The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 257 Flanders, Have You Seen The Big Punch Fist

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Flander looked at the unmoved appearance between the pillars, and said unhurriedly: "It will take at least two days for other college teachers to lead the students to obtain spirit rings. You might as well go to the Star Dou Forest. , I went back the same day!"

Between the pillars burst out a few laughs, "Flander, so you are worried about this, but I don't think it's anything, this time Qin Ming has gained a lot!"

Seeing that the appearance of the pillars did not seem to be a joke, Flander said, "Oh? What kind of harvest it was!"

"I won't say anything else, just say that the third spirit ring I found for this little monster Qin Ming this time is 2000. Are you afraid!"

Flender closed his eyes and snorted, "Afraid? How could I be afraid? A mere two thousand..."

Flander seems to have realized something. If he heard it correctly, what the pillars just said was correct for two thousand years, right?

"What the hell is 2000? Why didn't you say it?" The pillar raised his eyebrows with a laugh, as if he was teasing Flanders.

"It's crazy enough. Don't you know the ten core competencies released by Xiaogang? It is clearly mentioned that the upper limit of the third spirit ring is only 1700, so it is so bold."

There was a sudden reprimand between the pillars, and he dug out his ears with his fingers. He was just yelled at by Li Yusong, and now it is Flanders again, why everyone is so fussy.

"Do you not trust my strength? All these fuss are so much!"

Flender's eyes suddenly became sharp, "between the pillars, you are very strong, we all know this, but how can Qin Ming compare to you?"

Between the pillars is a little confused, with you, is this saying that Qin Ming can't do it, don't you have any confidence in Qin Ming?

"Flander, I have to trust Qin Ming, I can promise!"

Flender almost didn't fall down, "Zhu Jian, do you have any understanding of what I said? I mean to protect Qin Ming and not deny Qin Ming's ability!"

"Oh! Good, I'm so good at reading and understanding!"

"What do you understand? Between the pillars, I'm talking to you very seriously. I must take it seriously!"

Forget being trained, get trained, Zhujian doesn't bother to talk with Flanders, anyway, she is good at convincing people with force.

"Okay, Flanders, put this topic aside first, let's talk about the Continental Advanced Soul Master Competition in half a year!"

Flender heard the mention of the Soul Master Competition between the pillars and immediately looked at him with an unbelievable expression, "You don't want Qin Ming to participate, do you?"

"As expected of Flanders, I guessed it right away!"

"Shrek's academy doesn't even have enough places for the Soul Master Team Competition. You told me to participate in the Soul Master Competition?" Flender made a funny expression on your face.

A finger stretched out between the pillars and shook it left and right, "Flander, have you forgotten? The Continental Advanced Soul Master Competition is not only a college competition, but also an individual competition, which can still represent the academy."

"Do you mean to let Qin Ming participate in the individual competition?" Flander touched his chin. With Qin Ming's strength, he could actually participate in the individual competition, but the college competition was impossible.

"That's right. With Qin Ming's talent, he can definitely shine in individual competitions, and Shrek will follow suit!"

I have to say that the words between the pillars really moved Flanders a little, so you might as well give it a try, and you won't lose anything anyway.

"There is no problem with the individual competition, but you have to protect Qin Ming's safety!" Flander's words already agreed to Zhujian's proposal.

"No problem, this kind of thing must be covered by me. In the next six months, I will carry out hell-style exercises for the students, and of course I will give special training to Qin Ming separately, so you should not interfere."

Flender laughed, "I can't ask for you to have such an idea, but it must be moderate, but you can't overdo it!" Qusoshu

The pillars smiled and agreed, "No problem, I have my own measures."

Now that the matter is settled, the post can just ask some digressions, "Speaking of Flanders, what were you looking at just now, with such a serious expression?"

"Oh! You said this, you can see it!"

Zhu passed the newspaper that Flander had handed over, glanced roughly at the content on it, and the corner of his mouth curled up. It turned out that Ulquiola was about to start the final battle.

"This is a big event, presumably it will be very lively in the Boundary Canyon!" Shijian sighed, he had already known about it.

"It's more than lively, I have a hunch, this battle is definitely the biggest battle in the past 100 years, alone to challenge all the soul masters of mankind, and settle all grievances, this courage is simply terrifying!"

What Flanders said is indeed reasonable. Ulchiola is a soul beast in the eyes of outsiders. When facing a soul beast, human beings will be in awe of the same enemy, and they have already put themselves in an extremely dangerous situation.

It's a pity that Zhujian didn't worry at all, Ulqiola's strength was not something that these people could shake, unless all members of the Spirit Hall participated in the battle, of course Huang Yuan was excluded.

"Ulqiola is a map cannon that covers almost the entire continent. It is estimated that many spirit masters have already set off for the Boundary Canyon!" Zhujian speculated.

Flander suddenly hugged between the pillars, "Are you interested in seeing this heroic battle? This has epoch-making significance."

However, there was really no interest between the pillars, and it was a battle that ended up nicely. To put it more truthfully, it was a battle of abuse of vegetables, which was the battle of melon cutting vegetables. It was really meaningless.

With that leisure time, he might as well take the students to train!

"Sorry Flanders, I'm not interested in these things. I think it's more worthwhile to hurry up and give students special training!"

Flender sighed and looked at the pillars, "Well, Zao Wou-ki and my teachers are all very interested in this battle, so..."

Between the pillars seemed to be aware of something, "Emotions are what you think. I didn't expect Flanders to be so cunning."

"Hey, how can it be said that I am cunning? Didn't I ask you just now? I can't help you if you volunteer!"

Between the pillars walked in front of Flander, stretched out his right fist, "Flander, what do you think this is?"

"Have you seen fists hit like sandbags?"

"Hey, hey, don't say that but just do it...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

After a scream, one of Flanders' eyes was already swollen, and the pillars were about to push the door.

Before leaving between the pillars, Flender specifically warned: "Next time you take students to obtain spirit rings, remember not to exceed the limit. It is very dangerous."

Turning his head between the pillars, he hehe smiled, "Okay, next time...not necessarily, four-eyed owl!" After speaking, he closed the door instantly, leaving only a stunned Flander.

"Among the pillars, what are you special about!" Flender sighed, covering his eyes.

The swollen eye circles were still a little painful, and he regretted that he had caused the inter-column. Although the inter-column was really good-tempered, he must not go too far in everything. This is the lesson.

The pillar room came outside the student dormitory and told the other four students about the special hell training that would be arranged later.Qin Ming had already enlightened, so he didn't need to bother.

These students were far from Qin Ming's talent and consciousness. After hearing the hell-style training, they all screamed, "No!"

"Qin Ming didn't even call, can the four of you fight for some anger! All in all, I have already greeted you, and have a good rest tonight!" After speaking between the pillars, he left, leaving only four people to wait. Stand in place.

They looked at Qin Ming's room, "We can't be compared by Qin Ming, isn't it just hell training!"

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