The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 458 I am here, you guys panic!

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Now that Tang San had begun to absorb the spirit ring, there was no need for the pillars to stay on the tree to watch.Although this little guy also has the blessing of Qi Luck, after all, this is a leapfrog absorbing spirit ring, he still has to pay attention.

Xiao Wu and others had already come to Tang San's side to protect him, even though they were worried about Tang San in their hearts, it was Tang San's own choice after all.This is the end of the matter, they can only choose to believe in Tang San!

"The age of this human face demon spider has exceeded the absorption limit of the third spirit ring. Will the third brother encounter any danger?" Oscar asked with some worry.

He felt a little strenuous when he absorbed the 1700s Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb, not to mention that Tang San was now absorbing a human face demon spider that had exceeded the limit for hundreds of years.

The other people couldn't answer Oscar, they also had the same concerns as Oscar.They have never experienced this kind of leapfrog absorption.

"Don't worry, Xiao San will be fine with him. You have to believe him! What's more, I'm still here, he can't have an accident." The voice between the pillars behind him slowly sounded.

The words between the pillars are like reassurance, so that everyone no longer has to worry.

"Yes, the teacher between the pillars is also watching, there should be nothing wrong." Oscar said comfortably.

Xiao Wu stared at Tang San intently, seeming to cheer him up silently.At this time, trust is far more useful than worry.

Zhu Jian: "Since Xiaosan has chosen to absorb this human face demon spider, then he must be prepared, everyone must have confidence in their companions!"

This remark awakened everyone, and everyone nodded and said: "Yes, Xiaosan is a member of Shrek, so there is absolutely no problem."

After calming everyone's emotions between the pillars, he looked at Tang San silently, ready to help at any time.After all, he didn't know if the plot would change. Although Tang San wasn't on the brink of desperation as before, he wouldn't have much problem thinking about it with his extraordinary spirit and will.

As time passed, Tang San's sweat on his forehead grew more and more, and it fell to the ground along his cheeks.

Obviously, Tang San had reached the most difficult time now, as long as he survived the catastrophe, he should be considered a success.Simply speaking, only Tang San knew how huge the test he faced at this moment.

"Sure enough, this spirit ring that exceeds the limit is not so easy to absorb, but in order to become stronger, I have to stick to it for Xiao Wu. Isn't it just a spirit beast of more than 2,000 years, I will also absorb it for you." Tang San's heart It is like a steel fortress, indestructible.

After that, Tang San's frenzied spirit power finally subsided, and the corner of his mouth curled up, "It looks like it should be a success!"

As Tang San's breath gradually stabilized, the spirit ring was completely integrated into his body.

Tang San opened his eyes lightly, and said somewhat collapsed: "Everyone, I successfully absorbed..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang San couldn't help but planted to the ground, Xiao Wu quickly supported Tang San with his eyesight and hands, and whispered softly in his mouth: "Brother, great..."

Everyone was very pleased after seeing Tang San's success, and they all wanted to take care of Tang San.

At this moment, Tang San's back suddenly stretched out eight blue-purple spider legs, just like the human face devil spider.Suddenly, everyone in Shrek didn't react at all, they were recruited!

Because they subconsciously used their arms to resist, the spider's legs scratched their arms.

"Back! Xiao Wu, don't move around for now." The pillars quickly issued instructions.

Dai Mubai and others quickly moved away from Tang San after receiving instructions, fearing that the spider legs on his back would continue to attack them.

"Boss Dai! Look at this wound, it's a bit purple, isn't it poisonous?" Ma Hongjun exclaimed.

Hearing Ma Hongjun's shout, everyone looked at their wounds. Just as Ma Hongjun said, the wound was obviously purple and black, which was clearly a sign of poisoning.

They all focused their attention on Tang San. If it weren't for Ma Hongjun's discovery, they didn't know that they were also facing a dangerous situation.

Dai Mubai said calmly, "Don't use spirit power, otherwise the toxins will spread faster. Everyone, eat the detoxifying sausage that Xiao Ao gave you before!"

In this crisis situation, everyone acted very quickly and quickly took the detoxification sausage.

But the result was not satisfactory. The purple-black toxin still spreads along the blood vessels, and it seems that Detoxification Dachshund cannot deal with the toxin of the Human Face Devil Spider.

Seeing the worries of everyone, they clapped their hands between the pillars, "Don't panic, everyone, I'm not in a hurry, what are you afraid of?"

Hearing the words between the pillars, everyone in Shrek also reacted.Yes, the teacher between the columns is not in a hurry, why are they anxious?

"Teacher, do you have a detoxification method?" Ning Rongrong asked expectantly.

The pillars nodded kindly: "Of course, you don't have to worry about this. Before entering the Star Dou Great Forest, I considered this situation, so you don't have to worry. You stand still and don't walk around, I'll help you detoxify!"

After talking about the pillars, first came to Zhu Zhuqing, who was closest to him, with one hand on her injured arm, and whispered, "Quickly, rest assured!"

Immediately afterwards, the soul power containing rich life energy burst out from the hands of the pillars and instantly suppressed the toxins. Under the action of the soul power between the pillars, the toxins were eliminated in just 3 seconds.

"Well, your toxins have been cleaned up."

In this way, the pillars detoxified Shrek and others in turn.After the toxins were cleared, everyone looked at the pillars and their faces were wrong again.

They originally thought that the teacher between the pillars had prepared some detoxification drugs, but in the end he used his soul power to detoxify.This also made Shrek people a little curious, how much of the ability of the teacher between the pillars has not been revealed.

Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and Oscar knew that the pillars could help people recover from injuries, but they also didn't know that the pillars could detoxify them. Today they are the first time they have seen the ability of the pillars to detoxify.

"Well, the toxins in your body are gone, and the wounds should have recovered, so don't be so alarmed." The column smiled heartily.

After speaking between the pillars, he looked at Tang San. Tang San had already lost his strength and passed out, and the eight spider legs behind him must have been unable to retract by himself.It seems that he must rely on his own external force to help him withdraw it.

After a little analysis, the pillars walked towards Tang San slowly.Unexpectedly, the spider legs seemed to perceive the approach between the columns, and the four spider legs facing the direction of the columns pierced directly into the columns.

"It seems that subconsciously, Tang San still only allows Xiao Wu to approach him alone!" Just a look at the pillar and the doorway.

But how could this little spider leg stop the space between the pillars, the space between the pillars came to Tang San's back. This position was the dead angle of the spider leg's attack, and then he slapped Tang San on the back.

Powerful spirit power erupted between the pillars and directly forced these spider legs back.Since these spider legs are subconscious, they will shrink back as long as they use the power that makes them fear.

These eight spider legs should be the spirit bones that Tang San had obtained, but he still couldn't put them away freely, so it's better to temporarily seal them for safety.

Zhu Jian cast a small sealing technique on Tang San's back, it wasn't too strong, it was just that it could seal these spider legs.

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