is the most genius in our academy in these years."

Zao Wou-ki then left without disturbing Zhu Jian. After all, he still had a lot of business, but he couldn't keep chatting with Zhu Jian.

There is no sleepiness between the pillars now, and now that he has learned of this, the pillars also intend to make plans as soon as possible.

"Go and see Qin Ming first, I didn't expect this kid to give me a surprise!" The pillar room changed his clothes and left the dormitory.

The student dormitory and the teachers' dormitory were not too far apart, and they walked there soon, and the pillar room came to Qin Ming's dormitory and knocked gently.

"Is Qin Ming here?"

"It's the voice of the teacher between the pillars!" Qin Ming in the room heard the shout between the pillars instantly.

"Come on!" Qin Ming hurriedly opened the door and saw Zhu Jian standing outside the door, and hurriedly said hello to Zhu Jian: "Hello, Teacher Zhu Jian!"

Between the pillars, he touched Qin Ming's head with a smile, "That's a good kid, Teacher Zhao told me about you!"

Qin Ming was also a little embarrassed, "In fact, it's nothing!"

For Qin Ming's attitude, Zhu Jian was very satisfied, he would not make progress without being public, he has a good talent and would not look down on students who are weaker than him.Of course, almost all Shrek collects are small monsters, but the talents of monsters are also different.

"Yes, you have reached level 30, so you should prepare a little bit, and I will take you to get the spirit ring tomorrow!" There is nothing behind the pillar anyway.

"Really? Okay, I'm going to clean up and salute!"

"You don't need to bring too many things, just a few essentials!" The column gave a hint.

"Understand the teacher between the pillars!" Qin Ming's voice can clearly hear a hint of excitement.

"Tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the morning, gather at the gate of Shrek Academy!"

"Good post teacher!"

The pillars also looked at Qin Ming with relief, "Take a good rest, and stay in a good state tomorrow, I won't bother you!"

Afterwards, the pillar room left, and he didn't need to worry about the rest, and Qin Ming could take care of it himself.

It has to be said that these highly independent students are good, so that teachers can spend less time to teach, such students will be more comfortable to teach.

There was no idle between the pillars, he had to prepare a little, and he had to consider a few alternative spirit beasts.The Star Dou Great Forest is very vast, with various types of soul beasts and many options.

"The spirit of that kid Qin Ming is the fiery wolf. The focus should be on speed and attack. In terms of attributes, he can start with a spirit beast of the fire type!"

Speaking of fire-attribute spirit beasts, Zhujian felt that it would be rare to encounter them at the periphery of the Star Dou Great Forest, and more likely to be deeper.

The depths of the Star Dou Great Forest are also slightly drier, where fire-attribute spirit beasts are more likely to gather.

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