The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 255: The Beginning of Hell Training

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Qin Ming is such a humble character, without a trace of pride or complacency.

"Qin Ming, what kind of spirit abilities have you received this time?" Zhu Jian was more concerned about whether Qin Ming's spirit abilities were the same as his own guess.

"Teacher Zhujian really made your guess. My third spirit ability is to strengthen my own spirit ability, called Youyan Crazy Wolf!"

"What is the specific effect?"

Qin Ming thought for a while and said, "Let the teacher take a look at it personally, it's more intuitive."

After that, Qin Ming roared: "The third spirit ability, Youyan Crazy Wolf!"

In an instant, Qin Ming's body was covered with purple-black flames, and a giant wolf full of purple-black flames appeared behind him.

"This is my third spirit ability. It can transform my original flame into a ghost, and the attack can also cause tearing damage. It's just right for my wolf claws!"

The tearing damage fits Qin Ming's martial arts very well. The sharp wolf claws can be combined with the tearing soul ability, which is full of lethality.

"Very good, this time it was not a small harvest!" Zhujian was also happy for Qin Ming.

"The teacher between the pillars has another effect, that is, my speed will increase by 20% in this state, and I have the ability to fly briefly!"

Between the pillars also felt a little unbelievable. I didn't expect this ghost fire bird to be so simple, it even provided Qin Ming with such a powerful spirit ability!

It is equivalent to the current Qin Ming's anti-air capability is not weak, as expected, he did not come in vain.

"The ghost fire bird is more or less tainted with the blood of the ghost fire bird, it is also a very precious soul beast, and its ability is mainly in attack." Huang Luoyu also explained the ghost fire bird clearly and specifically.

"In that case, what abilities should Blazing Bird also possess?" Zhujian couldn't help but guess.

"Yes, the blazing bird's ability is just the opposite of that of the ghost fire bird. Their ability is biased towards assistance, which is to increase their own defensive power. If an attack method is required, the ghost fire bird is particularly suitable as Qin Ming's spirit ring."

Zhujian has also been taught, although he has quite a bit of research on spirit beasts, but the knowledge is endless and it is impossible to learn it all.

"So that's the case, thanks to you let us know a lot!" Zhu Jian looked at Huang Luoyu with a grin.

Huang Luoyu couldn't bear the smile between the pillars a little, as long as she saw the smile between the pillars, she blushed a little.

"Since the spirit ring is also obtained, then we won't bother!"

Although Huang Luoyu wanted to say something, when he reached his lips, it became, "Well, I also need to finish the remaining blind date."

"Then see you if you have a chance. If you want to see me, you can go to Ulchiola first. He will help you to contact me, or sometimes I will come. I need your help for some knowledge of soul beasts!" Big white teeth bared between the pillars and smiled happily.

Afterwards, in Huang Luoyu's unwilling eyes, Qin Ming disappeared into the high-temperature blazing woodland from a distance between the pillars.

Huang Luoyu stared at the direction where they were leaving between the pillars. After a long time, she shook her head. She couldn't stay indulged in this way. She still had things to solve, and it was not impossible to see.

The pillars led Qin Ming steadily towards the Star Dou Great Forest, and in the middle of the pillars asked Qin Ming about participating in the Soul Master Competition.

"Qin Ming, the Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition held every five years will be held in half a year. Do you have any ideas about participating?"

"Well, it only takes half a year. Will my level be..." Although Qin Ming wanted to give it a try, he thought about it, his current spirit power is only level 32, how much can he increase in half a year?

Between the pillars, he could see what Qin Ming was worried about and rubbed his head, "What are you doing so much, it's good for you to participate in these competitions more!" 360 Literature Website

"But will you embarrass the college?" Qin Ming asked with some worry.

In this case, the pillars also laughed happily, "How can you worry about such a problem, there is anyone in Shrek Academy that can't be lost, and this time you are going to participate in the individual competition, you don't need to participate in the college team competition!"

"Teacher between the pillars, do you mean to let me fight for myself?" Qin Ming somewhat understood the meaning of the pillars.

"You also know that the other students of our Shrek Academy do not have your talents, so I can't train them to look good in half a year. After five years, they will definitely graduate!"

Qin Ming was a little touched, what this meant was that the teacher between the pillars was going to make a small stove for himself!

"If you have the idea of ​​participating in individual competitions, I will develop a hell-style training package for you in the next six months. Of course, if you are, I will customize some additional content for you."

The pillars changed the way they used to be amused and looked at Qin Ming with a very serious expression, "Do you have this idea?"

Since there is such a good opportunity in front of him, he would be a fool if he didn't seize it. Qin Ming wouldn't let go of such a good opportunity, and he agreed without even thinking about it.

Whether it was for the Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition or not, he would cherish this opportunity, and he would become stronger only after he lays the foundation.

"Teacher between the columns, I am willing to follow you in hell-style training!"

Qin Ming's eyes and tone were very firm, he didn't feel a bit of perfunctoryness from it, he was completely determined, "Very well, I will make a training plan for you when I return to the academy!"

Qin Ming couldn't help but be curious about the training he would experience in the future. No matter what kind of training it was, he would definitely have to suffer anyway.

Qin Ming had been prepared to endure hardships long ago. He still remembers the scenes of the battle between Teacher Zhu Jian and Feng Youming.

It can be said that the idol that Qin Ming worships now is Zhujian, and he has regarded Zhujian as his goal in his heart.

"Teacher between the pillars, I will definitely become a soul master as powerful as you!" Qin Ming summoned up the courage to say this, and there was still a blush on his face after speaking, and he could see that he needed great courage.

The corner of his mouth curled up, and he patted Qin Ming's back suddenly, "This is a good thing, you must be able to have this kind of motivation! Since this is the case, start the basic part of training now and keep running at full speed. , Stick to Shrek!"

You must know that they have not left the Star Dou Great Forest and rushed to Shrek Academy at full speed. It couldn't be easier for the pillars, but it was indeed difficult for the current Qin Ming to complete it.

But this is how cultivation works, how can you become stronger without breaking through your limits?

"Understood, teacher between the pillars!" Qin Ming increased his speed instantly, his whole body was covered with spirit power, and he unconsciously used the teaching method between the pillars.

"Then start!"

The leader between the pillars ran to the front first, and Qin Ming behind him gritted his teeth after seeing the sudden increase in speed between the pillars.

Of course, the pillars wouldn't be able to make things difficult for Qin Ming. They were exercising and not running better. He only needed to set the speed just a bit faster than Qin Ming.

This can always set a goal for Qin Ming and give him greater confidence and motivation. It is similar to setting a small goal first, which will definitely increase confidence after reaching it.

Zhu Jian knew very well that under normal circumstances, Qin Ming couldn't hold on anyway. In the mode of running with spirit power, the consumption of spirit power was extremely huge.

Therefore, the purpose of this exercise is to exercise Qin Ming's willpower, as long as he persists to the end, he will definitely break the limit.

"Teacher, I will definitely not let you down!" Qin Ming's heart is also extremely firm, and he has never left behind after following the steps between the pillars.

This is just the beginning, and the more difficult the stage becomes, and the stage that tests the willpower the most.

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