The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 477 Road narrowed brothers

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Just when it is planned to take a Phoenix Luoyu in the column, an extremely unhappy voice sounded.

"These two are my seats, who allows you to sit here?" Talking is a man with a long-awaited man, wearing a short shirt. The bare arms are very thick, and it is a practicing family.

After the bumpers took the Phoenix Luoyu to himself, she was completely guarded. Of course, this is not a danger of this guy in front of the column, but the action of our own consciousness.

Phoenix is ​​also a warm feeling, although her strength does not have to care about this man at all, but she likes to experience this protected feel.

"This gentleman is unreasonable. Don't say that this seat is not you, do you have two seats?" Is it a bit unique? "The column is still very peaceful.

"Hey, it seems that you are a bit uncomfortable. I need to take two positions in two positions." The man still said, there is no shortening.

The people around them have attracted their attention to the riots in the post, and they will see here.

The horizontal man is completely not in the eyes of the people, still said, "Some people in this world are can't afford, and they will roll."

To be said, the squid is sitting in the seat, and the two-arms of the Erlang legs are directly occupied.

Phoenix Loufe also patted the back of the column, in his ear: "There are two free seats, let's sit there."

I heard the Phoenix's words, smiling and said: "Well, listen to you!"

The column is also too lazy to meet with this special person in front of him, he doesn't want this to destroy your own good mood.

There is no man in the column and the men in front of you, and I will take the Phoenix Luyu walks toward the two empty seats just found.

A very horizontal man just didn't pay attention to the rush of the rock, all of them were on the column. Now he is eager to see the beautiful face of Hualuo Luoyu.

"This little girl is so beautiful ~" The man's eyes have emerged in endless, and he immediately got up.

On this side of the column, when he and the Phoenix were planned to sit down, the special man was sitting in the first step, and he had just the same posture, like a place, "Sorry, this position is also mine. ! "

When the column is cold, he is really angry with this guy in front of him, and the language is low. "Brother, are you doing this?"

"Meaning? Of course, it is too interesting. If you want to sit, it is not. How do you take your woman a few days?" The man is stretched with his finger.

The Phoenix Loufe also appeared on his face, she only felt that this man was talking to the man.

The man's move also attracted the dissatisfaction of the surrounding people, many people have discussed.

"Everyone is watching the game, you don't play it here!"

"Yeah, yeah, then we let the guards please go out. I really don't know how you came in this kind of person, there is no quality."

With the more and more voice of the squad, there is a unpleasant man on the face, and he stood up and sweeping the audience around him. He suddenly broke out his own quite ate soul.

The six soul rings are in turn, prove the strength of this man in front of him, he is a six-ring soul emperor. Although in front of the Toulo and the title, the soul is completely insufficient. But in this place in Soto, the soul emperor is already a very powerful existence.

Seeing the strength of the man showing strength, the sound of his voice is gradually disappearing. For a person who doesn't know, it is really worthless.

Looking at the people around him, I said that the man said the mouth is said to the column: "I saw it? This is the benefits of strength, I am talking about this place!"

When the column is usually converge with his own breath, it is because of his true strength, it is like a general person.

And this is also the bottom gas that is quite a man, and in his view, it is an ordinary person, and you can knead at any time.

Then, the man ignored the column, showing the voices: "Beauty, look at your current man, just like a seed. Look at me, not only powerful body quality is more than this soft egg much better."

Phoenix Loufe heard the words of the crucial man's mouth, and the eyes were full of disadvantages. She likes the column is not because of the strength of the column, nor because of him saved himself, she likes the people and character of the column.

I heard this rough person such insulting, the Phoenix Luoyu exuded a hot breath, as as an upcoming volcano.

At this time, between the column gently touched the face of the phoenix, gentle: "How can this thing make you do? This kind of garbage does not coerate your hand!"

The man is naturally heard, and the feelings are very unpleasant, and they look at the rows: "Little son, it seems that you don't have a heart without hell?"

The altitude is active, and it is a little bit: "Kid? You are true for the awareness of the strong. My age is enough when your father is, but I want to think that when your father is really true for me. An insult. "

The man is in an instant to anger by the tone of the column, and he is angry with the crowd.

"Today, I was originally a good mood to watch the game, but your appearance made me very unhappy. Are you ready?"

No waiting for the man's reaction, a boxing of the plummete is printed directly on his face. This boxing of this boxing in the column is not good for a punch.

The barbarriaries were played in the wall, and the hard wall was blown out under the huge impact of the huge impact, and the man was also a old blood sprayed out.

The man is embedded in the wall, where there is still the appearance of the arrogance, the whole person is unbearable.

The sound here has long causing the attention of the host. The host cuts the eyes and the lens to the altitude, and there is a word in the mouth.

"It seems that there is a small episode in our game, and you will wait a moment." Said, the host rides the flying soul tunnel to the column.

"What happened this gentleman?"

In the face of the host's inquiry column, there is no reason, and it is straight to the barbaries. After a few steps, the coatings broke out of the powerful soul, and the whole battlefield was shrouded for a while.

Many viewers' breathing has been difficult, they are just ordinary people, at all, don't live this.

The column slowly cleared the fist, went to the crucial man, gently sent the fist.

The inter-unsatisfactory fist in the column actually contains an unimaginable terrorist force. When the fist falls on the belly of the man, everything is so calm, it seems that there is no happening.

Just when everyone thought that things were like this, the emblem was deafening, and the wall of the Somalling Soul field was directly hindered, along with the body of the man's body for the dust.

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