The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 459 It turns out that all I met before were Caibi!

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"In this case, there should be no problem!" After sealing Tang San's spirit bone between the pillars, he transferred some spirit power into Tang San's body to help him recover as soon as possible.

Tang San himself was just letting go, and now he had the spirit power between the pillars to assist in the recovery, and soon he woke up.

Tang San slowly opened his eyes, looking at Xiao Wu's anxious face, Tang San stretched out his hand and gently touched her face: "Xiao Wu, don't worry, I have recovered!"

"Well, brother, I believe you can do it!" Xiao Wu also gently supported Tang San.

Tang San stood up slowly, looking at everyone with a shame on his face, "Sorry, I just made you worry!"

Dai Mubai also smiled happily, and stepped forward to touch Tang San's chest with his fist: "Hey, why are you polite here? Everyone is brothers. What can you tell me?"

Ning Rongrong also smiled and said, "Yes, third brother, don't care too much."

Seeing everyone's understanding, Tang San also smiled in relief.

"But, don't you feel any changes in your body?" Dai Mubai asked with some confusion.

Tang San carefully felt the changes in his body, feeling that there was something special on his back, but he couldn't say what it was.

"There are indeed changes. I feel that there is something more on my back, but I can't tell what it is, it feels like more hands and feet." Tang San said uncertainly.

At this time, Zhujian said: "Haha Xiaosan, you feel good. How to put it, your luck is really not poking! This time it can be said to have picked up a big bargain."

Tang San asked curiously, "Teacher, what do you say?"

The pillar raised his eyebrows, and slowly said: "This time you leapfrogged the human face demon spider and got a big treasure. You got a soul bone."

"Soul bone!" everyone exclaimed.

The pillars nodded affirmatively: "Yes, it is the soul bone. To know that the soul bone is a treasure that all soul masters are greedy, needless to say how rare it is. In order to obtain a soul bone, many soul masters hunted an unknown number of souls. Beast. For this you can imagine how lucky you are!"

"Not only that, your spirit bone is not a normal spirit bone but an attached spirit bone."

"External spirit bone! Is this also a type of spirit bone?" Tang San looked at the pillar with the same curious look.

"Yes, every soul master can have six soul bones. Everyone should know these basic knowledge. The external soul bone is an additional soul bone, which allows the soul master to have seven soul bones." Tao.

After listening to Zhujian’s explanation, Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows and looked at Tang San: "Luck is fine, please go back and have dinner!"

Ma Hongjun also echoed excitedly: "Yeah, yeah, your third brother is so lucky. You have ordered this meal. I will definitely run out of your wallet."

Tang San had no doubt about Ma Hongjun's appetite, and he begged for mercy, "Is the school cafeteria okay?"

"No! You must invite us to eat in Soto City!" Ma Hongjun immediately rejected Tang San's proposal.Even if the food in the restaurant in Soto City is not as good as the canteen of his academy, the purpose this time is to make Tang San show some "blood"!

"All right, I'll treat you, then you can eat whatever you want!" Tang San had no choice but to agree.

"Speaking of Xiaosan, what is your third spirit ability?" Oscar asked aloud.

"Yes, yeah, let us see your third spirit ability." Ma Hongjun also looked at Tang San excitedly.

"Well, well, let you take a look at my third spirit ability. Boss Dai can trouble you to cooperate with me."

Dai Mubai's fighting spirit was also high. He straightened his sleeves and said to Tang San, "Okay, I want to confront you again. You were a great soul master before, and now we are all souls, and we can have an open fight. It's a duel."

Tang San didn't reject Dai Mubai's proposal either, he just wanted to try his current combat power.

Since both sides have the same wishes, it happens to be a friendly match.

The pillars stepped forward and said: "Okay, then I will be the referee in this game, and I will mark the reconciliation first."

Tang San didn't understand what a seal of reconciliation was, and asked, "Teacher, what is this seal of reconciliation?"

Between the pillars he gestured to Dai Mubai, and Dai Mubai explained aloud: "This is a gesture of friendship taught by the teacher, and it's done in this way."

Dai Mubai gave everyone a demonstration, which was a simple teaching.

Tang San also put on the seal of reconciliation and held Dai Mubai together, and slowly said, "Please enlighten me, Boss Dai!"

Boss Dai also responded: "Please!"

Seeing the two sides finished the seal of reconciliation, the pillars also announced: "Tang San, you can't use those hidden weapons in this duel. You can only use spirit abilities and the special skills you have trained. You can't use spirit bones either. I'll give them temporarily. You blocked it."

Tang San said how he felt an inexplicable discomfort in his back. It turned out that the teacher between the pillars had sealed his soul bone, so he was relieved.

Standing between the two sides, the pillars waved from top to bottom: "The test begins!"

"Dai Lao is big and small, my spirit power can have level 32 now." Tang San reminded Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai didn't mean to despise Tang San at level 29, let alone Tang San who was now at level 32.Tang San seemed to be five levels lower than himself, but Tang San's methods were too many, and he would suffer a big loss if he didn't pay attention.

Dai Mubai showed a twelve-point spirit right from the beginning of facing Tang San.

"Little San's attacks are varied, especially Blue Silver Grass is unpredictable. It's better to strengthen yourself first."

Dai Mubai used the first and third spirit abilities afterwards, "White Tiger Bodyguard! White Tiger King Kong Transformation!"

Feeling the aura of Dai Mubai becoming stronger, Tang San also felt a pressure, but when a single control type spirit master faced a single assault type spirit master, most of the winners were control type spirit masters.

"The first spirit ability, entanglement!"

Several blue silver grass vines quickly entangled towards Dai Mubai, Dai Mubai did not dodge, it was just a mere blue silver grass, he could easily tear it apart.

Just when Dai Mubai was about to break with force, he suddenly remembered that Tang San's second spirit ability was parasitic. If he forcibly broke these blue silver grass vines, he would definitely be contaminated with blue silver grass. Middle Tang San's second spirit ability.

After thinking about it, Dai Mubai decided not to resist, he had to change the method.What's more, the teacher in the column is always teaching himself, not only rely on force but also brain power when fighting.

Facing Tang San's undefeatable attack, Dai Mubai chose the long-range attack method.

"Second spirit ability, Baihulie Lightwave!" Dai Mubai flashed aside and roared a golden thunder light wave at Tang San.

Dai Mubai's sudden movement of Baihu Lie's light wave surprised Tang San. He thought that Dai Mubai would directly tear the blue silver grass with his strength, but he didn't expect him to switch to a ranged attack.

Seeing the approaching Bai Hulie Lightwave, Tang San could only dodge.Naturally, Tang San dodged and couldn't control the Blue Silver Grass to track Dai Mubai. Dai Mubai was slightly better at the first step of the confrontation.

Dai Mubai's first move to dissolve Tang San didn't surprise Dai Mubai, because he knew that it was almost impossible to avoid being touched by Blue Silver Grass, at least for him.

The effect of Dai Mubai's first strike was entirely due to his failure to play cards according to common sense. Tang San would definitely be wary of this in the future. It would not be easy to maintain such a balance.

At this time, Dai Mubai finally understood what he had taught himself between the pillars.At first, he sneered when he heard that Zhujian said that the control system spirit master was troublesome, but now he understood the reason why Zhujian said so.

He had dealt with many control type spirit masters before, but it was he who won, which made him think that it was no big deal to control type spirit masters.Now he knew that it was not that he was too strong before, but that those control system spirit masters were too good.

A slight encounter with a mindful control system spirit master, such as Tang San, can force himself to be helpless!

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