The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 467 Column Spa Express

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"Yeah, I have been going to rest this year. I have a good time. I have to enjoy life is what I should do this age!" Fland lying on the sofa and sent an unlimited emotion.

The column is not very concerned, and Shrek is not said that only the college leadership of Flanders called Flanders, even if Fland retired, Shrek will not disappear.

"Just say so much, tomorrow, you and the monsters explain, I will pick up the packing and pick up tonight." The column left.

Flanders also want to say something, but found that the plots have gone, they have to speak from the language: "Pay attention to safety on the road!"

Flander came to the tea cup, slowly came to the window side, looked at the sunset in the distance, sighed: "How can I worry that the guy between the column, I think he is the biggest monster of Shilek students!"

It is preparing to return the room to clean up the box. I saw a pretty figure waiting for yourself, I didn't want the column to rely on the past.

"Luo Yu, how can you wait here, you can wait for me directly!" The interpretal is smiling.

The phoenix rolling down, and some spoiled: "People want to see you, who knows that your guy will go to Fland's office to go!"

Seeing the emotions of Huanglu Yu's emotions, the column is also a few times, and it is decisively recognized.

"Haha, this time is my negligence! Because this action is very smooth, it is not only Xiaoyu to win the third soul ring. Tang San and Xiao Dance are also promoted on the way."

Phoenix Luoyu also smiled and said: "Xiao Dance Nizi still uses it? Before 70, her soul rings can be condensed, but Tang San is really strong."

The column extends a finger to correct: "Not only that, the luck of the kid is also very bad. He not only absorbed more than 2,000 years of human face magic spiders, but also gain more cherished out the soul."

Phoenix Luoyu is slightly, she is also said slightly in the column, and then said: "If this is a long-lasting title, it is afraid that it is not envious of death."

Phoenix Lu Yu has seen some title to find a suitable soul bone for a few months, and the soul beast planted in the hands of those heads is unclear.

"Who said no, after all, the soul bones are too big to improve the soul, with the same level, most of the soul of the soul of the soul is to win the calculation." The column is calm.

Talking about the topic of soul bones, the Phoenix Luoyu is also silent, and the mood has little. Seeing the pair of phoenix, the block is also known, it is time to transfer the topic.

When the column is gently squatting, gently kneading her red hair, comforting: "Don't worry, I have no one can hurt you."

After the column is finished, the Phoenix is ​​quickly turned to the cheeks of the column. It is like a little bit of water.

"Alone, don't look at me, I am also very strong!" The Phoenix Luoyu smiled and looked at the column with gentle eyes.

The column is cool and happy, "I completely believe in this, I know your strength."

Phoenix Luyu picked his eyebrows, laughing and said: "Not bad! For you to pass."

The column is also loose, and the phoenix is ​​getting is getting scatcious, that is, sometimes it is quite needed.

"I said, I will go to Qi Baozong, I will go to the Qi Bao Glassman tomorrow. I will trouble you take pictures of those monsters. Teaching work I have already handed it to Frand and Lao Zhao." The column tells the phoenix. Lu Lu.

"Oh? Want to go to Qizaba glazes! Is it because of the last time?" Huang Luyu asked curiously.

There is a blink of the brain, "Yes, just this time to tell the training in this time, just send that person to the seven treasure glazes. Sure enough, the treasure glazed, the second big door, the second big door, naturally provoked Many hostile guys. This kind of thing doesn't need to be given to them. "

Phoenix Luoyu also understood the truth between the column, and the guys who love the wind will always recruit people. The too famous soul beast will also cause the attention of the human strong, and it is also very dangerous when there is no feet.

Talking, the sky is not early, and the Phoenix Luoyu farewell to the column and returned his room.

There is too much thing to bring too many things in the column, the only thing to prepare is to send the seven treasure glazes.

Walking and walking, the room came to the Haleke College's confinement room, and the scars of scars that were attacked by Ning Rongrong.

I heard the door of the closed room slightly hungly, the scar man also passed the line of sight. It should usually only have someone in the meal, and there should be no more people.

Now this is, some people come in, it seems a bit awkward! Thinking of this, the scar men gradually ignited hope, maybe it is his turn.

When they open, the fire in the heart of the scar is instantly turned into a bunch of ashes. The people who come in are the people who don't want to see this life. The monster that will abuse his psychological shadow is a general powerful, the column!

The scar man saw the first eye of the column and buried his head and didn't seem to think about it and the alone

Seeing the performance of the scar man, it feels quite normal, he is not afraid that he is a ghost.

Looking at the scars did not raise their heads. The column said it was self-sincere: "I will take you to the seven treasures of the seven treasures tomorrow, and how to dispose of you is a seven treasure glazes, and there is nothing in the Shlake College. Gu Ge. "

The scars have finally reacted, and they looked at the columns in horror.

If the scar is not finished, it is ruthlessly interrupted by the column. Looking at the scarred scars, the column said calmly: "You should be content, if you don't hear you and the seven treasures of glazing, I am on the spot Just solve you, how can you stay for so long? "

The scar man seems to be refurbished, but it is unfortunately to give him this opportunity, and a melon has bursted him on his brain.

"You seem to have a mistake, I am here to listen to you."

The inter-column is tiled, and the scar man is directly sealed.

There is a good time in the column, almost makes the guys you just wake up when you arrive in Seven Treasures.

The rest of the time, or let this guy old and old. The reel is then collected, leaving the left chamber.

On the next day, I just turned over the fish belly white, greeted the slowly rising township, stepped on the road to the seven treasure glazes.

"Where is this, where is it going?" I have been settled so early? "Li Yusong, who was watching the door, gave a hub, and hub.

Although Qi Bao Luzong has a very distant distance from the Shrake College, the speed of the column is not slow, as long as the full speed advances, you can reach the seven treasures of Liutong.

"Unfortunately, I don't have the speed like my own, or if it is efficient, it can be too much!" The column is also helpless, and then accelerates the pace.

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