The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 463, Soul Bone Perfect

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Under the leadership of Ulcheora, everyone came to the square of the vital village. See Ulci Ola, everyone stopped.

"... Tang three ... Next, I will help you ... Let you and your soul bones ... Of course, there will be some pain ... I hope you stick to it ..." Urchiola friend reminded it. .

The so-called squirrel, simple meaning is to let the owner of the soul bone with great power, under the action of the pressure, the soul bone will produce a higher level, so that the soul bones can be perfectly integrated.

At this time, there is also a mouth: "Although there is a small three, you have to experience this test!"

"Hey! No!" Ma Hongjun directly held his head and a self-acceptance.

There is a tone of the column, playing the horse Hongjun, a cerebona, seriously asking: "Hongjun, if you want to be a mortal, then you can choose to stand behind me, do not participate in this trial. If you choose to escape the test Refining, the future you and the other people in the Shrake College are no longer the same as the same passerby! "

The column is gloomy, looking at Ma Hongjun with sharp eyes: "I have given you, how can I choose to see you!"

When the column was long, I would like to talk about Ma Hongjun. After this time, he found that Ma Hongjun exposed many shortcomings.

Ma Hongjun is ashamed, and the remembering the teaching of the start of the post, as well as helping him solve the side effects of the martial arts, he also feels that he has a nearby movement of the column.

Soon, Ma Hongjun raised his head, why there is God's eyes straight to the line of sight, firmly replied: "Teacher, I know my own mistake! Please ask the teacher, I will not look at it. I will not The same problem is made. "

Ma Hongjun has made a lot of guarantees between the column, and Dai Mu Bai and Oscar don't feel strange. Only this time, they also looked at Ma Hongjun surprised. Now, Ma Hongjun seems to have changed in their eyes.

Oscar is uncertain, wearing a white shoulder: "Dai Boss, do you feel that the fat man seems to have changed, I have a strange feel."

Dai Mu is nodded, "Yes, I think so, maybe it is fat to wake up!"

Looking at the horses and smiles in the column. For the other hand, Ma Hongjun did not dare to look at himself. Now Ma Hongjun is not loving with himself, and there is no short quilt, indicating that he is really awakened.

"Very good, then accept the test with everyone!" The column gently pushed Horse Hongjun and gave him more encouragement.

The alone saw that Ma Hongjun has had a variety of transformation through a doctor.

Seeing Ma Hongjun, Ulciio said faintly: "... Ready ..."

Shirake and others breathed a breath, and the same channel: "Ready!"

The Tang San is the first place in the first place, and it is very strong to look at Ulciola. He has been prepared, and he and his companions will be tall without ending from the test.

Ulci Ola did not start testing when he was preparing in Shrak, but stared quietly. Shrek is tough and swallowed, and now the test has not started, they already have a feeling that can't help.

However, their hearts are very clear, now this is the quiet, the truly test has not arrived.

Urchiola felt almost, then reminded: "... you ... true trials began ..."

Just finish in Urcheola, the color of the world began to die, gradually became black and white, and there was no life.

The powerful spiritual pressure that is like a nuclear explosion is burst from Urcheola's body, and it is completely swept the whole member of Shrak.

At a moment of pyramid eruption, the eight spider spear behind him directly broke through the seal of the column stretched out, with the help of the eight spider, and Tang San can reluctantly keep standing.

Dai Mu and others were overwhelmed directly on the ground.

"Well, I feel like a big mountain pressure!" Dai Muhu wanted to make himself up, but he could not do it anyway.

"Is this the strength of the strongest of the starry forest?" Dai Muhu did not imagine how the Urchiola had a combat power. To know that they are now only suffering a pressure! It is just that the pressure is so powerful, and Urchiola combat strength is just thinking about it.

Dai Mu Bai is a strong attack of the soul. In the case of a few people outside the Tang San, it is the strongest physical fitness, even if he can't stand more, don't say other people.

Dai Muhu looked at Tang three supported in front of him, and I also got a good heart, "I can't do it, this guy can stand up, I have to stand up."

Dai Mu Bai bites a tightness, shouting hard: "White Tiger Jin has changed! White Tiger Ages!"

Under the increase in Soul, Dai Mu made a leg with a powerful will force, followed by slowly, and finally stood up. Such a simple action, Dai Mu has already taken the whole force.

Dai Mu looked at Zhu Zhuqing after the eyes, she was completely moving on the ground. As the Sensit Attacks, Zhu Ziqing's physical fitness and you can't compare, she should not stand up by himself.

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhu, who was squatting, Dai Mu, also a distressed, but now he is still difficult, as long as he is relax, it is likely to be pressed again.

"Zhu Qing, come on!" Dai Mu has only silently praying for Zhuzhu Qing in his heart.

Confused Tang San, the eight spider spears behind him were bent down by the powerful pond, and I could be broken in an accident. However, the Tang San is happy is that under the role of Ulchiola strongly, he is proficient in the control of the eight spider spear. It seems that the eight spider is the same as your own hands!

Tang three is secretly imagined: "I feel a little bit, and I can completely master the eight spider forever for a while!"

After a while, another picture stood up, turned out to be Ma Hongjun. Dai Mu was glanced at Ma Hongjun, and he said: "It seems that this guy is finally awake!"

Ma Hongjun felt the eyes of Dai Mu, it was also difficult to put a smile, it seems to say: "How, I will not keep it!"

Dai Muhu also was also a happy horse Hongjun, although he also loves to bully the fat man, but it is all playing.

The alone on the side is also incompetent, especially when I see Ma Hongjun's move, the column is not helpful: "It seems that this guy finally decided!"

After a long time, Oscar and Ning Rong have helped each other, and even Zhu Ziqing has talled most of his body with his strong willpower.

Tang Sanye feels the bienling spear on the back, and finally find a feeling. Tang San's eyes are condensed, and the eight spider spears are gradually straight, leaving only two spider legs to support the ground, and the remaining six spider legs are all toward Ulciola.

Ulci Ola saw Tang San's move, and it is also the spiritual pressure that has been built, and there is no slim water.

"... it seems ... It seems to have been successful ..." Urchiola said faintly.

It can manipulate the eight spider spears to make such actions, and it is clear that Tang San has mastered the eight spider spear, that is, the eight spider spear has been fit with Tang San.

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