The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 256 Breaking Through the Limits and Increasing Soul Power

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Unsurprisingly, Qin Ming really couldn't hold on after only one-third of the distance.When heading to the Star Dou Great Forest, Qin Ming took a few breaks between the pillars.

Now Qin Ming has been running at full speed. Although the speed is indeed much faster, his endurance has dropped significantly. Up to now, he has just run out of the Star Dou Forest.

Looking at Qin Ming who was panting, he asked between the pillars: "How about Qin Ming? Can I still insist on the afternoon?"

"Of course it can!" Even though Qin Ming couldn't support it anymore, he didn't give up at all.

Seeing such a determined Qin Ming, Zhujian smiled with satisfaction, even though Qin Ming was already weakened, he still did not shrink back, and still worked hard to implement the promise he just made.

At this moment, Qin Ming's spirit power in his body has been completely exhausted, and now he is simply running on his exhausted body, and is also pulled down a lot by the pillars.

Without accelerating or slowing down between the pillars, he was still thinking about running ahead, but this gave Qin Ming a goal.

Qin Ming's vision had begun to blur because of the exhaustion of his soul power. He could only watch the blurry pillars keep pulling apart, further and further away from him.

"Can't just give up like this!" Qin Ming bit his tongue tightly, and the intense pain made him awake a lot, otherwise he would really faint because of exhaustion of soul power.

At this time, the voice between the pillars came, "The soul power is exhausted, just continue from the body, the human potential is very high!"

Qin Ming understood in an instant. It turned out that he had always had a huge misunderstanding. He thought that exhaustion of soul power could only be recovered through rest. The point between the pillars gave Qin Ming a new path.

Qin Ming hurriedly tried the method suggested between the pillars, but it didn't go well at first, and the feeling of weakness in his body filled his whole body.

But Qin Ming didn't give up, but kept trying to continue to extract the soul power from his body. Finally, it seemed that a certain restriction was opened.

The soul power was extracted from his body again, which surprised Qin Ming. Although he still didn't understand the principle, he was confident that there was absolutely no problem.

Looking at the pillars ahead, Qin Ming immediately speeded up to return to the initial state, and followed closely behind the pillars.

"Teacher between the columns, I have followed!" Qin Ming said firmly with a face.

"Good job, remember this feeling, there should be one or two more after that!"

At this speed, it only needs to be refined twice at most to reach Shrek Academy.

In this way, Qin Ming's guess behind and between the pillars was good, and his spirit power was exhausted twice, but the spirit power was extracted by the same method.

Because the speed of the two is much faster than before, the time used is far less than half of the time.

From a long distance away, Qin Ming saw the gate of Shrek Academy. At this moment, there were a little tears in his eyes, it was not easy!

"Very well, you can stop and eat this!" A black granular pill was thrown at Qin Ming between the pillars.

Qin Ming swallowed it without thinking, he believed in the pillar, so he didn't hesitate at all.

After swallowing it for a while, the spirit power in his body had been restored to half, but Qin Ming discovered some abnormalities.

The soul power of the half of his body now even surpassed his previous soul power, that is to say, the soul power in the body now is twice that of before.

"Teacher between the pillars!" Qin Ming looked at the pillar with surprise, as if he wanted to know why.

Zhujian looked at Qin Ming with a smile, and said, "Actually, this is easy to understand. The human body contains infinite potential, but many people have not fully realized it. When the soul power reaches its limit, it will give a person This feeling of weakness will confuse many people’s cognition." Shuxzy Novel Network

"But no one knows that as long as you continue to explore your potential and break through this layer of restriction, your body will adapt to a high limit and naturally become stronger."

The column is also a clone of Rota. Naturally, I also know that when I participated in the kilometer long-distance race, the slow one at the beginning was exercised by this method, and finally the endurance and speed were improved.

Put it into the world of Douluo and use it, the effect is so remarkable!

Although Qin Ming's soul power level is still 32, his soul power far exceeds the soul power possessed by a 32-level soul master, which has surpassed that of a soul master of the same level.

"Teacher Zhujian, as a result, my spirit power will increase!" Qin Ming also looked at the Zhujian happily. If this were the case, then he could endure such hardship.

However, this method is not endlessly usable, and will reach a limit, but this limit has never been reached.

"The attitude is good, but it will become more and more difficult to break through the limit. After all, your body's upper limit is constantly increasing, and the difficulty is naturally not as easy as it was at the beginning."

Qin Ming had prepared for this a long time ago, "I know Teacher Zhujian, I will do my best!"

While talking, Zhu Jian and Qin Ming came to the gate of Shrek Academy, and Li Yusong was still lying lazily on the chair.

"Old Li, can you enjoy yourself today?"

Li Yusong heard the question and quickly opened his eyes, "Between the pillars, I came back in just one day. The speed is really efficient!"

Zhujian and Qin Ming set off in the morning, and the sun is still setting now. Some of them are very efficient in seeking truth from facts.

"Qin Ming, you should go back to the dormitory and take a good rest. I have been tired for a day too!"

Qin Ming nodded and left after saying goodbye to Li Yusong and Zhujian.

After Qin Ming left, Li Yusong began to inquire, "Hey Zhujian, what kind of spirit beast's spirit ring did you get this little monster this time?"

"The spirit ring of the ghost fire bird, the year is 2000!"

"Ghost Firebird, I haven't heard of it...Wait...what did you say? How many years?" Li Yusong wondered if there was something wrong with his ears, and heard the words 2000.

"2000!" He said solemnly between the pillars, and Li Yusong affirmed that the number he had heard was true.

"Are you crazy? Between the pillars, leapfrog absorption, in case something happens, it will be a big loss!" Li Yusong shouted excitedly.

The column was also stunned by the sudden shout, and rubbed his ears with his hands, "Don’t worry, it’s okay to have me here, you can rest assured! By the way, I have to find Flanders!"

The pillars just chatted with Li Yusong a little bit, and amidst Li Yusong's scolding scolding, the pillars said goodbye to Li Yusong.

After leaving between the pillars, Li Yusong also sighed, "This guy between the pillars is really...Although he is the strongest in the academy, he is too crazy."

Outside Flander's office, he knocked on the door between the pillars and went straight in. This is also where he and Flander are more familiar, and he doesn't need much lock-up etiquette.

Flanders, who was reading the newspaper, glanced at the pillars secretly, "The pillars are back, what is your harvest today? Your efficiency is a bit too high!"

Flender was also a little surprised at the speed between the pillars. Obtaining the spirit ring is a big deal, and it should not be treated carelessly.

"You and Lao Li said the same thing. Is the speed really so fast?" He didn't care about it, and drank after making a cup.

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