The road to play from Douluo

What happened in Chapter 465?

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The cheerful time is always very fast, and there is an early morning in the eye. Although the column did a lot of wine last night, but the strong recovery, let him not drunk.

Today, I also called Tang San in the morning. They still have to return to the college and need to depart as soon as possible.

When they got up in the column, when they got up, Xiao Dance was also happy to be around, and greeted to the column: "The master teacher, good morning!"

"Is a small dance, what is it last night?"

The little dance is listening to the column, I understand what, smile and answer: "Thank you for your care, I have been very happy last night."

Since the coat is a friend of Urcheola, I know that some things about myself have passed.

On the occasion of the small dance and inter-column, Tang San and others have come out. Seeing the first eye of the little dance, Tang San is completely safe.

"Little Dance!"


The little dance directly rushed to the arms of Tang San, tightly holding Tang three, Tang San is also happy to hold a small dance.

Seeing this situation, Dai Mu did not consciously relying on the direction of Zhuzhu Qing. Oscar itself is standing with Ning Rong, looking at the jade hand around the people, a look that I want to take care of it.

Ning Rong Rong had long noticed Oscar's entanglement, helplessly sighed, took the initiative to take the Oscar's hand, by the way: "It is not as good as a boy!"

There is only a horse, Hong Jun, who is still standing in the field, in this case, he seems to be a little. The column is also unavoidial, and the horse is Hongjun comes to stand together.

Ma Hongjun saw that the post was abounded to himself. That was tears and ran over, shouting in the mouth: "Teacher of the column, I crack!"

The column is touched, and it is encouraged: "Hongjun, don't be discouraged, the teacher believes that you must be! As long as you practice, you must find the other half of your hit."

This is also a good reminder to Ma Hongjun, if Ma Hongjun is still a lazy look, then the last tragedy is still repeating.

The column has been reminded that it is still in place, and there is still the hard work of Ma Hongjun. There is only one teacher's obligation, and now he can look at Ma Hongjun, but after graduation, the column is not obliged to stare at him.

Ma Hongjun sobbed some nodded, looked at the interrogation: "Teacher, do you have any way you can change!"

The column is a moment of petrification. It seems that Ma Hongjun's sense of consciousness is not deep! Why just want to have a handsome, don't want to be strong! It seems that you still need to continue to instill some soul chicken soup.

The hands of the column and the face of Horse Hongjun, and looked at him seriously. The word said in a word: "Hongjun, do you know what kind of boys like girls like?"

Ma Hongjun shook his head, and his mouth was vague: "Teacher, I don't know ..."

"Since you don't know, then I will tell you what kind of boys like girls like! Do you think Tang San, Dai Mu? What is the difference between you?"

Ma Hongjun didn't want to reply: "They are handsome!"

"..." There is a silence between the column, and then give him a cerebelow, "Handsome handsome, they are stronger than you, this world is not seeing the skin, the strength is the last word. They are only born!"

"Ah, this!" Ma Hongjun felt that the column was quite reasonable, except for the last sentence.

The column is holding the horse Hongjun, looking up, looking at the sky, looking at the long way: "Hongjun, have you heard a sentence. Good-looking slum of thousands of articles, interesting souls, one! Handsome, is really not important, important Your own personality. You are handsome now, then find breakthroughs from strength and personality. "

Ma Hongjun was very "touched", full of tears and looked at the column. It is very gratified to comfort him. But comfort is comfort, can you don't say such a truth! What is handsome, you can't help ... Although you may really don't come here ...

However, the chicken soup of the column is not a bit, and Ma Hongjun is also carefully considering the suggestion of the column. Exclusions that the sentence is not comforted, the remaining part is still very reasonable.

Strengthening him to get, interesting personality should also do, so far he also teasing a lot of girls happy. These two require a problem for him.

Ma Hongjun wiped his tears and replied firmly: "Teacher, I know! Thank you for your teachings, I will work harder in the future."

"Well, I am optimistic!" Although there was such an answer on the surface, he was ready to prepare. Go back to the chef of the cafeteria and let them help me with Ma Hongjun.

After a short louder, the altitude looked at the neat seven people, whispered: "If you are ready, then let's officially start!"

After that, under the leadership of the column, the Shraki and a party stepped on a return.

After leaving the column, the buds of the king dance mother and Sita appeared in the gate of the virtual night village.

Seorada was stamped with his elbows, and asked the gossip: "How, the kid, the kid, what do you think?"

The little dance mother nodded with satisfaction, looked at Thite, "I think it is very good. I didn't see something else from his eyes, some were just the true heart of the little dance."

"Yeah, it seems that the karaoke has found the other half of the relying on it." Serould arrived.

The little dance mother looked at Sita, and she didn't seem to think about it. It was also hitting: "You also have to work hard, chase Mr. Ur, still did not catch it!"

"If you want you!" Tse Raiao looked at the little dance mother, although it was a truth, but this is a little uncomfortable from the little dance mother's mouth.

"It's good, I don't say it! You have done your own, don't let others be pretreated." Xiao Dynasty left behind him.

Time swayed in the afternoon, the Shrek College Gate, the seven gaspy figure slowly came, and it was Tang San one.

Ma Hongjun slammed the waist, there was an angry and powerful Tucao: "Teacher ... You are too cough ... The light is to run all right run, but also give us a pressure!"

The column is a surprising look, and it is funny: "No, Shrek's genius does not even end the training,"

Ma Hongjun did not talk, and the rest of the six people didn't want to take a column. If you travel to the starry big forest, you will speak some people's love, and the training of returns is that a little thing is not talking, and the devil training will walk.

The incident suddenly, Shrek did not have a psychological preparation.

The column is not intended to tell the name of the chicken soup: "You don't know too little! Human can have the limit, you want to get the power of the human limit, you must surpass humanity. I have trained like this. It is also for you! "

The uncomfortable people were trained at all, they didn't care about the columns, and they only want to go straight to the dormitory.

The grandfather of the door looked like a student with the old dog, and he looked at the column and asked: "What happened?"

There is just a smile: "Nothing, it is simple to train!"

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