The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 476 The game is about to begin

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"The room, his training plan is indeed a bit horrible. If you don't listen to you, I really can't believe it. The physical quality is important, but more still need the best configuration of the soul ring matching." Yu Yu Xiao just said.

At this time, Jade suddenly came from the casual discourse between the column, "It seems that I have come very hard, I am also ready to say to you, I didn't expect to happen."

"How come, Luo Yu is coming, is it finished?" Flanders were slightly amazed. From the standing room to Qibao glazes to come back, but the time for two days, efficiency is also very high.

"Yeah, I will listen to Li Yusong to Li Yusong in the first time. I will take a look at the game with Luo Yu." The room is cool smile.

Fland looked at Huang Luyu is also a bit surprised, and it is rare to see Luo Yu, it is really rare today. "

Phoenix Loufe replied with a soft voice: "Fland, you also know my character, usually only like to see the book, today is the monsters, nature is getting awkward!"

"It is also good, just let us also come to the strength of this group of small people!" Fran is happy.

Jade Xiao just added: "Bring a better than money!"

Flend was thundered by Yu Xiaogang, and the glasses didn't consciously slipped. He held the glasses to shoot Yu Xiaoang: "Xiao just, there is no need to say so straight!"

The column is not careless. In his opinion, Flander is the real Fland, in order to make money, you can make an advertisement on the student uniform, how can you care about this small matter!

"This seems that you have already said to them about the level of Grand Leek College?" The room saw Frand asked.

"Yes, as long as in the past, as long as the badge of the ginseng soul level in the fighting spirit is, it is graduated. Although it is just the third level, the rules of the fighting soul match players will not make wins so relaxed."

This sentence is right, Dai Mu is the highest level of seven people, the corresponding matching opponents is more difficult than others. The soul field will also be based on the situation of the players.

If a player is particularly dazzling, the soul spot does not mind to pack him into a star, so that both parties can achieve huge benefits, it can be described as two.

"They have already completed registration?"

"Yes, the little monsters have completed the registration of individual competitions and double teams. Now they are waiting for the battle, waiting for the room!" Frante leaned fingers a waiting room at the far away.

"Okay, I know! But see you, is it going to bet?" The column looked at Flanders with a smile.

"Hey, this is not guess. I am not sure, I am going to make a reference to me."

"This way, then you will go bet, let's take a look at the monsters." After the completion, he took the Huang Luyu walked to the waiting room of Shrak.

In the waiting room, Zhu Zhuqing quried the game of the game, she was the first time, the appearance of the appearance, but the heart is still a bit nervous.

In the face of Zhuzhu Qing's question, Dai Mu is naturally a question, patiently explains her about the battle.

Ma Hongjun was somewhat envious of Ning Rongrong and Oscar, mutter: "I really envy you, as a secondary soul, you don't have to participate in individual competitions, as long as the double game gets the soul badge."

Oscar looked at Ma Hongjun: "Okay, you can don't have acid, we have to have an attack!"

Ma Hongjun can't know this reason, he just envied it.

Just as the people of Shrake were very happy, the door of the waiting room was suddenly opened, the column and the Phoenix Luoyu came in.

This kind of sound naturally caused the attention of General Shrake, and they also shouted out the sound after seeing the block and the Phoenix, and they were all eager to say: "Teacher Huangli Yu Yu!"

"Haha, have you think of me?" The unfolded arms of the bike greeted Tang San, he had already prepared to meet the hug.

But the fact is sometimes very cruel, and the seven people are not alone and hug themselves. The column is also smiling. It seems that the devil training before you leave makes them a bit shadow.

Of course, there will be a little thing in the column, it is not a hug, this group of small guys still don't know how much. I saw that the posture of the Phoenix Luoyu, I didn't care about them, it seems that I am saying "I don't hold it, I hold me Lu Lu."

The words retired, Ning Rong Rong came to the front of the column, and his face asked nervously: "Teacher, Qibao glazman does not have anything?"

She heard the goal from Flandard, and things were also launched around her and her Zongmen, she is naturally concerned more than anyone.

The column reached out on the head of Ning Rong Rong, gently smashed, and said yang: "Don't worry, you have no things. Don't think that you forgot your two grandfather Are you in Qi Bao Glass?"

Ning Rongrong is also comfortable, since the column is said so, it certainly no problem. Grandfather and grandfather of swords are so strong, and there will be no things.

"You should have a good game, and other things don't need you to worry! This is involved in your graduation, you can't do it!"


Not long, there is a prompt tone in the broadcast: "Please do three or five combinations!"

Tang San and Xiao Dance are looking at it, saying to the coatings and others: "Then let's go to the game first, see!"

"Xiao San, Xiao Dance You Come on, the first game must give us a good head." Dai Mu waved his fist for them two people.

"Don't worry, we will win!" Said, Tang San and Xiao Dance have left the waiting room to start.

When I saw some few people, I asked: "Are you watching it here or go to the scene?"

"Our words are here, it is convenient for a while." Dai Mu replied.

In this case, don't say anything between the column, leaving the waiting room with Ho's Luoyu and walked to the audience.

"The room, in the room, the game is not very good, do you like to feel the immersive feelings?" Huang Luoyu asked.

There is a nodding in the column, and the shoulders of the Phoenix Luoyu: "Yes, since it has already arrived at the scene, why not take a look at it?"

This truth is also very simple, and the column is through the past people, thinking, and some of them are somewhat different. The previous world, those famous singers opened a concert or the sports star held a grand event, and the auditorium was almost unacple, which was enough to explain the problem.

People who love and lively have a lot in every world, and the game is more likely to drive the atmosphere. Waiting for the indoor broadcast is prepared for the players, the column is not a player, and naturally choose the scene to watch.

"Yes, there are two seats there, let's sit there!" The column refers to the seats that are not far from the front.

The Phoenix Louis smiled nodded and whispered: "Listen to you!"

The hands gently holding the Phoenix Luoyu's hand walks to the idle seating.

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