The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 464, old flowers

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"Thank you for your predecessors, Tang Success is grateful!" Tang San was regained a gift to Urchelora.

Ulgela is still flattened to Tang San. It is not awkward: "...... Win ... It is also a worker to stop ... Now you should not appear ... I can't control the soul bones ..."

Tang San tried to control the eight spider spear, and the niphica spear is like a hand and feet, and some difficult moves can be made.

I have to do this in this step. I have lost the help of Urcheola's seniors. Tang San once again expressed his gratitude to Urciio.

Ulciola poses: "... well ... Since your soul is already fit ... You will take a break early ... I let your hand go to the room ..."

However, Tang San remembered that the little dance was also turned around in the village village, asked: "Seniors, my sister she will hang in the village village will not cause trouble?"

Ulci Ola shakes his head and slowly said: "... don't tighten ... Anti-virtual night village is safe ... don't worry ..."

Although Tang San is still a bit worried, since Ulciola said so, he believes. After all, like the power of Ulcheora, there is no need to lie to him so little farter is not?

The little dance at this moment has gone with his mother, and the two talks very much, and the little dance tells her mother to hear some of these years. If you don't accidentally, she should be treated with her mother today.

After Ulcheora left, a few times suddenly appeared, and they set out in Tang San to the ready room.

After arriving in the room, everyone was shocked by everything in front of him, and the decoration in the room was extremely expensive, and the emperor's bedwood did not bless.

"My God, I can still live in such a room, Oscar, I will see if I don't dream?" Ma Hongjun glanced, staring at the room.

In the face of Ma Hongjun's request, Oscar naturally won't refuse, he also wants to know if this is dreaming. After Ma Hongjun issued a painful scream, he was determined, he didn't dream.

After all, Ning Rongrong was born, and she had a lot of rooms, her home is almost arrangement. She is the most normal in front of the room.

Looking at the shocked Oscar, Ning Rong Rong is also helplessly shake his head. He can't help but worry. If you see some big scenes, you will be scrambled, definitely not admitted by your father and two grandpa, still let him Long-term knowledge.

"Okay, everyone chooses the room, it is not early, everyone will take a break early!"

"No teacher!"

There is not much staying between the column, and it is directly turned away. This group of guys don't need to be engaged in their moments, not to mention in vain.

"... Settlement of these little guys ..." Ulciola appeared in the column, gently asked.

There is a nodding between the column, "Yes, when the teacher can be very tired. But can teach some students who satisfied with the fun!"

Ulci Ola is cold: "... You are more like a babysitter now ... I have no ninja to the god of Ninja ... There should be a look ..."

The column is also a smooth smile: "Hahaha, don't say this, let's try our best to play your role! It's hard to let me go to the casino gambling hundreds of thousands of gold soul coins?"

Ulciola is silent, "... ... you are still your nanny ... Yes ... Bi Ji seems to be ... Do you want to get together ..."

When the column, I laughed and said, "That is natural, how can such a good opportunity?"

"... Let's go ..."

Ulciola has come to an chic room with a column, and Series and Bi Ji have already waited for a long time.

Two women saw Ulciola came in and also got up, "So ink is not as you, our wine is ready!"

"Don't mind, I am a guy who eats and drink!" The column immediately following Ulciola entered the room.

The color of the Bi Ji is surprised, soon, it will restore normal, and said: "That is natural, the wine friend is naturally, the better!"

Three soul beasts a human party, in other people, this is not a normal thing. In the virtual village, this thing is the most normal, but

Bi Ji has a small mouth of wine, and it is said: "If you drink this, you should only do it! Now think about it is also unbelievable ..."

The column is refreshing: "Miss Bi Ji, there is nothing to think about, mainly adhere to his inner thoughts, nothing is successful. Is this not what you want to see?"

Bi Ji smiled and smiled. The lips of the slightly pose were more beautiful, she gently said: "Yes, this kind of thing is easy to say. It is difficult to do. And you have the same opinion. Very few. The soul beast is also the case ... "

The column does not seem to say: "I don't have the teacher, so you can teach them to them, let the future people change the inherent opinions. Step by step, the soul beast is not you? Well!"

The face of Bi Ji has some red rush. I don't know if I drink it, I still listen to the column. It is also whispered: "The room, you can see me too much! Now the soul is not too peaceful, Say, do you know that emperor? "

The inter-column is thinking, nodding: "I have heard of it, it is said to be a very powerful soul."

Bi Ji listened to the evaluation of the column is also a bit helpless. It can be called very powerful soul in front of you!

However, Bi Ji will not entangle this kind of little thing, then say that God said: "The king of the dragon is said to wake up, no one knows what the king will make what initiatives in the situation of human beings and souls."

The column is not thinking, it seems to hear the emperor when the body is chasing prison dragon. It should be that the emperor said that it should be this!

Looking at a little worried, Ji Ji, the block is in the stretch: "Nothing is worried, take a step, you can do it, and we!"

Bi Ji wants to think about it. Here is a lot of reliable help, sessia, red lotus and red refining, and unbeatable columns and Urchila.

Thinking of this, Bi Ji is also soothless, it seems that she is really worried.

The Bi Ji face re-exposed the smile, and said the wine glasses: "Take a step, now there is no need to worry so much! You don't talk about those things!"

The first tooth respond between the column, "this is right, the party is to be happy."

During the entire party, chatting has always been a column and Bi Ji, Urchesio is a person silently taking beautiful wine. Those is not to participate in the discussion because of the time to pay attention to the Wushuola.

Looking at Ulcheora cold quiz, Seli Yas is also a little speechless: "Wow ~ Silent Urchiola is too handsome, too temperament!"

Ulgela is also aware of Sheri Yas to hook his eyes, opening: "... Surreya € ... What is it on my face?"

Surreya seems to have not heard Urchiola, looking at him from a self.

"... forget it ..." Ulciola is also too lazy to gather Raya, and Sherlai is not once twice.

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