The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 466, you are coming

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Li Yuxiang also looked with Tang San and others. The column usually looks an amiable person, but as long as it involves things related to cultivation, he seems to have changed a person.

"On the column, what kind of training you have done, how is it like this?" Li Yuxong pulpted the throat water.

There was a scratching head and smiled and said: "Nothing, just let them exercise with the percentage of the perpetration."

Li Yusong is also a look, so explaining things. Don't say that these little guys are, even the soul of the soul he can't bear the pressure between the column.

"Cylindrical, do you let them run back from the stamping big forest? You are really harsh."

The column is a smile to answer the way: "Don't worry, I will give them the appropriate pressure that it is definitely adjusted, this inset I still have."

After the column and Li Yusong left a few words, he left, and only went to Fland's office.

Just when I want to knock on the door, I only heard the lazy voice of Flanders: "Go in, don't have to knock!"

The column is also rushing to push the door, and the situation is sitting down by the sofa.

Fland turned and looked at the sitting posture, the casual room was also sighed. He knew that the column is like this, how to say it is useless. Fland is not very much about this little thing, sitting opposite the column, slowly asking: "What is going on smooth?"

"That is nature, I am going to horses, you can rest assured! Not only is going well, those little guys have gone."

I heard the excitement in the column tone. Fland was also hooked, watching the column road: "Oh? What is it makes you surprised? Why don't you say it?"

There is also no appetite in the column, and the things have been told him directly.

Flanders listened to the story of the column, and the eyes were not flashing in the eyes. When I heard Tang San not only absorbed the soul of the soul, and after got a soul bone, Fland's face became completely.

He taught for so many years, or the first time I met such a enchanting student like Tang San, and the feelings on the face were even more incredible.

"I have got the soul bones in a human face of more than 2,000 years. This luck is simply against the sky." Fland has not slowed the god from shock.

Even if it is strong, it is not so easy to have a soul bone. The soul bones are obtained by hunting soul beast, the more the soul of the year is, the more likely to produce soul bones.

But this kind of thing is not absolute, some title Douro even hunting souls in order to get a soul bone, and the cost is not necessarily.

Such a comparison, the luck of Tang San is simply envious, and has obtained a polar and rare outer sheacher, and it is estimated that many people will be embarrassed by many people.

"Is there any kind of unacceptable feeling?" The post smiled and asked Fland.

Frand is also a person who has seen world, and heard such a thing is very shocking, but will soon recover the state.

"Just feeling some emotions, your students have got an opportunity, as a dean, I should be happy. I have learned that Xiao San, this child knows, he should not be the kind of person who will be more and more. But insure, you still have to pay attention Teach him not to be too proud. "

The column is calmly nod, "this is nature, I will talk to him tomorrow. Although the students are very rest assured, but what is not allowed, and it is better."

Flanders have seen too many dark aspects, and they seem to have a harmonious society, in fact, there are still many dirty places in the back.

If the Tang San has exposed the outside soul, it will definitely cause a lot of people's jealousy. What's more, some souls may even look at Tang San, and find a chance to strike his soul. This kind of thing is not not, but this kind of thing only happens in the back.

"Before the child has the self-insurance ability, try to converge some. If you can't or not, you can't use it."

"Fran, I will talk to him. I believe that child will definitely have judgments. Say, I don't know if you find it, Xiao Sany is very mature!"

Fland pushed the eyeglass, and he said, "I have long noticed this, and some of his sometimes don't seem to be a 13-year-old child. It is estimated that it may be related to family or experience! He is a smart Children, I believe you don't have to say more, he can understand. "

There is no doubt in the column, regardless of the appearance of Tang San, he is also a mentality of an adult. This kind of thing will pay attention to himself. What's more, the Tangmen he joined will also teach him some of the work methods.

Flander slowly took the tea and looked at the column and asked: "At the guy who attacked Ning Rong, when did you plan to send the seven treasure glazes? Shrek does not raise these unrelated personnel!"

The column is coming to find Fland and I want to tell him this thing. Since I was mentioned by Fland, it was just right.

"I also want to discuss with you. This time I will plan to give the guy to the seven treasures. During this time, the children's courses are responsible for you and Lao Zhao!"

Flander smiled and laughed. "This is not to say nonsense. After you leave, can you take this group of monsters with Lao Zhao!"

"It's also! Today, I gave the guys and gave those guys. It is estimated that I will have a psychological shadow tomorrow. So change the teacher is also a good thing for them, let them have a bit rare rest. Time! "

Frand put a pair of expressions I understood. It turns out that this guy is so planning.

However, Flander sighed and said: "Xiao just said that he will come to the Shrake College during this time, I don't know what kind of training he will give these little monsters!"

"If the theoretical master is coming, some chic training may be made. I am prioritizing the cultivation of personal physical fitness. His words should be trained from the team to cooperate with tactics!"

After listening to the analysis of the column, Fland felt very truthfully, according to his understanding of Yushu, the same as the alone.

"Then I estimate that guy may want these little monsters to exercise to exercise. Plus some of his strange ideas, it is estimated that the college has a less expensive expenditure." Fland is also slightly Helpless.

The column is still a look, and it is not a lot of money, "said Shrek's money, there is no need to worry. Even in the fight soul, these little monsters can make you earn a little. "

"It is natural to make money, but you don't know the master. He can be a blood book for his students. What's more, these little monsters are so high, and it is very huge for his appetite. Flanders feel full of emotions.

The column patted the Shoulder of Flanders, comfortable: "Take a step, anyway, you don't say this is what you brought the last student. There is no regret on these small monsters. ! "

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