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Even if the strength of the Human Face Demon Spider was very strong, it couldn't break free of Tang San's shackles for a while.Sure enough, just like the chicken soup that the master said, there are no martial arts spirits, and there are spirit masters who are also waste.

Although the Lan Yincao Martial Spirit is not one of the most useless martial arts in everyone's eyes, even a Martial Spirit like Lan Yincao has its own characteristics.Although a single blue silver grass is weak and small, the gathering of many blue silver grasses can still cause huge obstacles to powerful soul beasts.

What's more, Tang San's martial arts spirit was not simply Blue Silver Grass, but the King of Blue Silver Grass, the Blue Silver Emperor.It's just that Tang San doesn't know it now.

Even if the Human Face Demon Spider was struggling frantically, but the speed at which Blue Silver Grass made up the vacancy was so fast that it couldn't break free for a while.

Tang San spent all his energy on controlling the Human Face Demon Spider, and he had no other thoughts to worry about offensive issues. Everything was up to Dai Mubai and the others.

Dai Mubai led Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing toward the Human Face Demon Spider, shouting loudly: "You can't waste the opportunity that Xiao San made with his best efforts to attack its abdomen with the strongest strength."

The White Tiger King Kong Transformation continued to strengthen for a long time, and Dai Mubai didn't need to use it again, so he directly began to concentrate his spirit power on his right fist.

Xiao Wu's spirit abilities are more inclined to assist her offense, and she just twists her body and kicks it swiftly.

Zhu Zhuqing shouted coldly: "The first soul ability, the nether stab! The second soul ability, the nether hundred claws!"

The Human Face Demon Spider also saw the three of Dai Mubai attacking him, but it was completely unable to defend it now, and could only force the three of them to attack.

The Human Face Demon Spider stopped struggling and gathered all its strength on its abdomen, ready to resist the combined attack of the three.As long as it resists the combined attack of the three, it is bound to attack them frantically.

Dai Mubai's right fist shining with golden electric lights slammed the human face demon spider's abdomen violently, and Zhu Zhuqing didn't know how many times he grabbed the human face devil spider's abdomen.

Although Xiao Wu was just a plain whip leg, she had already covered her leg with a layer of armed domineering.Xiao Wu's domineering leg directly kicked the human face demon spider's abdomen into a depression, and the powerful impact even pushed the human face demon spider out.

Tang San also loosened the blue silver grass entwining the human-faced demon spider. He had to reserve some spirit power to deal with the sudden danger.

Tang San swallowed Xiao Ao's soul power sausage, and instantly felt that the soul power in his body that was about to bottom out had recovered a lot.At this moment, Tang San also experienced the importance of a food type spirit master.

"Xiao Ao, what a great help!" Tang San secretly thanked Oscar in his heart, and then he cast his gaze on the human face demon spider who was kicked away in the distance.

The Human Face Demon Spider broke a big tree, and its belly turned up in the sky. Obviously, it was another great opportunity.Tang San was not good at judging whether it was true or not this time.The attack made by the three of Xiao Wu was indeed strong enough.

Without waiting for Tang San to think about it, Xiao Wu once again rushed towards the human face demon spider with his stomach up, this was a good opportunity.

When Xiao Wu approached the Human Face Demon Spider, the Human Face Demon Spider who was lying motionless on the ground suddenly stood up and spewed a purple spider web.

The speed was very fast, and when Xiao Wu was about to be trapped, Xiao Wu's figure disappeared instantly, and the purple spider web was taken into the air.Ten meters away, Xiao Wu's figure suddenly appeared, but now Xiao Wu was also panting slightly. The sudden attack by the human face demon spider just shocked her.

"If it weren't for being too ridiculous, it would have been a human face demon spider!" Xiao Wu thought inwardly, and her body returned to Tang San and the others.

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu worriedly, only to breathe a sigh of relief when he found that Xiao Wu was not injured.

Tang San touched Xiao Wu's head with a petting look, and whispered softly: "Xiao Wu, don't be too impulsive, I don't want you to be hurt. You must protect yourself, and then I will let this human face Devil spiders look good, leave it to me!"

Xiao Wu didn't gnaw, but just blushed.Dai Mubai looked at Tang Sangang who wanted to ask if he wanted to help, and happened to see Tang San's murderous eyes, causing Dai Mubai to swallow what he wanted to say back in his stomach.

Tang San now feels terrifying to him, so he shouldn't talk too much.

The pillar sitting on the branch also sensed Tang San's sudden change, and couldn't help but smile, "Oh, it seems that the rumors are true. As long as Xiao Wu encounters danger, Tang San will explode. Virtual!"

Zhu Jian completely saw the scene that had just happened. Although Xiao Wu avoided the surprise attack by the Human Face Demon Spider, such a move definitely annoyed Tang San, there was no doubt about it.

"It seems that this is a bit of a good show, Xiao San should be able to show off his operation!" said Zhu Jian with relish.

Tang San stared at the human face demon spider who had readjusted its posture in the distance, with a cold and strong killing intent in his eyes.

The moment the Human Face Demon Spider stared at Tang San, Tang San moved, and the Ghost Shadow Lost Step was activated, and Tang San rushed towards the Human Face Demon Spider like a ghost.

The Human Face Demon Spider looked at Tang San, who was erratic, and didn't know how to do it. He had to tentatively spray out a few venom.

Unsurprisingly, all these clusters of venom were easily escaped by Tang San, or the Human Face Demon Spider was not accurate at all.

Seeing Tang San gradually approaching him, the Human Face Demon Spider was also annoyed. It was tricked when confronted with two people, and even slumped when facing two people. Now there is only one person and it hasn't gotten a good head. .

However, the anger of the Human Face Demon Spider seemed so insignificant in front of Tang San's killing intent. Tang San once again easily avoided the spider silk and venom sprayed by the Human Face Demon Spider, and directly reached the body of the Human Face Demon Spider with a sliding shovel. under.

All this happened quickly, and the Demon Spider with Human Face had no time to react, so he could only watch Tang San slide towards him.

Tang San's mind is now full of killing intent on the human face demon spider, and he directly took out the hidden weapon that he had prepared from the twenty-four bridges and the moon night, Zhuge God Crossbow!

Not only that, Tang San directly summoned a spirit that he had never used, the Clear Sky Hammer! Since his father told him not to reveal this spirit easily, it means that this spirit must be very powerful. Tang San just took it today. This human face demon spider tried the water.

Although the Clear Sky Hammer did not have any spirit rings, Tang San felt a heavy weight the moment he held the Clear Sky Hammer, and then Tang San exhausted all his strength, hitting the human face with a hook from the bottom up. On the belly of the magic spider.

The huge power even shook the human face demon spider into the air, but before this was over, Tang San calmly aimed Zhuge God's crossbow at the flying human face demon spider, and pulled the trigger three times.

Forty-eight crossbow arrows penetrated the human face demon spider's abdomen effortlessly, and even the powerful thrust of the crossbow bolt pushed the human face demon spider's body upward for a certain distance.

The human face demon spider that flew into the air finally stopped struggling, apparently completely losing its life.Tang San stepped aside, watching the human face demon spider hitting the ground, the evil spirit in his heart finally came out.


A purple spirit ring appeared on the human face demon spider's body, and Tang San didn't even think about it to start to absorb it.Even if this spirit ring has exceeded the absorption limit of the third spirit ring, he still has to try.

Tang San believed that this human face demon spider would definitely surprise him.

The pillars watching the battle also clapped involuntarily, "It's finally over, it's very awkward to want this human face demon spider!"

As long as this human face demon spider didn't make a surprise attack on Xiao Wu, he wouldn't have died so miserably. Sure enough, sister control is not easy to provoke!

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